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DAYS: Friday, June 29

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I also noticed that look on Kate's face when Stefano was mentioned. It was like she'd forgotten there were more people involved in her scheme than just Sami--now she's messing with the big guy! I think maybe Kate is finally going to go down. Billie already knows Kate was attempting to blackmail Nick about the paternity, Roman looked very suspicious of her and now Nick is actually going to run the test. They are setting her up for a fall, and I hope it's BIG!

Looks like Bo lost the bet and will be changing lots of diapers in the weeks ahead. I'm glad we didn't see Roman/Anna sex, because I would have had to close my eyes. Roman was kind of cute today, though, when he was talking to Bo.

Belle looked so pretty today, as did Shawn. Loved that blue shirt he was wearing. Their story was slow today, but it looks like things are going to start moving soon. Claire's getting so big! It was funny how she wouldn't let Belle take her from Shawn, and then in the background you could see Philip smiling at her. I think the actors have a good time with these babies.

Lucas was bearable today, but Sami's loud, fake laughing during the tickling scene annoyed me. I always think they overact during their "fun" scenes, but maybe that's just the way Ali is. But that last scene with them....no way is Lucas going to be able to accept EJ's baby(s). Maybe it's going to play out that one baby is Lucas's and one is EJ's, and he tries to convince Sami to give the Dimera baby to EJ so he will leave them alone with the Lumi baby. That sounds cold, but I could see it happening.

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Yes. The LOUD, fake laughing just grates. And you could be right about the DiMera baby/Lumi baby thing. Lucas won't want the DiMera baby corrupting the Lumi baby but Sami, as a twin herself, will insist that the twins be raised together and I could see a scenario down the road if they do go the custody fight route where she might wind up marrying EJ to ensure the babies are raised together. I hope there's not a big custody fight since we've already had so much of that already with Shawn/Belle/Phillip, but I could see that happening.

And as for the Roman/Anna stuff. I guess what bugs me is there is no alone scene of them not even necessarily showing them romantically. But they don't show them having dinner or alone together at all. It's just my general gripe with exposition of stories through dialogue rather than action and demonstration.

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The laughing didn't grate me. The mere TICKLING did. I mean, come on, Hogan. These aren't high-schoolers. We don't need to get them in a tickling situation that segues to sex. They can just HAVE sex without the tickling. NO adults tickle each other like that -- ever. It was just too sophomoric for my tastes.

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So when Brandon Beemer goes around shirtless, you dont care.

But when Blake Berris goes around shirtless, then you think its skanky?

I get confused?

When it comes to the storyline itself, Im actually really tired of this Shawn/Belle/Philip triangle. They are all three really cute, but not so interesting to watch right now. They should be backburned for a while so that we get a little rest from them.

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If Blake went around shirtless, I wouldn't think it was skanky. I'd merely think, "God, I wish that were Beemer."

That's not my issue with him. It was the low-rise, pubes-baring shorts. That suggests egotistical nature to think he can pull that off. To show off, if you will.

I'd think the same of Beemer if he wore those shorts -- unless he only wore them in the privacy of his own home, or my home, for that matter.

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This episode was ok but nothing special. I am glad there was no Vegas stuff though. This type of episode is a beginning of the week episode, not a Friday episode however. I knew Days would slow down with the short week next week but I wouldn't have put such a slow show on a Friday right before a shortened week.

Anyway, I enjoyed the Philip/Belle scenes. The divorce and job talk was good. I like where they are going here and I am glad they aren't being shoved down our throats anymore even though I like all 3 of them. I also liked Shawn having scenes with Bo and Hope. That is why Shelle on their own flopped. When they were on the run, they were away from their family and that took alot away from the story. Having their parents involved really helps IMO.

Loved seeing EJ and Kate in scenes again. I enjoyed their scenes and loved Roman giving Kate that look and asking why she knew who the father was before him. JT was good today and I am enjoying him lately. His attacking EJ was great.

Sami/Lucas scenes were good. Touching, actually. It seems like LUMI are back to being the rooting couple after a few weeks of EJ/Sami pushing only. Looks like they are trying to even the playing field a bit, which helps. I loved seeing Nick interact with Marlena again and seeing Marlena active in Sami's story is great. Good stuff.

Roman revealing to Bo that he slept with Anna was hilarious. Bo and Hope's reactions were priceless. :lol:

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So now that DAYS is not going to air the full week, I wonder what Soapnet will run in its place. Dare I hope for a classic episode or two, or am I giving Soapnet too much credit?

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