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Days:Spoilers for wk of 3/26

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I don't care. Everyone already knows I defend the show in every argument. May as well keep doing it.

They can like what the like but jumping the gun and already declaring the week a failure before reading other info and watching that week seems to me a little premature.

Whatever...I can't argue today. I am like half dead.

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Hey, I want DAYS ratings to up... I really do. Not to 2.2! That's nothing! I want it back up there to fight for #2 or #3!

But repeating same characters every day, rotating four same storylines (Chick, Payla, Lumi and Shelle) each day isn't working. And that's what I am protesting for! I hate the fact that we keep seeing the same people every day in storylines that aren't so interesting to begin with. You know, I would be happy if the missing people get a B storyline.. Not thrilled about it, but to know that I would get all the missing characters one or two times a week, that would help. And I don't mean having them propping the four previously mentioned storylines, I mean them having their own storylines, even if they are some little storylines. If he can't give us big storylines with them, I would settle (for now) with them having some small storylines. It can be done!

So unless next week has the beginning of a new story for Bope, Jarlena, Victor, Kate, even Lexie (I mean, brining her back) then I am not all that interested. Because, Sami having another wedding is not all that fun for me. Simply because Sami weddings are overplayed. EJ taunting Sami is not interesting all that much. Steve yelling and screaming all the time is not all that interesting. Shelle on a deserted island is not all that interesting to me. The only thing good for me was the Chick storyline and that was the only thing I did enjoy lately.

I am sorry that I can't be as positive as you are, Phoenix, cause I really want to, but I just can't!

And if someone thinks I was insulting or attacking anyone in this post, please know that I wasn't. I was simply trying to explain why I am not sattisfied and why I don't think the ratings will go up.

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It's ok Manny. Like I said, I see what everyone is saying and maybe I am different because I like everyone so it doesn't matter who I see onscreen.

I just don't feel well today and between the emmy news and the ratings it makes it worse. I just don't want people to give up because the show is great quality-wise. The balance is slowly getting better and if that continues and the pace picks up then I think people will be pleased. I just wish people could see what me and others see and actually enjoy it and stick it out but I know that won't happen.

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Good! Cause I didn't want you to think I was attacking you or anything. I love your positivity about DAYS and all... :)

I did notice those Philip/Kate scenes and the mention of that family dinner with Kate and her kids. That would be nice, because that character interaction is always welcome as well! I hope that dinner happens! :D

I guess I am so disappointed, because DAYS had it all in Dec/Jan and then suddenly (and I do mean suddenly) it was taken away! In a matter of one week! I guess that's why I am so upset.

PS I hope you get to feel better!! ;)

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If it makes you feel better Phoenix I'm loving the show.

I'm not loving the President of NBC DAYTIME though. Personally, I'd love to drop kick the the guy for saying that DAYS won't have a spot on NBC after 2009 two years early! If I were an advertiser with DAYS I'd be clamoring for that guy's resignation! He couldn't have done more to demoralize the viewers. Most people suspected that DAYS would follow PASSIONS out the NBC door but to declare a failure to pick up is as good as cancelled to most people. DAYS is different from most soaps because they are just leasing airtime from NBC and most people don't get that they can pick up and move to another network. I know that there are a LOT of people that are afraid to get reinvested into a show that they see as possible not being here in a couple of years.

Do I hope that Hogan does more to fold the vets into the story? YES. Do I still look forward to watching DAYS everyday because it's still fun to watch? YES!

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I know it is in a different spoiler thread but Phoenix did mention it. The spoiler that excites me the most is Sami's shower. I am trying to be positive about it that Marlena is going to be there. And if Hogan & Corday are smart they won't create some reason for her not being there.

If Sami's shower comes around and Marlena is not there things are not going to be kosher at all for fans. There are already too many scenes where Marlena should have been there and wasn't. Not having her at the shower is going to be a major problem for many fans. I am holding out hope that even though she is not mentioned she will be there and trying to be positive.

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