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ATWT: SOD Summer Previews

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Anyway it sounds like, we will have atleast two earth shattering moments this Summer, one with Paul and the other with Emily, plus lots of trouble in Branson with the teens. And the biggest shocker of all, its coming, still coming, Will and Gwen's marriage is tested yet again. (GMAFB how many times can this storyline be repeated, move the [!@#$%^&*] on already).

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The previews sound good. But please kill off Cleo. She is so useless. Actually divorce Will from Gwen. I want Will to be more edgy again. And no mention of Nuke anywhere? It will be nice to see original Aaron again.

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Ya, I love how she mentions the teen storyline, and then Cleo and then Will and Gwen, but does not say a word about Nuke or Maddie, just like JP to leave out the more interesting storylines out of her previews, I hope this does not mean that Nuke will be seen once a week if that all Summer. And I agree I want more of Susan's storyline, which I have a feeling there will be more of anyway, I am sure whatever happens to Emily will lead her to drink even more or something along those lines.

Like any of us even the biggest Will and Gwen's really care to see there marriage have problems again, is there really nothing else JP can write for these two? How about give Will a storyline

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I agree to some that it might be controversial, but after what Passions has been doing I really don't understand how that is the case anymore. Atleast ATWT is going to do the story the right way, I am just ticked that she did not even say a word about it, if they want people to watch the show they have to advertise there storylines once in a while. Thank GOD for SID atleast they bring up Nuke in every issue.

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It seems Jean always leaves out the good storylines coming this summer. I dont care about Gwen and her dumb singing and her marriage problems with Will. Will needs to be a single man again. Aaron is mentioned and so is the remote which is good. But why isnt Cady mentioned as well? And why oh why leave Nuke out?...LOL

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When JP talks about summer or whatever season it is spoilers, she always seems to only give spoilers for about the first 2 or 3 weeks. I certainly don't think this is all that's planned for the whole summer. And yes she is very vague. We never learn much from her. Most of it is stuff we already pretty much know and not much new. Since Nuke is just starting I guess I can understand why she didn't say much but I would certainly hope that is a major story as we really get into summer. And I would hope the story with Susan isn't just one scene and then forgotten. I like Gwen and Will but don't look forward to their marriage being tested again. And what has happened to Lily and Holden?

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I had totally forgotten about Cady until you brought that up again you would think to get people to watch the show they would advertise there upcoming storylines instead of putting the storylines that have been repeating over and over again as your previews. If the show was really serious about getting ratings up they would advertise the bigger events, and stop acting like Will and Gwen are ATWT especially if it is just going to be the same storyline we have seen for 3 years running now. And to put Cleo in instead of Cady just makes zero sense to me, when will CG and JP wake up?

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LOL...why is JP so vague? 'Cause she doesn't have a clue what the FLUCK she's doing?

Branson...sorry, sounds like a complete snooze. "Cleo reveals a side we didn't see coming."???? Well, unless she's a hooker in Cheri's stable, everyone's seen the StalkerCleo story coming a mile away. Gwen/Will....SNOOZE. Honest to God, I'm not thrilled about Luke/Noah...but Jesus, it would be a relief to see anything OTHER than more "testing" of Gwen and Will's marriage.

Ali/Aaron...again...as long as it isn't Gwen/Will....I'll be flockin' THRILLED.

Meg/Craig? Eh...at least it's NOT Gwen/Will. Even if the story doesn't make a LICK of sense, and I can't really root for the "right" couple to survive (I can take or leave Meg/Paul....), at least there's the promise of Lucinda, Babs and Craig getting some story out of it.

Carjack/Brad/BimboBitch....the thought that BB could cheat on Jack leaves me speechless. In fact, it's so "too good to be true", JP couldn't possibly even come up with it. "Carly pulls back Jack's attention to the family that urgently needs his love and protection"???? That has me intrigued. Sounds like the Carjack kids will get in trouble this summer. PLEASE God, don't make it some stupid stunt of Carly's that Jack can just blast her for.

These spoilers are only through July or so....so I guess stuff will happen kind of fast.

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