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AMC: Tuesday: August 14, 2007

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Today on All My Children..

-Kendall receives a phone call from Paris. Bianca has a heart-to-heart chat with her.

-Di has plans to leave town and shares them with Annie.

-Ryan and Zach blame the other for Spike's hearing loss.

Classic Opening(The Original Gold Opening)

Today's SW:

-Stephen Dermonst

-Johanna Cohen

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Even though I hate the quality of the show at the current moment I will say the show is losing one of the best younger actresses on the show. Kelli Giddish is an awesome find and carried one of the best storylines of 2005. Even thought the storyline ended on a whimper Kelli's acting never failed. When she pretended to be Dixie you truely believed it was her. When she told the truth about being Di and wanting to have a family you felt sorry for her. Kelli is one of the better young actresses on the show and there will be a major loss when she leaves. AMC is killing all of their young talent. Quality actresses are leaving and it's going to show later on when all these newbies who can't act pop out of no where.

Eden Rigel is another who was a great find and it makes no sense to me why B&E aren't begging her to come back and reprise her role as Bianca. Especially with all this Cambius/Kane/Montgomery/Lavery domination. Her abscence is glaring even with all the mentions.

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Di was universally loved by the audience when she first arrived, even though it wasn't clear WHO she was. It was her wisdom beyond her years, her smile and her kindness. They have since stripped all of that from her, so I have no problems seeing the character go. I do hope that they snatch up Kelli Giddish for another soap - paging Dr. Sarah Webber, anyone?

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I feel the quality of the show has gone up thanks in large to the Careys being in the background.

Annie is getting a story that doesn't revolve around Ryan. Yay.

The Jackson and Kendall scenes were gold today. I'm glad Bianca was mentioned, but I expected a bit more from the conversation.

Zach and Ryan's measuring contest was fun, but I think it'll blow over. Ryan should really STFU blaming Zach for the serial killer. What the hell was that?

Loved the ending and the dream sequence. I'm really feeling Kendall's pain at being torn, and not knowing how she can help her preemie vs. Spike who she is able to hold, kiss, etc.

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Sorry Cheap, but everything Zach said was true, I thought even you'd think so. What did Zach say that was untrue? Ryan set all of this in motion by faking his death.

Oh and Ryan blaming Zach for what Zach's father did, makes Ryan more a pathetic loser than he already was. So I guess by that logic then Ryan is to blame for the things Jonathan and Braden did.

[!@#$%^&*] [!@#$%^&*]

Anyways Zpike! :wub: Loved Kendall's daydream :wub:

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