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Days: Drake is back working...

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John uses good judgement and is fairly able to get to the truth of a situation. He will face Victor and Philip, I'm fairly certain and see that Philip is just aching for the little girl he believed with his soul was his from her first evidence of being a baby in her mommy's tummy. He will be able to empathize with that and talk to Philip adult to adult and get him to see the light. Actually, all this silliness wouldn't have happened at all if John hadn't been in a coma. It's time to get Philip on with running Titan and where that storyline takes him and to find a girl to fill the emptiness Belle left. Could it be Stephanie? I'd love for Shayna Rose to come back and see if that would work. I know some were saying Abby and Philip, but he is too old for her now (the Ashley Abby).

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That's a great idea, Jean. I would love to see John sit Philip down and talk to him, man to man. I don't want to necessarily see John angry with Philip, but understanding. Yes, he's a bastard and is making his daughter's life a living hell, but John knows how to talk to people and I think he could get Philip to see what's up. As for who should talk to Philip about the situation he's in, that should be Roman. This is the same thing Roman had to deal with back in '92/93. Roman raised Belle for the first couple of months, maybe year of her life and then it came out that John was her real father.

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I love you, Keith. For this and other things.

I think EJ should die. Yes, James Scott is awesome, but it would be equally awesome for them to use a character properly instead of trying to extend their lifespan beyond what's reasonable and entertaining. His death could be a great transition into the return of Stefano, this time with a clear motive for going after the Bradys full-on.

As far as the return of Drake/John- it'd be good timing. Long enough to frustrate viewers but not so long that it pisses off and alienates everyone.

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Frankly, it's more fun to speculate. Also, if I am right, I want to call out Corday and the show's PTB. If the pressure is turned up on them, they won't try to get away with leaving John off the show, under the guise of no press release or interview about when he would return, which gives fans false hope. ;)

Frankly, if the Drake returns rumor is true, I'll have no choice but to believe Corday saw my posts exposing the truth and decided to finally let Drake come back to work.

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James Scott is good, but who cares? We're praising him like the second coming because he's a male actor on NBC who can actually act. They should all be able to act. They're ACTors. I shouldn't have to sit through EJ's ALISTAIR CRANE-LIKE omniscience and world domination because NBC finally casted a good male actor in an increasingly irritating role with nooooooooooooo growth and untapped character potential.

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