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DAYS: Friday, June 29

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Ohhhhhhh they showed Belle getting the divorce papers. And Belle and Phillip are keeping secrets from Shawn. Looks like Phelle is back on. And good job editing this episode by bringing them back into things with all their Claire paternity angst juxtaposed against the Sami's paternity results storyline. But seriously where are Belle, Shawn and Claire supposed to sleep if they move into Bo and Hope's house with them, Ciara, Chelsea and Jeremy?

So Sami's ideas for the babies is TOM and Colleen so she can name the boy after Lucas's grandfather? LOL. These twins are so going to be named SANTO (after EJ's grandfather) and Colleen at the end of this. Yayyyyy. Thanks writers! I love you. Oooh yet again they have Sami telling Lucas she's afraid she's going to lose him and then Lucas says nothing but there's just a sigh and a fade to black before the commercial break. Sorry Sami. You so are losing him at the end of this. Yay.

I want to burn the tie they have EJ wearing. But I'm so glad they showed the DiMansion having a chessboard today. If only we could see Stefano playing around with it after chats with Tony and EJ so we could confirm that he is just playing those two off each other. And I am still loving that princess phone they have so much too that I have almost forgotten about the old blue wallpaper being gone. Almost.

I take it the fact that Mythic wasn't mentioned at all when Kate and EJ met means that the whole SEC investigation plot point has been officially dropped? Oh well. Just add it to the pile I guess. It was kind of lame anyway. Did that look on Kate's face when EJ mentioned Stefano indicate maybe Kate finally realized her scheme to break up Lucas and Sami could get her in hot water with more than just her son if it is exposed? I hope so. Get her, Stefano.

Roman's outrage NOW about EJ being the father is interesting. Looks like Sami's not the only one who decided overnight to finally start acting like she was raped. Roman now hates EJ and is angrily pointing in his face rather than giving him a positive point at the end of a pep talk to end the feud like he did two weeks ago when EJ and Sami were attacked at the warehouse. Ugh. No consistency in the writing whatsoever.

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Two favorite parts of the show today were ironically Roman related. The first was when you could see him suspecting Kate had been up to something in regards to the paternity (and that was fully in the acting, and I never thought I'd have to give JT any credit, ever). And then his conversation with Bo at the end. Classic! :lol:

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Keith, that was funny. But yet again we have characters have sex off screen and only talk about it afterward just like the Chelsea-Nick sex. So annoying. Not that I actually would want to see that, but just for the sake of the story if they are going to try to make a Roman-Anna-Tony triangle they could at least show one scene of Roman and Anna ALONE so we can see their relationship for ourselves rather than just being told about it. I mean they showed us Tony and Anna alone together and while I am rooting for Tony and Anna I would like them to show Roman and Anna interacting together just for comparison's sake.

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I see your point, Aremid, but I'm happy to see some kind of story for the character. And I have no wish to see Roman/Anna compare to Tony/Anna, so I could care less to not seeing their little rendezvous. But again, point seen.

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Good show today. Really enjoyed the Lucas/Sami scenes today. I'm loving the fact the TPTB are having Roman and Marlena actually act like they're Sami's parents. Loved the EJ and Roman confrontation. Monday looks so good, LH is on our scenes again!

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I'm really enjoying Roman lately, now that Anna is back..and i love the idea of a Roman, Anna, Tony triangle for the time being..But i do not want to see Josh Taylor in sex scenes..Been there done that, and it wasn't pretty..So i'm very happy it was shown offscreen...

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I can't picture Roman in a love scene. :blink: And I don't think I'd want to. :lol: I do admit those scenes at the Bradys were hilarious.

I am soo glad the writers are hinting at a Belle/Philip pairing again. Shawn just grates on my nerves. I can't believe he's Bo & Hope's son..he's such a child.

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Nick just forged a report, but at the end of the episode he decided to find out the truth and run the test..The best story result is a baby being both EJ & Lucas'...

That said, pretty good show..Shawn, Belle, and Phillip was a little slow..but next week things heat up for them finally...And i love having them back in Salem....It was great seeing Marlena in such a motherly role today, and she's looked magnificent in the white suit..I really want john and marlena to get more to do with this brady/dimera feud...but i'm enjoying Marlena playing a role in her children's lives for the time being...Kate, EJ, and Roman was just delicious....Kate looked great today, very bohemian...

The ending was a really pathetic cliffhanger...But oh well..

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Oh they won't both be Roberts. Otherwise they wouldn't have had Will being sent off to Switzerland. I think at least one will be EJ's. They'll probably cop out and do one and one. The girl will be Lucas's and named Colleen and the boy will be EJ's and named Santo. I thought they sort of telegraphed that today with the Tom and Colleen talk, but I guess that's just me.

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LOL! Yup, I have been. It's been really pretty good lately. A bit schizophrenic, yes, but still very good. Love the renewed use of veterans. The-Show-That-Will-Not-Be-Named could really take some pointers from DAYS right now lol.

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