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Who needs soaps when the news

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I was sitting here watching the news, on Fox and I was shocked and appalled over the story that A woman killed four infants, one was found in a bag in a trunk in the house, another was found in a bag in a garbage can in a Winnebago, and there may be more. My blessings and prayers go out to those poor children and their family. She is facing 1st degree murder, manslaughter and something else they said i forgot, lol

then it went into

Vic from the falcons and the dog fighting. His co defendant, is taking a plea bargain. This certainly raises the stakes against sports star.

Then we had the NEWS CHOPPER colliding into one another,

The Bush/Brown press conference will be under way, with the world wondering can America and England still stand strong together.

Then school girls on a bus began passing out due to carbon monoxide.

And now dumb ass Bush wants give billions in military aid to Saudi Arabia, and Israel to counter Iran.

The world keeps getting more evil and scarier

WHEW!! With stories like these who needs soaps?

P.S. I do like this new format here at SON.

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Real people experience adultery and breakups too. Should the soaps not deal with those issues either? I believe they need to stop underestimating the audience and incorporate more reality into stories. Detractors against that idea are of the sort who don't want Luke to be gay on ATWT. Everyone responds to good storytelling. I found much of The Sopranos to be totally repulsive, but the integrity of the writing made me watch year after year.

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I love you. I've been saying that for years. Reality is so much more soapy than anything a writer can come up with. I've always seen soap operas like a fun house mirror. You see the general forms and shapes of reality, just exaggerated a bit.

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Tell me about it. This past weekend has been crazy. I have been enthralled in Beyonce's tumble down a flight of steps, headfirst in heels, then getting right back up as if nothing ever happened to flounce around on stage(still in heels). THEN Usher calling off his wedding a few hours before it, then leaving on a plane...alone no less. Whew! The news certainly is continuous drama I'll say. Soaps should take *serious* note.

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