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OLTL Discussion: Week of March 19th

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I don't really follow you here. Hasn't Evangeline slept with as many men as Blair in the past year? Well, I guess she hasn't really slept with Todd yet, but they may as well have. At least Blair is upfront about having sex, unlike Van who acts like she is some sainted angel, stringing Cris along while wanting to put the moves on Todd. I will take honesty over hypocrisy any day. At least REG is a wonderful actress, so I can still enjoy watching the character.

How is Blair a skank? Because she is having sex with Cristian? Is Cristian not old enough to turn her down if he wanted to?

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There is something going on because I actually enjoyed most all of today. The pace was better, there will be follow up tomorrow on some of what happened today, there were a lot of good points today.

Roxy was hilarious.

Viki was smart and her slamming the door then telling Nora she is insanely jealous were really great because we are getting to the heart of the matter.

Viki and Clint were very entertaining. Even though I totally don't buy into Clint having anything to do with Dorian, I have to say their scenes were pretty funny today, just really fun to watch with Viki in denial and Clint clueless.

I didn't even mind John/Nat, and Micheal and Marcie were so sweet. The McBain bros were funny too.

The best part of all was Nora and Viki in scenes together for the first time in years, that was a true highlight especially since they are talking about real life, their lives and being two mature women onscreen, something this show has been lacking.

Today was a very adult show.

I am just really glad to see Viki more too. About time for that.

I liked today. More of this pace, which is faster, helps a lot.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the scenes between Viki and Clint. Although, Clint had me wanting to reach through the tv and slapping him upside his head. He is being such a jerk. LOL. And if I didn't like Viki/Clint SO much, I wouldn't want her to be with him, but I do like them, so I want them as a couple. I think there is just such amanzing chemistry between Jerry and Erika.

Loved the scenes with Viki/Nora, it was so good to see that they finally remembered that these two are friends.

The robbery at Foxy Roxy's was alright, the lead up to it was fun, and I never thought I'd see Dorian walk foot into Roxy's place, no matter what. And I am usually not a fan fo Roxy's but I really liked her today, especially when she clamped her hand over Dorian's mouth to shut her up.

Go figure, I'd really start to like John and Natalie when they are about to break up. I'm hoping it doesn't last to long.

Man Jessica is looking so bad in this story, and I don't think that was their intention, then Nash arrives and makes himself look even worse. Can't believe I'm rooting for Antonio to kick both their arses.

I think the only thing I didn't care for was the Vincent and Nash stuff.

Still liking Talia.

And I SO cannot wait to see the Viki/Nora stuff tomorrow. We are actually getting some follow up with Viki. Who'd a thunk?

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It does seem like the show is improving, today really had a lot of vets and in major scenes. I am astounded that Nora and Viki actually had scenes together, now this I can get behind, show me more of this.

I like Viki and Clint too, but they are writing in so stupidly these days, it is annoying beyond belief, what happened to the good guy cowboy Clint Buchanan? He was always a gentleman who stood up for goodness and honesty, now he is falling for tricks, lies and deceit? What?

I like Talia too, good addition, but way too many teens these days and we are getting more, why? Roxy was a hoot in her description of the robbers, tomorrow looks good too especially since their is follow up to Viki and Nora, that seems insane because this show never does follow up, could the new HW be an influence on this? I hope so. Nice to see Viki in something about her life instead of just her kids.

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I just want to say that I am very happy with the state of OLTL right now. There is alot of good things going on right now and alot to look forward to. Of course, there are still some things that need to be worked out, but overall, I am rather content. Alot more content then I've been in a good while!

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I just want to say that I am very happy with the state of OLTL right now. There is alot of good things going on right now and alot to look forward to. Of course, there are still some things that need to be worked out, but overall, I am rather content. Alot more content then I've been in a good while!

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I just want to say that I am very happy with the state of OLTL right now. There is alot of good things going on right now and alot to look forward to. Of course, there are still some things that need to be worked out, but overall, I am rather content. Alot more content then I've been in a good while!

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Forgot to say how much I enjoyed Nora and Viki yesterday, along with everybody else!

Yes, I agree with dt and Scotty that the show hasn't been this good in a while, and I am so happy for its Emmy nomination, as well as REG, Dan, and Heather.

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I agree Blair and Cris are being used to prop Evangeline and Todd. I also think Evangeline and Todd are falling pretty flat with viewers overall so it should end sooner rather than later. I, however, loved Blair and Cris and their conversation. It should be a great friendship. I thought Blair and Cris was very well done and I didn't think I would.

Evangeline is no better or no worse than any other character on the show. St. Evangeline has slept with men as often as other characters.

I hate Java and they bore me to tears. The Sainted Antonio has become laughable. I know now why Antonio and Jessica weren't at the ski lodge. Antonio had to go bless animals and poor children.

I like Miles and Marty. I admit, I want Blair to give Podd an earful. He may not have slept with Evangeline yet, but it's not like he hasn't wanted to sleep with her.

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The only thing that I absolutely hated yesterday was the Foxy Roxy robbery. It would have been more interesting, if they looked like they put more effort than committing five minutes to it (a short hostage situation, like the Diner one years ago would have did wonders for this overall.) I would have love to see it really have some impact on Roxy, Dorian, and Marcie/Michael. Roxy could have a small storyline dealing with PTSD; Dorian be more clingy to Clint, renforcing that she doesn't want to die along (or use it to reevaluate her life); and Marcie becomes more suspious of Michael, while Michael becomes more determine to make sure Tommy stays with them; now will this happen? I honestly don't think this will have a true impact on anyone, which is why the whole thing seems random, except that it just shows that John will probably rat Rex/Michael's secret out when he finds out (right before the story becomes all about John/Natalie/children) and the Dorian is crazy when it comes to Clint (making Viki :rolleyes: the obvious choice for him.)

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Oh. My. Gosh.

Today's show was fabulous, totally fabulous.

I loved the scenes between Viki and Nora, I do believe they were my favorite of today. It's been so long since Viki/Nora had that girlfriend relationship and I loved that Nora made Viki realize and admit her true feelings where Clint is concerned, now I hope that Nora is going to be there to help her friend through her getting her heart broken.

The McBain brothers - I really ejoy them when they are in that brotherly mode, and I hope for once that John listen to his brother.

Hehehe got a kick out of Talia not taking Natalie's attitude. Although its nice to see Natalie stand up for a friend the way she does.

Dorian just makes me twitchy.

If I didn't adore Clint, really Jerry so much I'd be not liking Clint AT TALL right, oh wait, I don't like him at this moment, but I can't find it in me to detest him because I know that he'll find his way back to Viki eventually, and again its because I adore Jerry. LOL.

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I'm not liking Clint. He's meant to be this stand-up guy but why is he running to Viki to tell her about his date with Dorian? It's like he wants these two women fighting over him. He knows the history between Viki and Dorian -- it makes no sense for him to be acting all Ridge Forrester here. Viki rocks with her Do-what-you-want 'yude!

I am not a fan of Natalie by any stretch -- needy, self-centered and whiney just doesn't do it for me -- but I feel sorry for her with regards to McNostril. He is such a jacka$$ to her. Even that "couples" photo of them on her desk -- she's all Grin Grin "They're taking our picture!" in it and dude can barely muster a scowl. I don't know whether this is written in the script this way or a purposeful acting choice by Michael Easton, but how the hell is this a love story? It's like watching a dysfunctional couple interact -- one who is desperate for any crumbs of affection, the other who is deathly bored and dismissive of his so-called girlfriend. Only more boring.

Dumb-ass robbers. This is a soap made in NYC, right? Every ROBBER worth his salt around here would have a ski mask to disguise his face when making a robbery. So that --duh!-- they don't get fingered by witnesses. Idiots.

I *heart* Ilene Kristen! I wish she had a contract and a SL so badly. Just put her in scenes with Dorian! And David! And Rex! Sometimes I wish Max Holden/James DePaiva would return and we could see her interact with him again.

GREAT episode yesterday! I am addicted to this show right now.

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