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ATWT: Thursday August 16 Discussion

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I loved the Noah/Luke scenes. Even Maddie was nice to see. Cady is great to see. Paul I can do without. Glad to see Barbara and Craig. That pretty much sums up what I thought about today's show..LOL. Henry and Vienna boring. Meg....tired of her whining and wimpering. The same things coming out of her mouth.

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As stated Emma didn't find out about Luke's being gay until after the whole Lily returning from her coma. They were all at the Snyder home...Actually, it was Meg, Holden and Emma; and Emma was upset that nobody had faith in coming to her with Luke's sexuality. Meg questioned as to why Emma was acting the way that she was. Emma came around rather quickly...She was mainly upset that nobody told her upfront.

The whole "Momma still loves you" from Emma to Luke was nothing to do with his being gay, because she wasn't in the know at the that. She was saying that because he was still blaming himself for the accident.

You are right...the writing is so mixed up that you don't know who is in the know about Luke or who is finding out for the very first time.

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Thanks...now I am starting to remember it. It must have slipped my mind. Now I remember Emma yelling at Holden.

As to the previews .....did you see the look Noah was giving Luke...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :)

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Tolerable. No Willen. (Thank God, another Fluff Free Day, 'ceptin' for previews. *groan* Can't wait for another day of "It's My Fluffy World, Worship Me--Katie Peretti Almost Snyder Day :()

Loved Babs and Craig. Paul and Ro were tolerable. (Funny how she hasn't quite connected "Rory" to "Jen's switched Baby" but that must be her Swiss Cheese memory...) Henry and V were nice to see...even if it felt like a shallow plot point. Lemme guess...V will try and redo Al's menu from onion rings and chili dogs to pate de foie gras and caviar.

:rolleyes: Luke's three-day friendship with Maddie entitles him to sound off on her love life? 'K. Whatever.

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I think I would find it more unbelievable if Aaron did NOT know about Luke. It's like when Adam came back and didn't know to know anything about his family. I'm sure Aaron and Holden talked all the time and this came up. It would seem like they were keeping it a secret otherwise.

Emma found out during Raven Lake I think. Those were GREAT scenes. Meg is so much better with Holden and Emma than when she's whining about whatever. It's like Meg/Craig are in a holding pattern until Ro returns and we have Paul's umpteenth return from the cliff.

Go Nuke. After the completely mind-numbingly boring show yesterday, I was so happy to see them.

I can't tell if Al's Diner is a decent potential future story, of if they are just tossing out wild, random ideas because they have no clue what to write for Henry and Vienna. First a spa, now a diner? Can't we find out ANYTHING about Vienna's family and past or more about Henry versus going from career to career.

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Yeah, I can totally see Henry and Vienna as the modern Duncan and Shannon. Nice to look at and fun for a while, but ultimately boring and lacking deep family connections. Since Ewa Da Cruz is so stunning, and her character is royalty, why hasn't Barbara snagged this woman to be the new face of BRO? Of all the soap actresses who've played so-called "models" over the years, she's the only one I could believe in the profession. And that would be a perfect way to continue exploring her effect on men other than Henry, not to mention his jealousy.

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Yep ;) And thanks - yeah I think I might try and do that tonight....honestly all I care about is 'Nuke' - I was really excited about Cady being back, and I thought this would be what brought me back to ATWT (Cady and Nuke all starting at once) - but Cady's been in a bed for 3 weeks now saying barely anything....and Nuke is only on 1-2 times a week. Sooooo I'm still not watching much except Nuke....

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Well, A-Man, she had a lot to say today LOL

as far as Nuke is concerned, I have not seen a show in so long that we are now seeing and hearing, "Noah is just hiding behind glass doors and the truth shall set him free." Now, I know Jean is nothing but a hack, incompetent writer who cannot write to save her life out of a paper bag, who also should take lessons from Marland's bible, which probably was tarnished, but I would have kept it.....but I have to ask....did they even make the slightest mention that Noah was hiding the truth at all? LOL

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