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How many soaps are you watching now?

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I am currently only watching ATWT. I might add B&B again. Y&R I havent seen in about a month already. I could catch it on Soapnet but dont. The same goes for the ABC line up. AMC is in worse shape now with B&E writing for the show. I find it to a very boring show.

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I find it incredibly boring, too. Then the pace will pick up for like half an episode, and then we're right back to where we started. I don't even remember friday's cliffhanger. Very little is making me curious to see what happens tomorrow. The condensed 10 minute clips of ATWT's Luke and Noah have me waiting for more, more than any of the stories on AMC right now.

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I work from home as well. I've watched all the soaps currently on the air at one time or another... but as of right now, my list is: Days, One Life, World turns. (Which means my 2:00 hour is about to get really ridiculous) Days just 'cause it's my show, and one life because I'm really interested in where RC goes once he takes over... so I'll probably keep that on the list for a few months. And I have a history with World turns, and generally want to see it succeed, although I think people are giving Noah/Luke a little too much weight. Is it ground-breaking? Absolutely. Is it simple connect-the-dots formulaic storytelling as well? Absolutely.

I watched AMC for two weeks when the crash story started but haven't been able to keep up. And I watched the last two months of Passions just to see how they'd go out. GH, B&B and GL seem to be in so-so shape, and I wouldn't put any of them down - but nothing's really happening that's making me want to add another show to my list right now.

And I'm currently avoiding Y&R like it was the plague.

And there's my two cents.

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I've been watching all 9 shows since the start of this year. Now that Passions is gone from NBC, I'm watching all 8. Y'all better invest in a DVR.

OLTL is the most dissappointing because of untapped potential. The HW combo of Higley/Carlivati is WORSE than Higley's solo HW. OLTL has been in a steady decline since mid-March 2007. They need new additions to the writing staff. Asa's death SL,; however short term it was, was grossly over-rated. Is Elizabeth Page just a script writer, or is she helping Carlivati out with the stories? Should the show center around one person? Should it be Erika Slezak?

DOOL has improved, and with the addition of Scott, Saitta, Foster, Tate, Maxam & Smith (?), the show CANNOT afford to regress. The show's lost more than 1.2 million viewers (August 2003 vs. August 2007). Will more ex-colleagues of Sheffer & Scott be recruited? Talent should equal increased quality, and increased quality should equal increased ratings. "Should" being the operative word. How soon before DOOL hits the 3 million viewers mark? Before Thanksgiving?

Y&R goes threw minor ups & downs. They need new additions to the writing staff & as well more focus on the stories. The music needs to improve. If LML's health has declined, I really hope it improves- she's got talent. Her nearly six and a half million viewers are her job security.

ATWT is a mess. The Luke being gay SL is way too preachy. Stories are repetitive & character interaction is grossly lacking. They have good script writers. Why was Jeanne Marie Ford fired? Downsizing the writing staff is not a smart idea for a show that's lost more than 1.3 million viewers (August 2002 vs Augst 2007). The writers will experience a higher rate of burn-out. The cast deserves far better material than soap cliche-ridden writing. As Oprah says: A change is g'on come.

GH is the most enjoyable for me. Their scriptwriters are truly out of this world- especially Val Jean & Price. They need past actors/characters to elevate the quality (ie. Alexander, Sutton, Towers, Wagner, Herring, Lindstorm etc). A lot of missed oppurtunities occured. Case in point: February 2007 could & should have built the foundation of a multitude of stories tying GH to its past- the 1960s to 2002. No wonder they've lost 700,000 (August 2002 vs Augt 2007). They have no one else to blame but themselves for not surpassing B&B in the non-cable ratings. Guza's nearly five million viewers this past February are his job security.

B&B is a mess. With Ferri Esser & Alden on board, I was expecting much better writing. Mulcahey is over-hyped as a script writer. Case in point: Episodes he wrote in June 2007. What happened to David Shaughnessy? Did he quit/retire? The show needs a new central role: John McCook. Bradley Bell's brother is his job security.

GL is GL. Whatever that means. Downsizing the writing staff is not a smart idea for a show that's been in a precarious position for several years now. The writers will experience a higher rate of burn-out. A lot of missed oppurtunities occured. Case in point: The "Find Your Light" theme could & should have built the foundation of a multitude of stories tying GL to its past- the 1970s to 2002. The show has lost more than 1 million viewers (August 2003 vs Augst 2007). Kreizman's Emmy win is his job security. Since Bloom & LML are "friendly" (I don't if they are are truly friends or just colleagues), will more ex-GL writers join Y&R? If so, who? The show needs to recruit ex-actors to return like Aubrey Dollar. Why won't P&G increase GL's miniscule budget? Is it because of what Paul Rauch did with the help of Esensten & Brown? The only saving grace is the acting -some of them deserve a raise for turning mediocre into supreme. Don't forget: A vast majority of GL's cast loves Wheeler. She's what many would call an "actor's producer". Since Maureen Bauer is dead, who should be the show's central character be?

AMC is a mess. Esensten & Brown are undertaking what seems to be an insurmountable task of repairing the show, but have failed to even make a dent. A writing and acting overhaul is needed. Should the show center around one person? Should it be Susan Lucci?

Passions didn't ramp up their stories. It would've been a great way to return to their beginnings. Which writers will return to GL & DOOL? Watt?

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While I don't find it to be as much preachy, as it is stereotypical -- it's still true to life. I've been through pretty much a similar experience Luke is going through with Noah -- although, I have yet to try and turn a guy out as aggressively as Luke's trying to do with Noah. :P But, yeah. The storyline itself is annoying because of the Passanante mess. But I do enjoy the Luke and Noah scenes written by Peter Brash. Those have been rather dead on for me.

I agree. I, personally, think Thomson has promise, but I absolutely LIVE for an MVJ or MSP episode.

I hate to say it, but I'm a few feet away from being on your side with that assessment. I read a couple of B&B transcripts of episodes he's written (thanks to the FABULOUS Toups, I've been able to see who wrote what on various shows and read it "on paper" to get a feel for their words without the actors' voices), being that I started viewing GH after he'd left, so I never saw a Mulcahey episode...

I wasn't that impressed to the point where I thought he was this GOD OF SCRIPT WRITING that I had come to believe he was after all these years of praise. I'm not saying he's a bad script writer or anything like that, but the few that I've read didn't live up to all of that praise. JMO. I do respect him though because I've know for several years that he was key in creating the Carly character when she first came on GH.

The show needs to have interesting characters, heightened sense of urgency and stories where we are emotionally invested and care about what's happening to these characters. All people are doing these days is talking -- and talking about two things: The SAME thing, or NOTHING. Back in the good days, the show was an ensemble. These days, it's about the same five characters day in and day out.

And, I'm sorry, but I don't care about JR/Amanda/Hova. At all.

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7 years ago I would of said all of ABC and NBC soaps, but now ... ZIPPO - once or twice a week I'll turn DAYS on, but .. meh. The only one I'm interested in has 4 more episodes left and that's Night Shift. After 3 years on a comeback to watching GH, I'm not watching that either - time will tell if I'll comeback after NS is over. With that show I got tired of muting 45 minutes of it and enjoying the commercials more than the show itself. I have no desire to watch Sason win yet again. But I digress.

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