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GH: Wednesday

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A year ago.. i hated Sam so much now all i do is root for her and proclaim liz dead. I seriously cannot STAND liz any longer.

Does Becky even know how much people hate her character now?

Anyways.. I'm not really feeling Anna & Noah.. a bit ewwww.. where's my Robert? I wish he'd come back...I'll dream he's somewhere with Luke & Laura.

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I don't know what Guza wants from his audience anymore. I really don't understand how he expects veiwers to like mob pack when they're as wrong as two left shoes. Jason is guilty of trying to murder Alcazar. That's the truth. There really is no way to get around that. Skye as well was an accessory to the murder attempt. Jason is clearly in the wrong here. Yet they try to make Ric the bad guy. When Sonny and Jason are completely GUILTY.

How did this happen? These guys are wrong and yet they still aren't seen as the villans of this show. They are seen as the pargons of virtue. They have Emily, Elizabeth, Skye, Kate and various other characters protecting them and they are seen as the good guys when they do the most heinous things in town.

It just makes no sense. No doubt Sam will be made the bad guy because she dared to touch the precious Jiz spawn. :rolleyes:

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LOVED the ending today. Liz comes home and is all happy as she hears Lucky playing with Cameron and as she walks in with a smile on her face, she sees Sam holding Jake. Loved it! That ending was great. She better not start harping at Lucky or Sam. How many times did Lucky see her let Jason hold Jake? How about the times she brought her kids around Jason. She even went so far as to disrespect Lucky in his own home by inviting Jason over to hang out with his children and told him she loved him there. Karma is a 5 letter word that rhymes with witch. Im glad that the tables are turned now and she will feel exactly how Lucky has been for the past few months

Finally Skye shows up at Lorenzo's trial. She should ahve been there from the getgo

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The way it attempts to work is that within the Mob World, Sonny and Jason are the good mobsters while anyone who opposes them are the Bad Mobsters.

Does it make it any more acceptable? No. Does it work in the context of what we're watching, which is essentially a Mob Drama? Yes. Ideally, we're supposed to like the characters enough to overlook what they do for a living.


I can't stand Sonny. Jason, I tolerate more than Sonny because, ironically, Steve's blank stare has more depth than Maurice's stammering, stuttering, talking real slow, SCREAMING REAL LOUD and smashing glassware all over the place. So it's hard for me to enjoy the Sonny character and root for him. Especially since watching this show is like watching Wylie Coyote and Roadrunner cartoon. Sonny always escapes and stays on top. MEEP MEEP!

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just watched today's

enjoyed it! it was quite balanced especially with the Q's.

Glad to see Skye back, she looked great! what's going on with Risky anyways?

FF for anything jiz related.. just yuck and cannot take the smirkyness

Really enjoyed the lusam scenes and the best part was when lucky broke the picture! Good to finally see his POV.

I'm just not liking noah more n more.. i rather see the scorpio men kick some drake butt but that's just me... loved how the devane women cut them off..haha

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