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Days: SOD Spoilers

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Since I thnk Lucas is a goon and don't like him with Sami at all, I just wish he would vanish forever. EJ actually gives depth to Sami and that is the way I like her, otherwise she is a goon, too, flip-flop ungrounded girl. Hogan needs to quit his childish games and go with a story with character.

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It would be weaker for Hogan to squander 14 years of Lumi history for Sami and her rapist. Just like JER was an idiot for squadering two years of Lumi that he built to go back to the tiresome and lame Carrie/Austin/Sami/Lucas quad. Thank god Hogan rectify that mistake by finally marrying off Lumi. Now all he needs to do is get them away from Sami's rapist.

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14 years of them torturing each other is more the truth. They have been so cruel to each other it hurts to think about it. Thankfully the truth about EJ is soon to come out and it will be a real eye-opener for those who love to belittle him. I don't know what excuses are made for Lucas being an idiot and crook and nearly killing Sami with eyes wide open, but those things much overpower anything EJ has ever done....not the least of which is to be accepting of her for herself in spite of herself.

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LOLOLOLOLOL. He's already been squandering 14 years of Lumi history by writing them as insipid slurp mates and changing Sami's character to make her a weepy and emotional doormat and changing Lucas to make him a too trusting, supportive partner for Sami when at one time they were actually interesting as the scheme team and with their dysfunctional love-hate relationship.

They are ignoring 14 years of Lumi history by allowing Sami and everyone in Sami's family to act like Lucas is this perfect knight in shining armor for her and has never messed up and all their problems before were Sami's fault for being a bad person while Lucas was just another one of her victims. They are ignoring 14 years of Lumi history by allowing Lucas to be totally self-righteous and hypocritical in constantly chastising EJ for what he did saying he can't possibly love her if he did that when Lucas has done things to Sami just as bad if not worse in trying to kill her and sending her to the death chamber for a crime he committed.

Believe me, I would love it if Hogan actually paid attention to all 14 years of Lumi history.

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I'm glad that Lucas is the father. :)

I'm still confused by Hogan's statement when he said that he knew he would ultimately have Lucas as the father but then right after that he says that this baby s/l is not over. I found him to be contradicting with that statement. I think this means that EJ still has a chance of being a father to one of the babies. I'm curious to where this will go.

I'm glad that he's all for Lucas and Sami finally settling down and establishing their marriage. We need more couples in that age range to finally settle down and start a life together. I'm all for drama and angst but when it has to deal with constantly pulling couples apart and together, it gets tiresome and old. Couples can still have drama and angst while staying married and working on obstacles together. Look at Bope. They're working TOGETHER now to solve the Brady/Dimera war and I would take this version of Bope any day over what we had last year with them apart. We need more established couples on this show that will lead DAYS into the future and with Bope, S/K, and J/M getting old now, there has to be some solid couples that will take over the reigns and I'm glad that Lumi is IT. :)

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I'm sure it is quite nice to be a huge DAYS fan and not a huge fan of any pairing. I certainly never was a huge fan of any particular pairing until EJ and Sami caught my fancy last summer/fall and their scenes were the only thing that kept me watching during the Chinese water torture that was this winter-spring of Shelligan's Island, One Flew Over a Payla's Nest and Hairbrushgate.

Thankfully the DiMeras are back and Bo and Hope are back on the frontburner so I have a lot more to enjoy about the show these days, but I still haven't changed my belief that EJami is more interesting and exciting than Lumi. My outrage and frustration over EJ and Sami not even being given a fair shot as simply one equal side of a love triangle is not just about me thinking James Scott is cute or whatever, it's about me thinking there's a lot more interesting and compelling stories to be told with a Brady-DiMera romance with all sorts of external intrigue and drama for this son of Stefano and daughter of Marlena not to mention all the internal angst that the two have for the way they have gone back and forth between supporting and hurting each other over the past year. All I can see for Lumi is oh no Kate has a secret on Sami and is gonna expose it for the 10 billionth time. Oh how exciting. My support for EJami is about my support for Days in that I personally think they give the show a better chance of holding viewers and attracting new ones so that maybe Days can last beyond 2009 in some form, which is more important to me than any couple.

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I don't want to turn this into a fanbase war and that wasn't the intention of my post. I like what I like. No amount of name calling is going to change it.

One thing I do agree on. Now that Lumi are cemented, just like Jimmy Hoffa was all those years ago, I want EJ far away from them too. As far as possible. But not for the same reasons that you do. B)

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That statement has me intrigued, too. He seems to be contradicting himself. I guess we'll just have to wait it out and see what happens, but it does seem very strange that they set up this classic WTD storyline, make Sami pregnant with twins, and then resolve the whole thing so quickly. Not that I like these stories to drag out forever because I don't--in fact, I don't like WTD stories at all, they are overdone in soaps.

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I'm with you there. I've watched this soap for over 30 years, and I feel my loyalty has earned me the right to like who I like with no apologies. I'm not losing sleep over it, but I do think if TPTB expect me to give them an hour of my time, five days a week, that I deserve good drama in return. Not constant fanbase pandering. And I'm not just talking LUMI vs. EJAMI here; they've done it over and over again.

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Hmmm. Hogan's definitely leaving out something. Even if Lucas is the father, this still doesn't bode well for Lumi. I can't put my finger on it, but it seems like there's going to be a bigger obstacle to split Lumi apart. Why would Hogan say "first step to cementing the Lumi marriage"? I know he was laying it on thick for them, but it seems like he's setting up a foundation only to destroy it. There's a reason he amping it up. Hmmmm.

I hope Hogan moves this story along because I'm waiting for EJami. I know it can't happen this minute, but Days doesn't have much time. In fact, he better get his act together because as much as I love his work, I won't stand for lazy writing. Whether it's Corday or Hogan's decision to keep Lumi together, they better pull their socks up and look at what has potential. That's EJami.

Truthfully speaking, I used to be a huge Lumi fan. It's just things have changed and I no longer see a need for Lucas. He's been destroyed for life by going back to Carrie recently. Once that whole situation was resolved, I finally saw that there was no more purpose for Lucas' existence. I actually thought he could have been a supporting character, but even that isn't enough. There's nothing else to do for the character. Everyone's outgrown him, even Sami. It took me a long time to warm up to EJ, but he has shown me that Lucas and Lumi are not that good as they are perceived.

Now that a former ATWT actor is heading onto another soap, I am seriously considering dropping Days until all of this Lucas crap is over. I already have ATWT set to tape starting tomorrow and I'm waiting for the airdates for the former ATWT actor on OLTL. Days is good, but it's not THERE yet. I've lost a lot of interest even though it's better than most soaps. I refuse to watch EJ and EJami being written to prop Pucas and Lumi when I could just skip them entirely and tune into the actual EJami reunion. So, what I'm saying is if Hogan has a plan up his sleeve to bring EJami together as endgame in some unique way, he better hurry up. I know he is going for them, but there's like an invisible wall in front of him that's stopping him from getting there. Frankly, I don't have the patience and tolerance for missed opportunities. I'm a fan of Hogan, but he needs to deliver the goods and fast.

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Great post! I actually liked Lucas and Sami at each other's throats - they were fun and interesting that way. This contorting of two shady characters in Lucas and Sami to fit this hero/heroine mold isn't interesting. If they have to push this so hard, it means it's not worth it IMO.

Thank you for this - I like who I like. I like, no love EJ and Sami together. I don't need a sermon on what's morally wrong about a rapist loving another rapist, who's married to a killer :rolleyes: If I want a sermon, I'll go to my church. DAYS should be entertaining, and the fact is that Ej and Sami entertain me more than Lucas and Sami EVER did. Simple as that.

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I tend to agree although I stopped liking Sami and Lucas even at each other's throats a good while back. Together they are intolerablely boring, and if Days intends to keep them together they need to backburner both of them and focus on couples that are interesting. It's too bad because with EJ Sami could be a leading character, just as EJ is very much one. They are interesting, intelligent, exciting and intense together, and Sami comes across as a strong woman instead of a weak woman-child suffering from arrested development. As for EJ, he shines no matter who shares scenes with.

Like you I watch shows for their entertainment value, not to be preached to or receive lessons in morality. Soaps have never been bastions of virtue and that's what has made them fun!

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If I had my grandmother's embroidery skills, I would put that on a sampler and mail it in! I agree with every word.

Sami and EJ are the far more entertaining pairing, and despite these spoilers, I haven't given up hope. I have said along that at least one baby will die, and when I heard that Lucas was the father of both, I posted that I thought that both would die. With this spoiler, I am thinking that one will die and with Roman in critical condition, Sami will accept Stefano's offer of a truce in return for her becoming Mrs. Elvis DiMera. By then she would be desperate to protect the surviving twin, her dad, and even the traveling Will. But if I am wrong, and this turns into playtime with Lumi and the blanket babies, then my continuing to watch this show becomes much less likely and I have been watching/listening since I was younger than Sami's twins are now. :D

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Great post. I agree that Hogan's dropping some hints that Lumi is heading for trouble, although I think the article itself has a strange vibe. And I feel bad for Lumi fans who have invested a lot of years in this couple, but I agree with you, Sema608, and others who believe that EJami has a lot to do with the future of this show. Lumi is simply played out and all the things that made their relationship somewhat interesting are gone. The Carrie/Lucas storyline last summer was the nail in the coffin as far as I'm concerned. I also agree that something needs to be done quickly (that cancellation clock is ticking) if Corday really wants to save DAYS. Lucas has been frontburner with Sami and ratings are stagnant; they need to move fast before they lose more viewers. I'm beginning to wonder if Hogan and Corday are holding back on EJami until Ali debuts on The Biggest Loser in September (I'm assuming it's premiering with the other fall shows), to make the most of that show's publicity and possibly bring in new viewers for the new storyline.

ETA: I really wish we could get beyond the EJami and Lumi fanbase wars and everyone could just want what's best for the show. This board isn't so bad, but I've been on others where posters will make statements that if their couple isn't the endgame, they want DAYS cancelled. That makes me sad, because I have loved this show for decades, I've grown up watching it, and I want it to continue for a long time. I would never want to sacrifice the whole show over one couple.

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