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Days: Thurs, April 26th

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Good show. It was so nice to see Bo and Hope interacting with each other and Marlena. It was nice to see Bo holding his daughter finally! It's these little moments we've been missing for the last few months and the lack of them have made the show often feel unfamiliar to me. Glad we seem to be getting back on track.

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Great show today..First off it was nice seeing Kayla interacting with Marlena, Bo, and Hope for a change...Today we got a break from Steve and EJ, which was also nice...The family moments between bope and ciara were needed and well appreciated for their fans...Lumi was very funny today, loved the underwear race...and Bryan D has really been working on his body...Finally i liked how just as Shawn and Belle finally came together as a couple, Phillip found out exactly where they are...The next few days are shaping up to be very exciting...Thanks for finally making the show interesting again Hogan...Now just keep it this way..

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