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PSNS: TV Guide Spoilers

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Oh, I agree, Rion. They can DP rape Ethan a million times for all I care and it wouldn't matter, because it's make believe and (let's be honest) the network and/or writers catering to perverted fanbases, of which the Internet has proven there are money. On the other hand, if they tried to do something that awful to Sheridan Crane, because she is a real person, well that would just being way too far. I would not support that because then it blends fiction with reality, and the real Sheridan Crane could even be placed in harm's way by psycho-obsessed fans.

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See, that's more evidence that he may be JER -- notice he diverted the question by making a prepostrous statement! JER doesn't make babies, and he's not a hunk -- I don't get the reference! It makes no sense!

And Rion (JER?), sorry but JER has admitted to havin ga scatterbrain and being obsessed with stories. He doesn't drive and he's a recluse. Put two and two together, throw in the Internet, (what else would you do if you're reclusive, hypothetically speaking), and voila! JER can easily post on SON.

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But see, Rion, that's the thing.

I hate to speak so bluntly, but let's think here:

1) "Passions" is canceled

2) JER's daytime career, pretty much, is over -- and I'm sure he knows that

3) If he were caught posting on a message board, what are they gonna do -- fire him? :lol: It's his show, and he's not goin' anywhere until after September, or whenever those scripts are all written for the finale

1+2+3=there is NO risk at all associated with JER posting on a soap board. In fact, NOW is the time to do it since nothing bad can happen to him. Also, it's not against the law, so well, technically, you could be JER for that reason, lol.

And what about the writers of "Grey's Anatomy" posting on a blog? Or TPTB of "Brothers and Sisters" chatting openly with their fans?

I don't think that's frowned upon anymore.

I mean, as long as you didn't reveal HUGE shockers in stories or type out the entire bible for the rest of the show -- and present it as a "theory" of the show's concluding final months, just to stick to NBC -- I think you're fine. :)

But who am I kidding here? You know there's nothing wrong with posting on the board.

If you are JER, you're just not ready to "come out" yet. ;)

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One of the conditions of Passions airing through September rather than July was that JER provide the main couples with happy endings.

And the finale will be unlike anything ever aired on daytime before. It won't be a thing like Meg's dream. It's also being written in a way that will provide closure, but leave open the possibility for storylines if the show moves to a new format.

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