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AMC: Would you want Dixie back even though shes dead

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Yes I would want Cady McClain back as Dixie. NO QUESTION! That would probably be the only thing to get me back to watching AMC. But I do agree that along as Julie Hanan Carruthers is there, McClain won't be. ABC needs to fire JHC PRONTO and also get better headwritters, fire Essenstein & Brown.

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I would love for Dixie to come back. Unlike some, I don't have a problem with JHC. I think she's a very good producer and fits well for AMC. However, she has to carry out the orders of Frons and if he and McTavish saw no future for Dixie, then Julie had to let her go. I'm sure she fought tooth and nail for her.

And the last time I heard, Cady had no problem with Julie.

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I am no fan of JHC but was there a prob between her and Cady? so confused...

While I usually don't like major plot points, even bad ones (un-abortion) reversed I would happily go with a Dixie one for some reason--the death by pancakes hardly even felt real or like it had much of an impact with the characters on the show...

The show DOES need an EP with vision (is there no way we can get Behr there?)--When Loving/The City ended (which B&E did great writing for nd helped create) AMC was still very good (under HW Lorraine Broderick) but ratings were still slowly slipping and ABC was scared and were replacing her, and Fracesca James as EP who wasn't bad but seemed to lack the vision Behr had so well. back then I was hoping they would bring on the whole City/Loving team (B&E with Nixon as consultant) if they were gonna do anything radical but I think B&E were hired quickly to GL (where they weren't too well liked from what I can tell--ironic as after City, even though it wasn't a ratings success for a while they really were seen as the bright younger hopes in soap opera and I bet a lot of shows wanted them) and City's EP, Jean Dadario Burke, endedup at AMC but with Megan McTavish returning as HW...

But for all the great innovations I felt Burke brought to Loving and especially City she seemed to have zero vision for AMC... And by 2002-2003 she was really my least fave producer. However I'm not sure Julie is any marked improvement or if Burke woulda snapped back into some of her City period if she was working with B&E... I wonder if, under Frons, ANY EP would really have enough cotrol to affecttheir show drastically?

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Personally, when it comes to Dixie, I'm ambivalent. I wasn't ever a fan of hers; but, at the same time, I felt her death was (forgive the pun) horrendously executed, and totally unnecessary.

If anything else, I'd want Dixie back for the moment when Kate/Kathy is reunited with her birth parents. Tad/Dixie fans, IMO, were cheated out of that moment -- which, in my book, is completely unforgivable. But, would I want Dixie to stick around? No. She, Tad and Kate can reunite and leave Pine Valley to start anew (and, if some deal can be worked out between AMC and ATWT, Cady McClain wouldn't have to leave the other show to do it, either).

Now, as for how to undo Dixie's death...that, I'm afraid, is a whole other can of sardines.

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