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PSNS: TV Guide Spoilers

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Idisagree with you there, Rion. I remember myself and others RAISING HELL on this board over that wannabe freak who tried to replace Juliet Mills -- even for a few days. Who cared that she was on "Dear John?" That girl was getting NO love. NO A for effort. Just sheer, unadulterated HELL for DARING to step in Juliet's shoes -- as if ANYBODY could fill them. HA!

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And don't even get me started on Ms. Priscilla Garrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrita. ET fans were BITTERLY divisive over her. Some loved her, yes, but ALOT hated her because she made Theresa a stone cold !@#$%^&*] and didn't add the vulnerability and innocence and layers that LKH gives.

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Worked out fine?!

There was an outcry on here and other boards about them recasting Juliet. For one thing, They never told us ahead so that alone pissed people off. As for Theresa, I know some on here liked Pricilla Garita but there was a overwhelmingly HUGE outcry over Theresa and Fox being recasted temporarily. The ratings, which were on an upswing during that time, even dwindled a bit during that time because people boycotted the show.

So, neither worked out just fine. The only recasts that have worked on Passions are Jade Harlow, Cathy Doe, Andrea Evans, Deanna Wright, Heidi Mueller (to an extent), and Kam Heskin. That is it.

Rion, you act more and more like JER does everyday. It's pretty obvious JER thinks pretty much anyone is recastable (hence the number of recasts Passions has which is another hindrance to the show) and that may very well be because he doesn't meet with the actors. Now here you are agreeing with that mindset. I swear, you really come off like you are JER himself at times.

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Ethan can't really be raped because he doesn't really exist. Fancy was never really raped because she's not real.

There is, however, a real Sheridan Crane (it was mentioned in SOD or SOW a few years back that crazed Passions fans would call her up). So if Sheridan ever got raped, it would indeed be a real rape and would not be hot at all.

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