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ATWT: Tuesday August 14 Discussion

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Ok, call me shocked I really enjoyed today' show, Maura just turns everything she touches to gold. Loved the little Cole and Iris introduction great directing there. Only bad thing would be Will and Gwen rehashing the same things they have been rehashing for 2 weeks now.

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I loved that Carly smacked the taste out of Kit's mouth...Maura is definitely 'watch' worthy... :)

Everything happening to Flufferbore is shedding the facts that she doesn't need Jack; nor will she be able to truly hold on to him. She talks way too much for me and I have to usually mute her.

Well, Iris and BBB in a scene together...You know that trick is running out of cold cash; that's the only reason why she pops back up in Oakdale. She will use Cole to use Gwen to get more money some sort of way. As much as I love Terri Garber, they waste her everytime she sets foot in a scene; because it's always about Gwen/Will and how to get money. It would be so much better if Iris were in scenes stirring up trouble for someone new; like Flufferwhiner or something like that.

I do have a feeling once the dust settles for CarJack; she (Carly) will be drug back into the whole Beautiful Baby Boy mess;

Sophie is useless....

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Yes, writers...this is the BEST way to make me feel like Katie's not just a little whiny bitch...have her whine, complain and call Jack every. five. seconds while fake tears run down her cheeks. THEN have her put Carly in jeopardy and BITCH when Carly doesn't take time to give her a minute-by-minute account of Jack's time. It never occurs to that little skank that Carly might be in danger, and that that weird phone call might signal something's wrong...NNNNNnnnoooooo. Let's just listen to Katie rant again about how Carly is "playing games". :rolleyes: GAWD...just KILL Katie, she's a useless pile of walking idiocy. And Brad is too good for her.

FLOVE Carly! Not sure why she bothered trying to fool Kit, when she knew Kit was in on the whole plan to send Jack to the cabin, but whatevah. If only she'd slap Katie once or twice, I could die happy.

I like the Aaron thing...but did we really have to spend the entire eppy drawing out the fact Sophie "can't" leave Cole 'cause she's preggers?

It was nice Ali/Will touched base.

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I too loved todays show. Couldn't believe Katy. Is she all there? What a stupid question. You're fiance is off trying to find his son!!!!!! So worry about him not calling you to give you updates and tell u he's all right? What is wrong with that stupid bimbo? And then if that's not bad enough....call Carly? My god that girl is braindead!!! And then complain she's not giving you a play be play of what's happening with Jack? Hello....they are trying to find JJ!!!!!!! Gawd I hate that stupid, brainless, all about me, whiny, fake crying, fluffball!!!!

Loved Carly today....loved watching her kick some ass!!! She is the reason I watch this show right now. Please hurry up and give Jack his brain back!!!!

Looking forward to more Luke and Noah as well. And Paul and Rosanna looks interesting. Watching Meg is like watching paint dry.....BORING<

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Gosh, Petunia. I love your avatar. Those guys criticizing everyone from the balcony are my favorite Muppets, and they remind me of...US! :lol: I had to miss today's show, but I was only looking forward to the female wrestling in the bar anyway. I hope the internet replay doesn't disappoint.

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