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PSNS: TV Guide Spoilers

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March 29 the Half Woman/Half Man will kidnap Ethan tie him up to a chair, straddle him, undress him, and kiss him.

There will be 3 more reveals that involves Vincent that will be as big as him being Chad's lover.

Whitney will catch Vincent & Chad having sex in May. With a surprise witness to the shocker none other than Theresa.

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I wonder if VINCENT really is the stalker...3 more shocking reveals involving him? Ok...being the stalker, being Eve and Julian's son, and being transsexual would be those shockers. So I'm wondering if Vincent is pre- or post-op? I guess he must be pre-op because he still has his male parts that turn Chad on...unless he also has girl parts, and that's what attracted Chad to him. Hmm...

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Spike is Evian's son. Said it a year ago and I still maintain it.

As for Vincent, he probably is one of the stalkers, something else predictable.

So, let me guess, Ethan is going to end up being raped too or something much worse? Why can't this show do anything that doesn't involved rape, sexual assuault, exploiting sex, or character destruction? Ugh. :angry:

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Phoenix, that's fair enough but you have to admit that what you said in the other thread just can't be the case. The identity of this stalker or stalkers is VERY well kept. You don't know who it is. It's not that easy to figure out. I'd DIE trying to figure out, and before I went to heaven or hell, I still wouldn't have it figured out. This is the most brilliant storyline, mystery-wise, that the show has ever down. There truly is NO ONE other than the writers who truly knows the identity of this stalker. I just can't fathom who'd do that to Ethan. I just can't fathom it. It's incredible! It's just MUST SEE SOAP! Everything an unexpected twist and turn! I love it! I wanna shout about it!!!

Shout! Throw your hands up and SHOUT! Come on now! Shooooooooooooooooooooout!! Shout for Passions! Shooooooooooooooooooooout! Come on, girlfriend!

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Vincent, Spike, Beth, Pretty, maybe Al and Sheridan unknowingly helping the stalker somehow.

Those are your your stalker/stalkers. As for the Ethan stuff, it is probably just a sick twist JER added. That is all. It's is predictable and it will be predictable and I will say so until proven otherwise.

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But that's the thing, Phoenix. This isn't like PassionsRed. EVERYONE pretty much knew ONE person who it just "was:" that Crane chick (damn, I already forgot her name! :o) Ditto that for the monk in Rome: Alistair. Both were big "duhs." Yeah, you can say, "oh, Alistair or Beth, Pretty or Vincent," but that's just the thing, none of us can confidently, like with the others, SAY, for certain, that we know, even without having show notes.

That's what makes this story truly powerful and awe-inspiring.

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I beleive you said the same thing during Red and Vendetta and were saying it was going to be a shock and it wasn't.

The fact that we already have an idea or a list of people that it most likely will be means it's predictable and that the story isn't perplexing. Period. If the story was as good as you said, we wouldn't even be able to make a list of likely suspects.

If you enjoy it go ahead. The show is focusing way too much on character destruction, rape, and sex as a plot point for me to even be excited about it anymore.

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