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ATWT: Thursday August 2 Episode

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1. The more I see dead weight day players like the Lakeview waitress and Katie's biker fan, the more I think of ways to substitute their scenes by involving Lisa, Bob, Kim, Tom, etc.

2. I didn't realize Vienna was Swedish.

3. At this point, I think I'd rather see Luke and Noah become best friends. That's the potential I see anyway. If it's going to go further, let it develop slowly. Lily and Holden weren't built in a day.

4. I am thrilled that Susan is a boozer again. But she won't get the airtime that plot deserves....

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I love Marie Masters. Love. I think this is a realistic direction to take Susan, I just hope they do it justice.

It's such a gaping huge plot device to have no one be able to contact Emily, because if they did they'd have to explain why Emily didn't come home when her mother was drinking, and given that KMH isn't coming back for awhile....I mean I guess Susan knows how to contact her but won't about this obviously, Dusty and Ali can't, and no one seems to think of asking Tom (given that Daniel is with Em, I'm sure he would know how to get in touch with her)

I saw Noah with some conflict today, so I'm hopeful that is moving in the right direction. And I love Luke.

Loved the CarJack moments - for some reason the Father's Day memories I thought were just so sweet and perfect.

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Now I'm just annoyed with the Inturn pimping. It's not that the girl was bad (certainly not worse than the other girl) but it just seems like a huge waste of time. Neither girl (and none of the last finalists either) seem to really have any "spark". Compared to the recent hires of Noah and Sofie, these people are just blah. I would much rather see true "dayplayers" vie for a chance at an expanded role. Not these plastic demographically friendly "projects", who seem to be angling for the title of "hot young thing".

Oh, and it didn't help that this chick got stuck in a scene with my worst nightmare--Katie. And whatever prop person gave a biker chick a purse should be shot.

Noah and Luke....zzzzz. More talking. Necessary? Probably. But good grief, mind-numbingly boring to someone not really in tune with this story in the first place. (And to be fair, I was bored with the talky-let's justify this crap with fake bonding portion of Kack's "romance" too.) Uhm...question. Was that chest hair I saw peaking out from behind Luke's suddenly not-buttoned-to-the-top striped shirt?

I was impressed with Ali/Susan/Dusty. Sure, I'd rather have actually seen Susan fall off the wagon, bellying up to some bar and downing vodka. But Ali was rather crafty in checking out Susan's story, and genuinely seems concerned about her mother.

Geez...Oakdale seems to be rife with uninsured buildings that bankrupt people, doesn't it? I'm not even sure how Henry and V managed to buy the building in the middle of the night, and before they were shown running off to "help" man the phone lines for tips on JJ's kidnapping.

V called Katie-Mike, Katie-Henry and Katie-Jack "rebound" relationships. See? She's finally in tune with her Inner Carjacker.

Sigh...for a couple who aren't "working together" well lately, Carly and Jack seem perfectly in sync to me. Once again, Katie walks in on them, and Jack looks like he's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Jack and Carly are more alike than people give them credit for. They both unapologetically do what they think needs to be done. Nothing Katie said was going to stop Jack from checking out Idaho on his own, and Carly knew it. Katie, otoh, prettily insists another cop can do the job, while Jack rests up. HA!!! As if!! (and it's so funny...Katie flew off at a moment's notice to help Simon multiple times...even when told "not to". Kiss him goodbye, Fluff....kiss him goodbye.)

Oh, I forgot. Finally someone in the prop department learned not to take a picture of characters in the same clothes they are wearing in the episode. That pic of Jack and the kids was cute.

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PJ (I'm directing this mainly toward you since you are in tune to Katie's wimperings)... Did you notice the tone she had for Jack when he told her that he wasn't going to let Margo or Dallas run the case? When he said something on the lines of "You know why I have to do this?" or something along those lines, she goes "Oh I know why you're doing it," adding that little toss of the head w/eyeroll. Katie will never truly understand what it is to be a parent and the lengths they will go to get their child back. While she's doing all that huffing and puffing that Jack wants to go safe his son, she's already showing that she's only wanting Jack because she doesn't want Carly to have him... .if Carly wasn't even in the picture and JJ went missing, that heifer wouldn't bat an eye or gripe about it....but because Carly is very much involved, she can't stand it and is sooo afraid that once Jack leave (with Carly in tow) her little 'happily ever after' is going to blow up in her face.

My grandma said "She'd never make a good cop's wife. She don't know any of the lingo or slang that common thugs use."

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Great show today! I was amazed at all the screen time Luke and Noah got. Color me surprised. :huh: Their scenes were well done. It sure looked like Noah was daydreaming about Luke at the end of the show. Susan/Ally/Bob/Superman was great too. I just wish we would have actually seen Susan take a drink. Maybe that will be coming soon. As for Carly/Jack/Katie I am just waiting for Fluffy to be squashed! I am tired of the triangle. It is time to move on. Katie get your fluffy hands of Jack and leave town!

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Well, this is the exact reason why I think a phone call or some other conversation should be pre-taped when a cast member will be absent for a while. Otherwise it's very silly that a character makes no contact with their struggling family because of a real-life maternity leave. I don't understand the relationship Passanante is forcing Dusty to have with these women, though. What is he supposed to do with Susan? Dry her out under a cold shower and smack her around a bit? Unless he pulls the biggest twist of them all and sleeps with her too, I don't want him involved. If I were writing it, I'd have Susan hit rock bottom in front of Kim, with Mrs. Hughes having to pull her together. It's tough love, kiddo.

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*eyeroll* I'm kind of tired of Dusty playing Dr Phil and "fixing" the dysfunctional families of Oakdale when he starts dating the daughters. I'd personally LOVE to see Kimmy give Susan a "kiddo" speech and throw her under a cold shower. My guess is Susan's slip will be nothing more than something for Dusty to take care of while Em's off in Europe. It's not about Susan, it's about Dusty and Ali.

I love that Katie doesn't "get" parenthood or the depths to which parents will go for their kids. She shouldn't, she hasn't had one. I love my nephews, but I'm not their parents, and I don't pretend I could understand what it's like.

The only thing that really surprised me is that Katie didn't automatically offer to go with Jack. Especially after walking in on Carly and Jack twice in one day having some "alone" time. Did you see Jack start to sweat, offering up an explanation before Katie could manage to pick her jaw up off the floor? LOL...I almost think part of the reason Jack's decided to go is because it's getting a little too uncomfortable around Carly. He jumped in with "I'm leaving immediately", just a little too soon to be all about searching for JJ. That hug between Carjack was just a little too long, methinks. I think Jack realizes that Fluff's hugs don't comfort him at all.

And no, Katie would never be a good cop's wife. She's way too needy. Jack already spends most of his time smoothing her feathers over stuff related to Carly and the kids. She'd practically have a meltdown if Jack had to go off and investigate in the middle of a dinner party.

Teehee...I'm so hoping that "goodbye" Jack and Fluff had, was like their last goodbye as fcukbuddies. All aboard the Carjack train, people!!!!! I know I'll regret typing this...but I thought one of the spoilers was that Jack finished his proposal this week. I'm hoping he gets out of town without having to kiss Fluff's feet one last time.

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