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Canadians Will There Be an Election AGAIN?!?!


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Toups, you can vote anytime during the 56 day campaign, not just during advance polling or on election day. You have two options available to you: absentee ballot, which is a long process or go to the elections Canada office in your riding and vote at anytime!!!! All you have to do is provide ID that you live in your riding...

And speaking of YOUR riding, your vote will matter this time, as I think the Liberal in your area is poised to lose. If you don't want that, vote before you leave!

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Yup election day January 26th...

Personally I'm very very fed up with Martin and the Liberal party. I think he's a very WEAK prime-minster. But I echo the rest, Harper cannot win. I think a lot of this depends on Quebec, if the majority vote Liberal they'll win. If not, it's conservatives.

I don't know who to vote for, hell a monkey could run this country better.

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Election is January 23rd, not 26th.

It may very well be an election between the lesser of two evils. But it doesn't have to be:

One option, Hartless, is to scratch your ballot on election day. (I do not recommend this, but I have already made my voting choice) There is a growing movement among pro-democracy supporters who feel that we don't have valid options to pick from. If you're not interested in any of the parties or the candidates in your riding but feel strongly towards democracy and respect your OBLIGATION to vote, I remind you that a protest vote is still a vote. You could scratch your ballot (voting for everyone, leaving it blank, writing slurs all over it). It will count as a scratch, and if the number of scratches continues to grow election after election then someone might get a hint. To borrow a very popular line from the West Wing... people are tired of having the pick the lesser of two who gives a damn.

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Why vote Liberal? Save you walking to the polls and just burn your tax dollars. Same thing lol :D Sorry but no matter how "scary" Harper is painted to be I will never ever support Paul Martin and his corrupt party. Conservative minority.... if Peter MacKay was the leader I think the Conservatives would have a much better chance.

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My personal politics aside, if MacKay were leader the Liberals would destroy him. He is a poster boy, that's all. He doesn't know the meaning of "staying on message" and he's broken more public promises than any other MP in the House. I've met the guy and like him, but he is not a realistic Prime Ministerial contender... at least not for many more years...

I don't buy the Harper scariness either. But since he doesn't have a vision I can't help but wonder if he's hiding something. I want ideas, not insults. And Harper has proven to be full of the latter but in 2 years, has not been able to produce the former.

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I'm no expert on Canadian politics, but I was reading somewhere the opinion polls are predicting the election will produce much the same result as present: a minority Liberal government. If so, what's the point of wasting all that money on another election?

Politically, I'm aligned to the left, so I'd vote for the Liberals or the NLP if I was a Canadian citizen.

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I kinda agree, they've done a lot of damage (and Martin proved he can't run this country). I was going to vote for NDP, but their views just don't seem realistic (but I agree with them).

Exactly, there is no point. I think what essentially happened was Martin was going to get voted out, but he dissolved Parliament and called for a new election. It will probably produce the same results. I bet the Liberals will win. If the election wasn't early, the Conservatives would probably win.

I'm trying to get everyone I know to vote, not many Canadians vote in the elections, so spread the word.

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