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AMC: Tuesday: August 14, 2007

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I just dont like Zach blaming EVERYTHING on Ryan. I dont think that anything that has happened was anyone but Greenlee's fault. For Zach to blame Ryan for it all is ridiculous unless he looks in the mirror and realizes that he is just as guilty. Again it is Greenlee's fault, not Zachs and certainly not Ryans

I wish Kendall's dream had been reality

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Loved the ending - Greenlee delivered her line so bitchy - and then the stab was so unexpected. I was thinking "SLAP HER!" and then she goes above and beyond and stabs the bitch where it counts. Then I thought it was creepy and entertaining to have Kendall wake up with Greenlee standing over her...

Did Aiden just BITCHSLAP that guy? No punch...but slap. That just further proves my point that my man is gay...

I was totally on Zach's side in the Ryan/Zach argument. Ryan was totally being hypocritical when he criticized Zach for having 'daddy issues'. Ummm, I'm pretty sure you had MAJOR 'daddy issues' and made everyone think you were dead and almost beat Greenlee up with your fist. STFU Ryan. Oh and how in the world can you personally blame Zach for Erin's death? GMAB! That was so lame of Ryan.

I'm loving Annie so much lately - and I can't wait for her background storyline. Oh - and when did Di mention she wanted to leave PV? That didn't happen....

I'm feeling so bad for Jack - the position he's in sucks so bad. I loved the Kendall/Jack scenes today - until Kendall wrote him off bc he refuses to send his daughter to jail.

Finally - it was nice to see Bianca....and it was longer than 5 seconds - good God, exaggerate much?

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Ultimately it comes down to this. Everyone played a part in the 2005 travesty. They are all to blame. So Zach doesn't get to blame Ryan for EVERYTHING when Zach more then did his fair share of dirt in that storyline.

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OK as much as I made fun of Friday's epi, I have to admit today's was pretty entertaining.

Loved the Zach-Ryan confrontation just because I kind of loathe both of them so when they are yelling at each other it's like double my pleasure because I'm getting to hear both of them told they suck. And the ending with Greenlee standing over Kendall was very good.

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Mr. Lavery's Opus

It looks like he is finally singing his swan song and on today's show he just took it from Zach and did not even have to offer a rebuttal. Nope it looks like Zach finally shut the idiot up and it makes it out to be like Ryan is finally seeing the truth sink in to that teeny weeny little brain of his: that he is a lot of reason to blame for what has gone down. He of all people should know that when Greenlee is a vindictive and bitter woman that she will strike the people closest to her and destroy lives because that is what the Wicked Witch does best. Well nice job Ryan of forgetting your history with her. I mean you would think being married to the wench would be enough reason for him to really know what she is capable of but it looks like Ryan underestimated her and welcomed her back into the lives like he is some June Cleaver. Now I just wonder what Greenlee will finally do for Ryan to just say no to her. Will she pour a whole bunch of Dyanmite Kiddo sperm on her mother's head or infiltrate the Stupid Lab to find out why everyone thinks Saddam had WMDs? Ryan also seems to forget history by being with Greenlee in the first place and just conveniently forgets how she made his and Gillians' lives a living hell but oh well he has just plain forgotten about Gillian so that history is just hasta la vista baby. Now let's see if he can pour a bubble bath, trip and die with his a$$ in the air just like my uncle went and yes that is the truth. Ryan lies and cons, I do not.

Go Zach!

Gosh I was just so cheering him on today when he laid into Ryan and told him that he is a big reason to blame for all of this by letting Greenlee back into their lives. And what is even better is stupid arse Ryan did not have anything to say against him since he knows Zach is speaking the truth. Way to go Zach! You tell him who is boss and inform him that he has to blame himself before he can start pointing fingers because a lot of the mess is Ryan's fault. I loved that Zach did not back down from this fool and said what was on our minds.

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