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Days: Bryan Datillo On the Way Out?

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Lets have a timeout for a second...

When was the last time that there was this much buzz about the character of lucas at all ?

(crickets chirping)


Now we have a riled fanbase....we have skepticism...we have conspiracy theories...and they have ZERO to do with Lucas. They are about Bryan. I still think its the wrong way to go about it, but he got the buzz he wanted, when lately its been sorely lacking for him.

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Bryan's website is not the only source that reported this. It's also posted on the nameless site that Hogan plans to axe the entire Roberts clan (but that things could change). And I've read a seperate report that Chris/Will is out. Just because some anonymous spokesperson has refuted the rumors, does not mean it isn't being considered. This is the same show that fired Matt Ashford 8 DAYS after his new contract took effect.

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I don't understand this show. We've been waiting throught endless bad stories..eg...Carrie and Lucas marriage, Sami and her stupid obsession with Austin and we finally get these two together. They are finally the couple we all wanted. Now they are tearing them apart months into their marriage. I thought LUMI were supposed to be in love and funny and having a ball. Instead we get a who's the daddy story and EJ has been seen with Sami more than her own husband.

Now they are writing Lucas like an idiot so we will all dislike the character and pray he leaves the canvas. Even me, who only started back to watching this show because of Lucas and Sami, is starting to dislike Lucas. So, I guess if they are trying to destroy the character they are doing a great job. It makes me feel like I'm being manipulated into going for the EJ/Sami pairing and before the "incident" in the car I might have been able to try and root for them as a couple but now I can't even if I wanted to do. That whole storyline was disturbing to me. It was disturbing to me with Luke and Laura and is disturbing to me now.

I only hope they give us back the Lucas and Sami we care about. This Lucas is like a stranger to me. I hope he leaves town and never comes back and the original Lucas returns. Please give us the storyline you promised Hogan.....funny Lumi, in love Lumi.....in other words the big payoff we the fans have been waiting not so patiently for.

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Anyone so sure that EJami won't turn out like Lumi ... I've seen a lot of couples go through upswings and then ruined by downswings. It can happen to anyone, that's just fact. A writer can come in and not get your couple at any time. It happens.

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I wasn't aware actor bashing was suddenly allowed on this board.

Some of the comments posted in this thread about Bryan Dattilo are offensive, to say the very least! :rolleyes:

I wouldn't trust anything Corday or DAYS HQ say - we Matt Ashford fans have long memories! :rolleyes:

If I was Bryan, I wouldn't feel at all reassured.

Corday is a liar and a piece of crap! :angry:

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There a lot of people base their opinion that it was rape because of the face Sami made BEFORE sex with EJ and while I don't think extortion sex for a favor implies rape I will concede that the look on Sami's face AFTER they had sex was not the face of a satisfied customer.

When a girl looks like that after sex the guy is most likely to get a 'Lets be friends' speech.

So I'll pass on EJami and keep Lumi. TPTB can always bring in someone else for EJ and DAYS can use a rival for Sami. IMO, Days can't afford to lose Bryan.

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If that's the case they should be thrilled with all the debate. EJ vs. Lucas, James vs. Bryan, forcing someone to have sex vs. barely stopping them from being executed for a crime you committed. Quite controversial!

I think what EJ did was worse than anything Lucas has done, since with Lucas and Sami it was mutual destruction, but Sami hasn't really done anything bad to EJ.

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Before I read this thread name, I thought that the Roberts/Reed family would be heading out the door soon. The Lumi wedding rated a very pathetic 2.0 and that signed the fate of Lucas. Lucas has never had a storyline outside of Sami or Kate, and it is just too late to make a lead character out of him. It is sad when any actor or actress is let go, but a lot of pink slips went out last year, and with the all the new additions/returns this year, some more people will have to leave. I would put Datillo and Koslow in the top ten in terms of payscale, so they are an obvious cut to make. I wouldn't be surprised to see Pinson and Gerse go too, but I imagine that Will will be recast. I haven't been a fan of Lucas in a long time, but I adored Jack, so I understand how his fans feel.

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I STRONGLY disagree. Sami did set up EJ with the police. Twice. Lying and making him think she wanted to have a relationship with him. Doesn't make what he did OK but it did feed into the mutual destruction of their relationship like her plotting to murder him.

And it's not just that Lucas framed Sami for murder and sent her to death row (even though Lucas confessed at the last minute, it was not what stopped the execution, and don't forget he totally recanted in order to keep custody of Will), he also tried to kill her, drove drunk and almost killed Will and physically assaulted her. But I guess that's OK because Sami started it? GMAB.

In any event, it doesn't say much for Bryan Datillo's value to the show or Lucas's storyline potential if after 14 years in the role about the ONLY argument that seems to be made here for keeping him on the show is preventing another character from being romantically involved with the guy she accused of rape.

Not ALL Days viewers wanted this couple. Many simply didn't care or perhaps like me, have been opposed to this couple ever since they hinted at reuniting, as evidenced by the poor ratings the Lumi wedding received despite all of its promotion.

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I hate that Lucas may leave. I also don't like the fact that Billie is being written off. My fear would be that HS would return to some of his ATWT stunts and this indicates that he surely is.

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I very, very rarely post, but after reading all the EJ/Sami/Lucas debates, I have to say that I'm appalled to see people arguing that this ISN'T rape. I'm not saying that people who want EJ and Sami together are "stupid" -- but, on a technical level, it was rape. He held a gun on her and coerced her into the act. Even if she had wanted it at some prior point in time, she did not want it then. And even if she, five minutes earlier, had wanted to have sex with him, she was compelled to have sex because she didn't want Lucas to die. That's rape, under the law. It's rape if you have sex with someone who is intoxicated and unable to give proper consent because of that state.

re: Lumi --

Which is great, but it's also a dramatic dead-end. Soaps don't turn on couples being "the couple we all wanted." It's nice for the short-term, but they need story. I think it would be idiotic to fire BD now, because they have a rich triangle dynamic to play and could get years out of it. But Lumi's happiness should not be the short-term goal here -- keeping them mired in drama should be.

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