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ATWT: Wednesday July 25 Episode

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Think about it for a moment....Brad is telling Katie EVERYTHING she wants to hear when it comes to trashing Carly....so it makes sense for Brad to use another underhanded tactic to get what he wants....He will tell Katie everything she wants to hear when it comes to Jack, and in the process, he's setting her up more or less to get a ass whupping from Carly even more...

Why do I say this? Okay...Brad 'encourages' Katie to continue to be by Jack's side....to continue to be go where he is, despite the fact that Carly is there....even going far as to trash talk Carly and pimp Jack all up in her face all of a sudden as the best thing for her....This is all merely words for Brad and he knows Katie will gobble it all up because Katie's all about Katie and will do whatever to get Jack. Brad is setting Katie up slowly to fall....the more Katie is around, the more she will see first hand that Jack and Carly are NOT over.

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Boring show today, but the previews were not. My god Luke and Aaron in a scene, I swear the two of them looked so Hot I could melt. I would have enjoyed today more but Meg and Craig are just way to boring together. I did enjoy Lucinda though. And even though I say it was boring I like how atleast some of the family is involved in this storyline with JJ and real police work for once, I just needed a break from it today, so it just bored me.

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Brad wants Katie! I want Brad to be with Katie they deserve each other.

Katie and Terri (referring to yesterdays Terri KACK pimping) look at the credits to ATWT: Jack and Carly are first and have a long intro and you are in the flashes with Henry. KACK are NOT the future.

Aaaron and Luke both look like they were sporting some hot haircuts too...those Snyder boys sure do look might good.

MMMM, Snyder men. Aaron and Luke are hot.

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Yet Terri constantly feels the need to pimp Kack...She might want to glue those little peepers on that intro and face the reality that Katie and Jack will not be having one anytime soon.

I'm kinda glad that Ava took that wig off...I've seen Yancy Butler in soooo much stuff...I remember younger seeing her in some sci-fi show where she was sort of like a bionic woman or some sorts...

They really found a gem in casting Silas :P Shoot even I wanted to crack up laughing at the snarky banter he and Ava had going with one another.

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I wish I could credit Brad with being devious enough to be setting Katie up for anything. Methinks he's just rolled over and decided to that anything that makes Katie happy, is okay by him. The "far, far better" thing, kind of. Even if I think as Katie just sits back and tries to be there for Jack, she'll see how right Carly was about everything.

WHEN was the last time Meg thought for herself? She's as much Craig's tool now, as she was Paul's back when he talked her into abetting the kidnapping. I wish Lucy had smacked her back.

Kind of disappointed that Carly didn't get to smack down Katie anywhere CLOSE to what I thought. But you know Carly's totally right. Jack's proposal wasn't about wanting to settle down with Katie, it was the obvious solution once he wanted to ignore the feelings he has for Carly. And Jack DOES have to continually stroke Katie's fragile little ego with every pebble in the road they hit. I was so glad Carly ripped her about bribing Sage into liking her. LOL...serves the little witch right. Boo-freakin'-hoo if Katie's feelings are hurt. She deserved a whole lot more of the truth flung in her face.

The kidnapping scenes were kind of boring, but it was nice seeing Holden/Lily/Meg worked into the family drama.

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The only importance of "the key" is that Silas and Ava thinks Les (JJ's bio-father) hid money in a safe-deposit box in Houston. And it's supposed to be in Julia's belongings. Neither Jack or JJ know if it existed or not. It's most likely Les either lied to impress Silas, or already spent the money.

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I did too. Lucinda should have smacked her back. Meg got off way too easy. But I don't think Lucinda is done with Meg yet. I wish Carly had smacked Katie too...LOL. As for the previews I wasnt thrilled to see Ally and Dusty. They bore me to tears. It was nice seeing Luke and Aaron in a scene.

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In other words, it's quite possibly the lamest attempt to usher in jack and Carly's inevitable reconciliation. :rolleyes: Couldn't the boy be kidnapped without us having to see him or his kidnappers? Luke needs airtime to convert his sexually confused man-crush!

It appeared that the slapping moment was privy to special editing. I doubt Marie Wilson really smacked Liz Hubbard. And though it would have been nice for Lucinda to return fire, I doubt Liz wants to get vigorously physical at her age.

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And to think this storyline scared me. Well anything involving kids getting hurt, abused, and kidnapped scare me. We have 2 kids getting taken away from their parents this week (over at AMC, Greenlee took Spike and planned to runaway with him.)

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