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Days:Spoilers for wk of 3/26

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I have to disagree, Rick. Writing stories in isolation was a definite JER trait. The two Quads of Doom literally went months without any outside interaction. I could count on one hand the number of scenes Sami had with characters other than Lucas/Austin/Carrie the first 6 months of 2006. He also routinely excluded important family members from events (eg. no Roman at Zack's funeral). Milstein dramatically improved this during her tenure and Hogan's first few months also showcased alot of diverse interactions. For whatever reason, he's slipped back into the JER habit.

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Thank you, Ponz! If Reilly did family interactions, when Beth Milstein started writing and gave us refreshing character interactions, fans picked up on this and went wild with it. Had they had that beforehand, that wouldn't be the case. Reilly was the king of isolated storylines. SSM, I'll give you that. She did give family interactions and I was one that liked her writing.

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Reilly was king of the isolated story but at this rate Hogan will be joining him on that throne.

Reilly wasn't great at family interaction and did leave key members out at times. But he was also better at it than Hogan is now.

I can remember when Zach was killed the hospital was full of family and you got those scenes esp. between Hope, Doug & Julie. Do Doug & Julie even know they have a new granddaughter? It hasn't even been mentioned?

Does Marlena even know she is having a new grandchild or that Sami is even getting married?

When Carrie first came back on the show, she didn't have interaction with Marlena like she should but there was lots of interaction with her grandparents. I can remember one day in particular - one of my favorite days under JER we had Carrie with Caroline in one location and Sami with Shawn Sr. in another location and much of the episode was them talking to one another. Then they did go for a long time where it was just the 4 and that was wrong. But the majority of that was during the ghost writer and not JER. Remember JER left in May and [!@#$%^&*] took over. Remember Christie didn't come back until December just before Christmas. JER only wrote the Quad story basically for 5 months - close to 6. And yes he did isolate them before he left but [!@#$%^&*] continued it.

Nothing was rectified and made 100% better until Beth came on in Sept/Oct. - sorry forgot which month she exactly came.

Sami has now been isolated from family since January basically other than a few scenes with Roman where even he took Kate's side at first. That's going on 4 months to where until now with her cousin Chelsea she has had hardly any contact with her parents at all.

Does Roman even know she is pregnant and getting married? They can only show Roman these days with Kayla and we can't even get him in a scene with Sami.

Have Caroline & Shawn Sr. even been on since January? I can't remember them having any scenes in February but they may have and I just forgot? Sami has always had a special relationship with her grandmother which should not be forgotten either. JER even got that to a certain degree.

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I am just as mad about Marlena but I don't think issue is nowhere near as bad as under JER.

First off, JER had a better budget situation. Secondly, it hasn't been a long period of time without interactions with family. It was basically sweeps and early this month. We are getting better interaction now. Roman knows Sami is pregnant and I don't think it is necessary to have to see every single moment or a character tell each person individually. Yes, it would ne nice to see Caroline, Shawn Sr, Marlena, etc but I can also see too where it is easier because Hogan tells story fast.

It almost seems like Hogan and Days are doing lots of setup to get things out of the way so the rest of the year will be on fire. I don't know...it just seems like Days is waiting for something and just now we are getting the suspenseful buildup.

Marlena should be at the shower but they will probably say she was there. We will probably come into the shower mid-party or something. I want her there and I am ticked but I have seen Sami have so many of these I could care less. I do want Maggie and Caroline there at least. Doug and Julie I do miss but they have always come and gone of late. We don't need Hope to say she told them about Ciara. We can just assume that. Not everything has to be shown. I want family scenes just as much as anyone but I know not to ask for too much either. I am hopeful because I really like what I have seen the past 10 episodes or so.

As for Alice, it pains me to say it but Frances is probably not well. Since last summer, she has done J&J's goodbye and Christmas. I don't blame Days for that. They have always had her pop up during family events if needed. Now she only appears when necessary so she must not be well. She did look awfully thin on Christmas, sadly.

I am still hopeful Marlena is on that day or sometime that week. If she is not, oh well. Sucks but as long as she is at the wedding I won't be outraged.

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