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DAYS: Monday, July 9

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Yeah, I know it's early, but I like this episode so I'm getting an early start on the thread. :)

Monday, July 9

I just love the way Bo and Hope are being written lately. Don't you?

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And to get you in the mood for DOOL lookalike period drama/romance, here's a clip from the Emily and Gideon story with Mary Beth Evans and Stephen Nichols.

Previously on DAYS...
-Chelsea met Jett's fiance and found out she's being unfaithful
-The Bradys and Hortons came together to celebrate the 4th of July

Today on DAYS...
-Chelsea wants to tell Jett the truth
-The first of the translated letters arrive and the Colleen-Santo saga begins
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I am really tired of Sami and Lucas. I now FF all there scenes. Is this all the Dimeras can do, in fight and holler. And Kate and this black mailing Nick. Hogan, you need to find yourself a more aggressive co HW.The storylines suck, BUT the dialog is ok and interaction is superb. I am not happy with Hogan.

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^ Well, first I was shocked to learn the soaps were back from hiatus (I thought it was Tuesday or so). And now, after reading all these reviews, I've decided not to leave work to check out "Days" (it comes on in an hour here). "Passions" is great but I'm opting out of that for today too (It just came on.)

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I loved today's episode. It felt like the commercials were going so fast. I hadn't felt that in a while. Anyway, the teens were alright for once. Nick and Chelsea were too depressing. Where's Nick's chick radar? Chelsea is just not into him anymore. I guess they have to be filler for the Santo/Colleen story. Those scenes were awesome! Kudos to Alison and James.

I tolerated Lucas, but his eating chicken and 24/7 sex talk reminded me of Fat Bastard in the Austin Powers sequel. Does he really have to make everything about sex? Even when Sami was reading those letters, all he wanted to know were the sex stuff (there were none).

It was good to see Bo and Hope. I can see them in every episode. I LOVE them. John and Marlena surprised me. I thought for sure they were going to make out by the looks in their eyes. *gag*

The episode ended with a fadeout, which was great. The previews look cool, too.


Grandpa Shawn holds Colleen's picture and asks for forgiveness.

Colleen runs to save Santo from getting beat up again in the church.

The Santo/Colleen letters reading continues!

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How many more episodes do we have to watch Colleen/Santo??? I don't really care for their backstory. This feud officially sucks.

The backstory should've involve Stefano with something happening to him. There's no impact when it's about two characters we know nothing about or ever heard of.

Hogan, once again you didn't plan this out very well. You know what you should've done, Hogan? You should've kept Peter Brash and asked what he had planned in 2002 for the Dimera/Brady feud, because I guarantee that it would've been way bette than this crap.

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I think the Santo and Colleen stuff is great and so far don't think this episode is that boring at all other than the Gidget crowd. Very impressed with the accents from Alison Sweeney and James Scott and for giving performances to elevate this material beyond the cheesy, embarrassing place it could have been to classic soap goodness. Yeah, it is slower paced but I liked the intermingling between the letters being read at the two locations providing commentary on the flashbacks as we saw them. I swear the tension in those longing looks and intense stares between Santo and Colleen is more romance from this show than we have gotten the entire year.

I could have done with a lot fewer Lucas comments though and that part where he was talking about being able to eat and listen to her read the letters at the same time where she said "because you're amazing" was so nauseating. Why the hell does Sami worship this jobless, ambitionless, horny dork loser? Because the third time they were supposed to get married she was pregnant and had told him she was raped so he didn't leave her? I wish Sami had self-esteem that she had a personality outside of getting and keeping a man. She sucks as Lucas's barefoot and pregnant lap dog.

BTW... wtf was up with Stephanie's big joke about the two of them getting married and that weird look away from Jeremy that they showed us. Is he gay or DOES HE ALREADY HAVE A WIFE?!?! Because that is what I got out of that look.

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But it was the same... oh I'm shady and I hope she doesn't find out my secret look they had on Jeremy's face the first day he was on. It was after Stephanie had already let Jeremy in on her joke about wanting to get married and after she had said something about how they are both too young to tied down or something like that.

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I haven't even seen it yet and I'm already disappointed. I agree that this is a lame beginning to the feud unless something major happens soon. I too think that it should have involved Stefano. I think they have waited way too long to address the so called feud.

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I enjoyed the three supercouples reading the letter together but why limit them to 5 minutes of screen time? This Collanto crap is so lame and boring and it took up over half the episode. I agree that Cwickly & Brash's feud story was miles better and they didn't even get to the reveal part.

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