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AMC: Wednesday

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I thought I was prepared for the Jack/Erica scenes but - WOW - those were sad. The two of them so quiet, the flashbacks, Erica holding back tears and then rushing out. SL and WW were awesome today! So much emotion with so little dialogue. They just have to stay together!

It would floor me if these scenes were written by MMT. I don't know who (Kay Alden maybe?) but someone must have tweaked them. It was SO not MMT, especially when it comes to J/E.

I can't wait to see Jeff's reaction to Erica telling him they're through. He really has been a sleaze in taking advantage of this whole situation. And - UGH - could Barbara wait 5 minutes before she was all over Jack? Well, at least this will wake Erica up to what she stands to lose here. Not looking forward to what is coming with Jack/Barbara but can't wait to see Erica go into "get Jack back" mode.

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Ambyr has calmed down and apparently taken a few tips from Darnell Williams. I think the whole Colby Yacht Crash storyline where she hid out in the tunnels with very few lines for a few weeks was developed to get her into some acting classes! :lol: Because ever since then, she's totally taken her acting choices down a kajillion notches. I'm actually liking Colby, now, which is good. We should always like characters that we watch be born on the show.

But Colby's been a true Chandler -- always looking out for her family's best interest. I'm proud that no matter how popular it may be to be a Carey Whore Cheerleader, she's standing by her father.

Jamie needs to roast in hell on a barbed spit.

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