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GH week of 8/27

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My point is just this: Sam doesen't deserve to die and Jason threatening to kill Sam (the woman he has loved for over 3 years) makes him look soulless and inhumane and to a lesser extent fickle. Jason was dead wrong to threaten to kill Sam like that especially after all Sam has given up and been threw for Jason and all that she has done for him.

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OMG! Sam's made herself a threat in Jason's eyes -- therefore, she'll be handled as such.

Why am I surprised that, after living with Jason for three years, Spam's learned NOTHING?! Jason takes the safety of the women and children in his life very seriously. Sam crossed a line -- twice! Watching Jason's son get kidnapped and keeping quiet about it and then arranging the whole park fiasco all because, like I said before, she thought she was untouchable. Jason drew the line in the sand and made it clear. She ain't that cute.

Too bad for Scum and all the things she gave up for him. It was HER DAMN CHOICE! She chose to give herself over to that man and revolve her entire life around him. That's what happens in relationships. You make the choice on just how much you're going to give. All because it goes sour, doesn't mean you can just do despicable things and people don't have a right to react. Especially when you cross a line. How many more plots and schemes and crazy capers will Spam have to do before Jason gets fed up?

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exactly which is why she's so pissed off bc after 3 years she has nothing to show for it. Jason erased her as quickly as it took for him to blink his eyes and its as if the time they have spent never happened. She made the choice to be with him and now it feels as if she has wasted her time bc she inested so much in someone who ended up hurting her more than any other man she's been with

Jason is already fed up. I think threatening to kill her is teh ultimate sign of that.

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If Jason can just see Sam as that after all they have been threw then that just makes Jason look all the more worse in this circumstance. If he can look at Sam and have no emotion towards her after all that they have been threw and if he can see her and not think about all the time that they have spent with one another and he can wash his hands of her that quickly then Jason really does have a something wrong with him. He really does have some type of medical illness or imbalance because I can't imagine someone loving someone for over 3 years and them not feeling anything for that person.

It comes down to this. Jason is a soulless, inhumane being who really only needs a woman to satisfy his sexual urges. He forms no emotional attachment if he was able to wash his hands emotionally of Sam in a sum total of a couple moments. Regardless of what Sam did if Jason can kill her and he has no emotion over her death then he is completely deviod of human emotion.

Jason threatening to kill Sam is extreme and it speaks volumes in terms of his attachment to humanity (or lack thereof). I guess there really is nothing more to Jason then a hard body and a dull stare. He has no heart, soul or anything to really invest in. I guess Brenda had the right idea. She mooched off of Jason's money and then got the hell out. I really feel bad for all those Jasam fans there really is NO excusing Jason's treatment or actions.

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I find Jason as such a jerk now.. I basically FF through all his scenes.. can't stand him! even against Trevor i was like STFU jason, you brain-damaged idiot.. you are only muscle.

i like this mob s/l based on ric/sonny/kate/trevor/ ... can't believe they added in Jerry too what a way to add carjax.. ugh and dont get me started on nemily

but the show can't just rely on heavy mob stuff they need balance ... some light heart stuff & romance like an actually freakin' soap! not stupid spinelli's fantasy.. real classy

its just boring.. give me a new HW please.

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I can't believe there isn't bigger discussion of Jax's "rape" and how it was handled by the affected characters. It was so crazy that Carly had to tell Jason not to laugh when explaining it to him! She's carrying on like Jax made a decision to fulfill his inner lust, and the whole thing is written to underplay any sense of violation he may feel. How many shows are going to have men sexually assaulted at gunpoint before they start to experience trauma later? At times like this I resent how soap writers seem to care only for women's feelings.

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While I view it as rape, they're obviously having Jax choose not to. Instead, it's just something he didn't want to do but cooperated so he could protect Laura Wright's Character and those demon children The Boys. My problem is that unless Carly knows something that we don't about Jax -- that he's into heavy S&M and Bondage -- it's obvious he didn't enjoy himself. Bruised, bloodied, beaten, crumpled on the floor when she found him being held captive, and yet she's whining about Ms. Mangled English must've liked it. So what? Jax had no control over what she enjoyed. She was a twisted woman.

I'm just pissed that this whole thing became All About Laura Wright's Character, and less about what Jax had to go through.

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Woot now I gotta watch this, anything to see the whore get a smackdown :D

Lucky is an idiot, you lie with dogs, don't be shocked if you get fleas :rolleyes:

Uh I'm rooting for him, once the whore hired someone to terrorize two innocent children, I wanted the bitch to DIE!

Sin sweetie, gotta say WORD to every single thing you posted :DB)

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And when you lie with whores, you're bound to get a disease.


And that's where the line was ABSOLUTELY crossed for me. Act like the whore you are, Sam. Go spread 'em wide for Lucky. Get drunk like you always do and stalk Liz around town and call her names. Fine. But hiring two men to terrorize two children, who have nothing to do with this, at gunpoint is just EXTRA! Of course, that's excusable and somehow justified. Jason being extraordinarily PISSED because of it -- oooooh, how dare he? That's unforgivable. :rolleyes:

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The ONLY reason Sam did that is because she knows despite how much she might loathe Elizabeth and Jason that JASON SAVED HER ungrateful and selfish butt plenty of times before. When it came to Sonny's bun in her oven who stepped up to the plate? JASON. Who went on the run with Sam? JASON. Who offered to let Sam stay in their house? JASON.

Spam has been living the good life because of who again? JASON.

Jason doesn't owe Sam a damn thing. What Sam did their on the stand was pay Jason back for all the crap hes put up with from the slut.

Thanks for speaking the truth....and yeah WTF is wrong with Sam? Does she not see how pathetic she looks when shes all over Lucky's manhood like a dog in heat? I mean she claims Jason is the love of her life (LMAO) and yet it didn't take but a few weeks for her to all of sudden get all amped about Lucky.

Granted Greg Vaughn is one hot piece of work and I think anyone would love to have him as a boyfriend but still...this is just the lowest of lows...oh wait Sam holds the current record since she SLEPT WITH HER MOTHERS HUSBAND.

Its called responsiblity. No one forced Sam to "choose" Jason. She did that. And she got exactly what she deserved when she slept with Ric. She brought NOTHING to the table in her relationship with Jason right? Its not like she had anything of value (aside from her sex most likely) when she moved into Jason's penthouse. She basically had no money and no worth. And Jason is the one who provided those things for her. Without Jason she'd be nothing.

As for Jason...hes a KILLER. We know that. However hes not some monster. He's just doing a job. Its not ilke he goes around killing for the FUN of it. Nor does he go around shooting old grandmas and their kids. He kills people who given any oppurtunity would kill HIM, Sonny, or anyone associated with him.

And after her little dangerous stunt with Elizabeth in the park its my opinion is now an enemy and its clear that Jason is seeing her that way as well. As such he has a RIGHT to eliminate the whore once and for all. What she did crossed the line...and she knows that. And I won't shed a tear if Jason kills her cuz she basically deservse it.

But not before she sleeps with The Neanderthal and then Elizabeth walks in on them together. THEN Elizabeth can finally run to Jason and they can live happiliy together after she cuts ALL ties with Lucky (including revealing the truth about Jake to Lucky immediately after the heinous betrayal).

And WORD to everything AMC said! What will be really funny to see is once LuSam gets together how long it'll take b4 "Spread 'em Wide Sam" moves on to the next boytoy victim. You know she likes to collect her "conquests" every year or so. My prediction will be Ric next...I"d say Nikolas but I just realized that they're related! LOL. Hey theres always new boundaries to be crossed in Daytime....who better to cross that line than Spam?

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LMAO! :lol: Exactly! This character is written HORRIBLY! Horribly written is this character! This Sam character makes absolutely no sense at all. She sleeps with her mother's husband. She gets drunk and runs all over town going off on people. She witnesses kidnappings and somehow she's a victim. She stages fake acts of terror in front of two small children and again, she feels she's got every right to do so... AND PEOPLE ARE CHEERING HER ON?!? :blink: I don't get it.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with this character?! She's written all over the place, and yet, she's always front burner.

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We're not saying he doesn't have the right to be upset. However, Sam doing "questionable" things was perfectly ok as long as he agreed with it. Sam was trying to prove a point, that Jason's life is dangerous. She hired men to "scare" Elizabeth. How is that any different than Jason or Sonny storming into Lorenzo's house while he and Skye are bonding w/ their baby with bodyguards and guns drawn (with NO intention of "scaring" him)? Oh yeah, b/c baby Jizus is the "protected and holy one" so no one can dare do anything in front of him that may be deemed unacceptable.

Jason can kidnap, kill, steal, threaten to kill women (i.e. Faith where he actually held her by her neck over a balcony), laugh at a man getting raped, but this is a guy we're supposed to root for?

And give me a freakin break about Sam sleeping with Ric. She is NOT the first, or the last person to sleep with her mother's husband. People act like she committed such a sin, yet she is NOT the first person to do so.

People vilify Sam for letting Jake be taken. Didn't Jax knowingly keep Nikolas away from Spencer? Didn't Sonny basically kidnap Michael away from AJ? Alexis kept Sonny away from Kristina for the first 3 years of her life. Skye has committed multiple actions that would vilify her. So has damn never everyone in Port Charles, but it's only an issue because it's Sam...

Give me a freakin break.

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