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Days:Jeremy and Jett

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Just some speculation here -- lately I've been pretty open with my displeasure for Hogan, but somehow I think these two guys have the stamp of Corday on them. Hogan's guy was Nick, a scrawny (in soap terms) guy with a brain. As little as I think of Hogan these days, I don't think these two latest Ken Dolls are his idea. I think he may have wanted to bring Hortons back, sure, but the look of these two oh-so-edgy fighter pilots (gag me) is Corday's idea, IMO. More underwear model casting, ugh.

I just knew from the moment they announced that they'd be two edgy bad boys from the Air Force that Jett and Jeremy would be absolute losers. Nothing against the Air Force, I know people in it myself, but you just KNOW that when Days does something like that it's going to result in annoying losers. Bad boys? Walking cliches, if you ask me.

I never thought I'd miss Max, but the prospect of watching these two all summer has me missing Max. You read it here first, Darin Brooks -- I'M SOOO SORRY!!!

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Jeremy/Jett scream "Corday" to me, too.

He's probably to blame for Chelsea and Nick being pulled apart this summer. He doesn't like the idea of a "nerd" being a hero on this soap. He probably thinks their "lack of chemistry" is part of the reason for low ratings. What an idiot! It's not their chemistry that people were pissed at... it's the fact that they were on five days a week!

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Well, look at him!

I think its pretty safe to say based on the captions for those pictures of these two guys that Days is unabashedly going for fluff here. "They'll cause trouble and make hearts flutter! Let's hit the beach!" Like I said before, I think Corday took a look at GH's Coop and Logan and went "Hey we should do that! ... but with more muscles!"

The agonizing part is everything Jeremy should have been. He doesn't have to be a nice guy, but he really should be smart. He should have intelligence and a care for current events, maybe he's opinionated with a response for every issue.

This guy, I don't think he could even spell "opinionated".

Am I judging quickly? Yes. If I'm wrong, will I repent? For sure. But am I wrong? I doubt it.

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If Chick had started when Bope, J&M and the DiMera story was in full swing, and were on only three times a week, then they would be the next best thing. Sadly, they were one of the few couples Days has started since 1999 that I give three hoots about. I am looking forward to this, however, since Chelsea will balance what she wants...the muscly bad boy or the lean, loveable nerd type. It could be good to have an event that is Chelsea's fault and Nick can blame HER.

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I agree this is clearly Corday. But just from their names it is clear TPTB never wanted them to be a long term character.

I mean, with the attitude Stephanie has, Jeremy will not last as her boyfriend long. Besides, they are already together and had sex offscreen. That itself terminates any chance for Jeremy to stay long. I think if something, Jeremy will be used as the transition guy Stephanie needs to realize she wants more from life than a hot stupid guy and meaningless sex.

And Jett´s only purpose seems to be to test Chelsea and her love for Nick. I´m sure they will be flirting a lot, but at the end she will be back with Nick and with her virginity still intact. Sheffer already invested too much into their romance to just throw it all away.

So, summ it up, both Jeremy and Jett seems to be clearly a one note summer characters.

But I think everybody is missing the most important thing. All this storyline is clearly a filler which will not be featured a lot and means teens will not be involved in the main Dimera/Brady storyline. People should be happy.

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I agree clearly Stephanie/Jeremy won't last. I also agree that Sheffer is not "done" with Chelsea/Nick, all romances need obstacles especially early on.

I don't share the same faith that the storyline will get little airtime though. Even though it's separated from the Dimera stuff, they do need more than one storyline to show daily and I'm sure I'll be getting more than my fill of them. I also don't know if we'll be rid of both of them after the summer.

And if nothing else, I really hate that our first exposure to Jeremy Horton will be summer filler fluff.

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well if they really want to bring more horton's back,maybe Melissa's daughter is working as a stripper in Vages..

I still think it was stupid to bring them to the show.even if they claim they have connections to other characters,they are still newbies and that has been a big problem with Days lately.

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Jett's already growing on me, a bit. At least he's a good guy.

I kinda like Jeremy a bit but I wish they'd add more depth to him. Same for Stephanie. Both just come across as plastic and shallow, which is not what I expect in Mike Horton's son and Kayla and Steve's daughter. I think that's why I'm finding all of this a bit hard to swallow.

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You and about 99.9% of the rest of the audience. If people want plastic people, they have plenty of different shows to choose from and most of them are on when they're home, not in the middle of the day. Daytime is not the place for this ridiculousness. It needs to have depth. Most of these shoes have been on for 30 years. When will people realize that gimmicks fizzle in this genre? There's a formula of what works. Bloody use it. They've basically taken these plastic people and labelled them so that we should love them. Only, that kind of mind trick doesn't work.

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We all knew who was oing to play Jet, so no surprise there. But I must say Jeremy looks kind of like I expected. Not that it's a good thing or anything. lol DAYS had one actor who looked more plastic though... the guy who played Willows brother. It didn't help he was such a poor actor either.

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