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GH week of 8/27

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IF the soap gods are that kind. I thank any writer who decided to give us LuSam inbetween the sickness that is Jiz. They are the one thing that has made this entire storyline tolerable. Greg V and KeMo's chemistry and KeMo's great portrayal of a world class bitch these two things have made it so I can watch GH. Wiithout LuSam's chemnistry and Kelly's bitchy acting I would have had to drop it (GH)weeks ago.

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I still like Jason and this is about what I expect of him as a character. I watched him dismiss Robin because she wanted AJ to know the truth about his being Michael's father. I watched him seemingly ache for Robin while she was gone all for him to throw it away for Carly crap.

Sam may have the right to be angry etc but she's pitting herself against Jason's son at this point. If he's making this huge sacrifice for his son and he's a hit man then why would he sit back and let her play a game of revenge that could jeopardize his son in anyway? It's not a simple question of they broke up and he's turning on her because of it. It's she watched his son be taken by a disturbed woman and did nothing, and she staged a scene where his son was threatened and anything potentially could have gone wrong. He already threatened to turn her in if she ran her mouth so why would she be stupid enough to involve his son in her revenge scheme. I don't like that their relationship took an ugly turn but I can't empathize with her when she should know Jason better. She's telling him because I did all of this for you then you'll sit by as I involve your child in my revenge schemes and he's telling her not so. They put her right over the line on Friday and cold would have been if he'd taken out a gun and dropped her riight then.

I don't think they are implying that he never loved Sam. I think they are implying that he was in love with Elizabeth all along which would mean he was in love with her while he was with Courtney as well. Jason is supposed to be practical and whatever he felt for Elizabeth didn't prevent him from having real relationships with either Courtney or Sam. It is too bad they decided to destroy the relationship the way they did because they could have given them an emotional parting and done the paternity reveal another way but they lack creativity.

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I don't agree that she is going against Jason's son. I think she is trying to destroy Jason and Elizabeth of course. But I don't believe that she is in anyway endangering Jake anymore then Liz and Jason currently are. Elizabeth and Jason jeopardize Jake as well as Cameron every time Jason is seen with them. Jake is in trouble and Jason asking Liz for a family would put both of Elizabeth's children in danger and it won't be fake with paid actors this time. It will be the real thing. They won't be as nice as Ric was with Elizabeth they will easily kill those little boys.

Liz and Jason put those boys in danger every time Jason is within 5 feet of her.

I think they definetely are. A man who loved a woman deeply for 3 plus years would never threaten to kill them two weeks after they broke up.

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See I'm simply not buying that Jason has loved Liz for years, and she certainly didn't love him. I feel like they're re-writing history for this. Liz and Ric bonded over his fury towards Sonny and her fear of and resentment towards the mob. And Liz and Jason haven't been all that close for years, so I'm not buyin the "but he's always been a good friend to me!" crap. And now they're throwing away not only JaSam's history, but a decade of L&L2 history to make he story work. I just want them to get together soon so that it can be over and done with, and she can go back to Lucky.

And I'm not feeling LuSam. I know they have a lot of fans, and I prefer Sucky to Jiz, but Lucky has been through so much, and is so damaged right now. This may sound cheesy, but I want him to be with someone who can "heal" him. I don't know who that would be on the canvas now, though, since they've made very female quite like Carly. If his father hadn't been with Skye, I think they'd be nice, in a mutually-damaged sort of way. Maybe Emily? Maybe he should just spend some time with his family, re-establish himself as a Spencer. I don't want him with the villainess. I want him to be fully redeemed (not that he's done something so awful, but I want him to be presented as a good man again) so that when Liz wants him back, he can forgive her.

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Where did they ever imply that in the first 2 years of JaSam? Jason never gave Liz a second thought when he was happy with Sam. He never cared what or who she did. And he sure as hell wasn't pining for her and what they "had" together. There wasn't one JaSam scene before the lead up to Sic that you could convince me that's true. I dont buy it for a second.

It's all being done in the name of Liason, and that's part of what makes me want this couplet o impolde so much and so burtally. There's been so much friggin damage done for this couple. I think it's ridiculous. Especially, since Liason will make it, maybe, maybe six months.

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The main difference in what you've described as endangering Jake is that Jason is his father and even though being around him is dangerous, he is not intentionally or maliciously setting up situations that may endanger his son. Sam is doing it maliciously and intentionally and that is what revenge entails. She staged a scene in the park that could have easily gone wrong if the police had shown up and started firing at the gun men. You can't justify her actions by saying that her actions are no more dangerous than Jason being with his son because he's not planning something that might hurt his son, Sam is. She could have had men pull a gun on Elizabeth while she was alone instead of with her children so I respectifully disagree that she is not pitting herself against his son. She is doing it indirectly and he threatened her for that reason.

Jason is supposed to be operating on paternal instincts now and Sam shouldn't be testing him in that way. If Jason just got up and threatened to kill her for something stupid then I'd take issue and if you can't understand a parent going overboard where his child is concerned then I can't say any more because watching Jake get taken was enough to turn the love into contempt. There's a thin line and she sent him right over it with that single action.

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I so agree with you here. The problem is, they're doing so much damage to everyone here, I don't know how they'll be able to get these characters back with anyone else. I mean, Guza says that L&L2 and JaSam are destiny couples. But how are we suposed to support them after what he's done to them?

And all this ruination for Jiz.

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I don't know why or can't explain it but I noticed some sort of connection between them from their first scene. I kind of thought they had what she and Lucky as played by JJ had. I could watch Jason wtih any number of women because I'm more interested in the acting than I am in having certain characters together. Jason and Elizabeth never got together because of danger and timing or whatever but I don't think that means they never wanted to be together or the "what if?" never existed. It just meant that they decided not to pursue a relaionship which means the potential to pursue it never goes away. They don't have to actively pine for something they never had since they had relationships they chose to have. I don't think it's implausible that they loved each other and functioned happily and in love with their chosen partners. But that's a thought on my part and I think it was magnified for me when they slept together and he kissed her while he thought she slept. I didn't see that as the action of a man having comfort sex and their ensuing dialogue gave me the impression that they had those feelings. The alternative, which works just as well, is that they weren't in love all along but that the feelings they had at one point for each other resurfaced.

What everyone else sees as character destruction and propping, I see as poor non-creative writers telling a story as best they can. They're just recycling that old they can't be together but they can't be apart thing with the lover scorned and the ill fated finding each other. I don't see where it's really that much different from any other soap story of the past. The difference nowadays is that the internet has created overly invested viewers who take couples quite seriously and the reactions are a lot stonger than with a group of gals sitting around the lunch table dishing over the ridiculous happenings on their favorite soap.

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Do you believe him because I thought that he said Jason and Courtney were a destiny couple or maybe that was Frons which would be the same difference? I don't know if he's the one that wrecked Lucky and Elizabeth for me by making him a blamk slate and having Lucky sleep with Sara, but if he wants Lucky and Elizabeth to be a destiny couple then he needs to stop writing Lucky as a perpetual victim and give him some backbone and direction. They were after Lucky and Maxie for a long time and finally saw that to fruition and they should have taken his life after to pattern him after the Lucky that first got together with Elizabeth.

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IMO Lucky & Liz have been ruined for years. When he disrespected her by boinking her sister, she should have NEVER forgiven him IMO.

Uh yeah Guza also said Jason & Skipper were a destiny couple, so that doesn't mean much in all honesty.

Who is ruined for Liason? I've seen more people ruined for Jason & Courtney and Jason & Sam than ever for Liason :rolleyes:

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Liz, Lucky, Sam, Rexis, Lulu, Emily Spinelli, etc have faced quite a bit of character assasination over the past year. The last 2 are more my opinion. Liz and Lucky definetly have been trashed the most bc of the Liason pairing. People were ruined for Jason and Courtney, namely AJ and Liz. Who exactly was ruined for Jasam to get together though?

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Ric and Alexis were absolutely slaughtered for Liason. No questions IMO. They were stronger then ever coming off the virus and the Sam revlation. And they were finally in a place to be solid and work otu their marriage. Then all the sudden, Ric wants Sam. Alexis is keeping secrets again. Ric nails Sam. We see, what, a few days off the fallotu for Rexis and a bogus custody battle that was a slap in the face to absolutely everything that Rexis was about. Not to mention this resent bullshit about Ric having loved Lizzie Poo the whole time, and never loved Alexis. :rolleyes:

We saw weeks, and weeks of Jason crying and whining about Sam's betrayal. It was always poor Jason. Bad Ric. Slutty Sam. Liason has been painted as Saints through this entire thing. And did Liz not to long ago blame everything that happened with Sic, being the reason she nailed Jason?

Even the characters know what's what.

I'm so sick of the carnge. I want Liason together, yesterday, so I can enjoy their falling apart. :D

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