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AMC: Wednesday

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Ok, I missed yesterday (watching this weekend on SoapNet) - but already from today's show - 'Gosh' is HOT. I could so go for this couple...

Ryannie - glad they made up and are loving each other again - time to move on!

Stuart - love seeing him step up to Zach.

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Lol. we both made a AMC wednesday topic at the same time. lol now there is two. I will writer here. lol.

Stuart is so sweet. Thats why I love him so much! Him and Lily are alike. :)

Annie/Ryan moving on. Thank god! :)

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Ok, I'm gonna have to rant on Zach Slater a little bit.

I'm hoping after Stuart helps him build the crib, that maybe Zach will cave in and sell him the house - BUT I can't believe he's denying Stuart's offer when it's just as good as anyone else's, including Marian's. Just bc he's Adam's brother and wants to give it back to Colby/Little A - and Zach still doesn't have the heart to SELL him the house? That's cruel. He knows what this means to Stuart, and how it's for the kids, and he can't just put himself into Stuart's shoes and realize that if his kids were homeless (I know technically they aren't)...but he'd fight as hard as Stuart is to get that house back. He'll still make an assload of money.

Ugh - anyway, Stuart is my favorite character today by far. Love that guy.

Kendall looks HOT today.

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LMFAO at Annie's reaction to Greens/Josh walking by - the outfit talk was hilarious.

Did Thorsten Kaye get a haircut or get a new hairstyle? It looks different.

Anyway, the Zach/Stuart scenes are breaking my heart. I hope Zach does the right thing and sell that house to Stuart, without him having to sign over the Gallery's deed.

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Haha - I'm loving the Annie/Greenlee exchange at Fusion. Their scenes are always good for me.

I love me some Di, but that was tacky of her to bring up the Ava/Jonathan make out in front of the other Fusion girls at the workplace.

I feel bad for Lily :( I almost feel bad for Jonathan, as Jeff is playing the guilt-ridden emotion really well today.

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HOLY MOLEY are the dialogue today!! LOL

Kendall (to Greenlee): What's gotten into you?

Annie: If only she knew.


I love Greenlee and Josh together. Great work by the writers to pair up two "third party" characters that I never even thought about being together.

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Didn't like today's episode. It was boring (in general) and the lack of subtleness (Z/S scenes, NY.NY.NY.NY.), ouch! Why exactly is Stuart now Colby and Little Adam's dad? And all that was missing from his guilt-trip was Little Adam there with a sad painted on clown face, torn clothing and a kiddie cup begging for money - "could you spare me a dime kind sir." That had the opposite effect it was suppose to have - on me at least. I had wanted the house to be given back but during today's scenes I do believe I wanted the mansion burned down. Just...bad. Unintentional bad comedy. Episode has me looking forward to 12-year old Erica tomorrow, lol.

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I liked it, and I'm glad to see the girls getting excited about their launch in NY even tho they did heavily hit us over the head with that destination.

I also like the idea of a Ryan/Zach business relationship.

I still don't like Jonathan with either Lily or Ava. They should drop that story quickly.

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I'm blaming Ryan and Zach for the New York thing as well ;) I wonder did Mayor Bloomberg offer the show $1,000 for each mention of NY today?

I'm going to attempt to watch the show tomorrow, again. I'm on two hours sleep and that does put me in a mood, maybe it'll seem better on 8 hours of rest.

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IMO Stuart was trying to get around what JR did by wanting to buy the house, I'm sure he does want it for Little A and Colby, but IMO JR should find a way to earn it back on his own.

I know it's about the memories, but new memories can always be created in a new place.

Otherwise loved Zach & Stuart.

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I think Zach will wind up giving the kids the house. I feel that was the point of the scenes with Zach putting together the crib in his new home building memories for his children.

What Stuart said, while corny, is true.

Pay it forward Zach.

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