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DAYS: Thursday

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petunia, NO ONE wants this to be true more than I, but what of the CONSTANT demonizing of EJ? The way they rewrite history and claim EJ had a gun to her head and raped Sami? (he didn't have a gun to her head during the sex or just before it; he didn't really rape Sami, it was sex in exchange for Lucas' life).

I WANT to believe they want us to hate Lucas, but too many signs are suggesting otherwise.

And as for the person who said they hate, Lucas, today, I'll say I HATE ROMAN! He's an annoying broken record, going on and on about how EJ's siding with the DiMeras. NOTHING indicates that! He's a prick!

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You make it sound as if she jumped at the chance to let him screw her. He presented her with an ultimatum first, either she has sex with him, or he leaves Lucus all alone to die in the cabin. Of course she was going to go with the option that would save Lucus' life. She wasn't emotionally or physically longing for EJ, her heart was dead set on Lucus.

He coerced her into sex, which in many jurisdictions is a form of rape.

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I know what happened in the scene. I was actually making a point about how wrong it is for people like AMC Zendall fan to try to simplify it the other way with the BS that EJ raped Sami at gunpoint when that is not what we were shown at all.

But not apparently in Salem because the police commander hasn't even attempted to arrest him for it.

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Actually that is how I saw it, too....Sami bargained for what she wanted, too. She had options. EJ had a gun, but he didn't shoot her or hit her in the head with it to knock her out to get what he was programmed to do by his dying father. She could have told him "No way, Jose and got out of the car. He wouldn't have shot her. There were other people in the area obviously, why was there a roadblock where their picture was taken....police even around there. It was just not a rape at all. I hated that it was even shown that way because I really loved LUMI then and hated that was written in and that Sami went along with it. I hated that she talked to him and allowed him in her home afterward. But, in the end, I ended up cheering for EJ and loathing the juvenile boy Lucas. Just get him off my screen. Now, that is some turn around from someone who hated EJ passionately not so long ago.

I love Anna. She is so one-of-a-kind LOL and so much fun. The real Tony with Anna was magic.

What I loved the most about today was Marlena showing motherly love for Sami, her older daughter, at long last. I wish I had taped today just for that.

Actually, I'm enjoying Bart this time around. He's toned it down a notch or two and for me that works much better.

What I did not understand about today was why on earth Bo and Hope didn't talk to Mother Superior to learn what happened to Colleen. They surely won't get it from Shawn for sometime and going all that way to not read (it was 1957 for goodness sake) the old newspaper stories at the local library or talk to the locals about it is beyond me. They are supposed to be detectives, right?

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Exactly. I like EJ but facts are facts. In regards to today, Roman mentioned EJ had a gun and forced his daughter into the situation she ended up in. He didn't really go off on a rape tangent today.

Good show today.

I am in love with Anna. Give LeAnn a contract please! I am so happy she was the one to figure out something was up with Tony. It works so well with her history. Loved her scenes with Roman and Tony. Her interaction with Bart was hilarious. Also, loved the Tony/Bart scenes. Bart is a waste but I like Blackwood and he is quite funny and so much better this time around. Good ending with Tony and EJ. Great scenes with them.

Roman/EJ was kind of boring but some movement there. I love seeing Marlena act as a mother to Sami. Hope that keeps up like it has been. I like Lucas but he was annoying me today. They had toned him down for a bit and I was loving him earlier this week but it's back to intolerable again. Hope that changes because I loved Marlena telling him off.

I also loved Hope/Bo/Shawn Sr. The Addie mention was fantastic and love overdue. KA and FP had me getting teary eyed in that scene. PR was good too. Loved the flashback of little Shawn Sr begging Colleen to stay. That was heartbreaking and they really are building this up to something big. Loving it.

Good show and let's hope for a great end to a stellar week! :)

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