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ATWT: Wednesday July 25 Episode

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I wanted a slapback too!!!

I remember when Charles Keating was on as Niles Mason. Thomas Gibson was his son Derek.

Lucinda leaned they were behind the fire/bomb at the cottage were Lily supposedly perished.

Lucinda walked in the police station and spat at Niles hitting him in the face. The camera held on Keating and he started to chuckle. I can't help but think that was the actor's reaction and not the character. I rewound that tape back and forward watching that scene! :lol::D

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I swear, I shudder to think of what has to happen to little Sage to finally glue her parents back together. It's not that I don't understand that Jack and Carly really need to rebuild their trust, and that some joint worrying about the children will speed that along. It's that instead of doing something semi-realistic, like Jack actually acknowledging that JJ is just NOT going to "come around" to Katie, and how Jack's actions have pushed his child away (just as much as Carly's did with Parker), we get some cartoonish villians to throw Carjack in to some uber flight or fight mode.

I don't think the villians are the lamest plot Carjack have been churned through---that would be Katie, the suddenly very, very unCarly-ish Katie, whose past has been conveinently forgotten by Jack. Compared to Katie...the mystery of the "missing beautiful baby boy" looks like genius. Pure genius. :o

And Emma/Meg/20 years??!!?!?!?! I knew there was something else stupid Meggie said! Please, Meg's father died when she was a toddler. That would be about 40 years ago, hun. The Snyders have been on the show more than 20, even.

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That is the thing that bothers me...Jack won't even acknowledge the fact that Parker is going through things that need his undivided attention; and then top it off with JJ outright telling him that he didn't want Katie in their lives...Common sense would tell any father that his kids happiness are important too...not just his own..and he knows that his kids will never be happy with Fluffster trying to buy them off with fancy make-overs and pathetic attempts at bonding like one of the gang... But I forgot this is the same man that after he regained his memory, totally blew off Parker to do all things JJ and also made that cutting little comment to Carly "I chose you didn't I" when she asked him if he still had a thing for Julia II.

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Katie. Because her stories are usually less-than-deep thinking, heavy drama. They are fluffy, she is Fluffy. Sort of like Madonna. And you can use it like an adjective. Object to her many men/slutty ways? She can become FluffMe, FlufferNutter, FluffedByAll. Is she in a nasty mood? FluffZilla. Is she just acting dumber than usual? FluffTwit suits her well. :)

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