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PSNS: TV Guide Spoilers

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Now Now Phoenix dear, You're throwing out 6 characters and of course it's probably going to be one or two of them, so which one is the real stalker if it's so predictable :lol::P

I called Alistair during Vendetta, Rachel during Red, They were played like an episode of Scooby Doo, where you know who the culprit is from the jump. As a Passions fanatic since day one, I have no clue where JER is going with this. Sure, I have my suspects like every good mystery, but I haven't decided on just one.

Unless you have just one or two (in this case) suspects and your 100% sure they are the stalker and it turns out it was them, that's predictable. But when you have to name 6 or 7 suspects and are not sure which one/s it really is, it's not predictable. lol

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Usually that would be the case but we know there is more then one stalker so that is why there is a list.

As I said, if fans can pretty much have an idea of who the culprits might be, then it's predictable. We all have been saying for weeks that Pretty is the half-man/half woman and Sheridan is involved somehow and that was predicted from day one. That is two aspects of this that are predictable right there.

I don't want to be the one to rain on anyone's parade. I usually don't like those people either. I am just so down on this show. The rape, overkill of sex, violence, assualting, character destruction, etc has me so down on this show that the actors are my only reason for watching.

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I agee about the rise in violence over the past few months, but I must be sick in the head, because after watching CSI, Criminal Minds, and Law & Order, nothing bothers me anymore. That's actually a little scary :unsure:

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This story would've never bothered me as much if the last two years hadn't been filled with a rape explosion. That and the way it all started with Fancy being raped or attacked so frequently over the months of December and January has turned me off nearly completely. I got into it during sweeps because the focus was on murder (Rae's), blackmail (Theresa) and they laid off the sex a bit. Now things are getting out of hand again and it's all just overkill.

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Oh, I agree. You caught me. I said the same things about the other two stories, I'll admit it. And I was wrong. But because of the -- unique -- circumstances of this stalker -- the man-woman angle anyone? :lol: -- I think it's beyond question now that this will be totally different and, for better or ill, surprising. Unlike those other two stories, just based on the freakish nature of it all, no one truly can say: "I'm 100 percent confident it's ------------" without show notes from JER or the other divine "Passions" writers.

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PREACH! I mean, at first I thought Pretty... now I'm thinking it's some freakshow version of Alistair and Beth, a condition they have due to the traffic accident (somehow their bodies became one?!!) and now I'm wondering if it's JT since he could be doing Rebecca's bidding to get Ethan and Gwen back together -- then I wonder if it's Gwen herself who has gone psycho, or maybe Rebecca! Perhaps Vincent... we all can narrow it down to six or seven characters but the fact that there are so many variables makes it all the more shocking because no one can say, for a fact, oh, it's SOOOOOOOOO Alistair.

That seems to be the truth with other stories on the show too.

For instance, it seems the same person stalking Theresa is stalking Lucy. But why? They have different motivations, or so one would think, and let's not forget that the stalker changed approach -- wearing white -- when he or she splashed acid on Fancy. She wants Lucy separated so we thought, "It MUST be Sheridan" but then we learned she or he wants ETHAN so we wonder, "Wha?!!"

The shockers come in the Chincent story too. On at least two occasions Whitney walked into the sleazy motel room expecting to find Chad with another woman. But he found Valerie there instead -- with another man. That has suspicion all over it! Does Valerie know Chad is down low? Is one of her duties to stay in the same motel and hop in bed with a guy every time Whit suspects something? And what if Valerie and Vincent are both set-ups. What if they're not really a couple but are just working together to bring down Chad and Whitney for their own selfish reasons? That's the conspiracy theory I believe in most. I mean, something is just WRONG with that pairing.

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I'm gonna say that since the SSK on Days, this is JER's best mystery. But that's not saying much. Anyway I am not going to speculate on the stalker very much just because I have not been able to catch an episode of Passions for a few weeks now. So I won't judge. But mabye if I watch today I can speculate.

I think JER wants fans to be confused. psychofan, you made a good point. But I am thinking this is going to be JER's way of having Passions go out with a bang.....a man/woman.

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No it's not. I like some of the actors and they rise above the show for me. It's called fan loyalty. Some of the actors and actresses like Lindsey Hartley, Emily Harper, Ben Masters, Tracey Ross, Kim Ulrich, Silvana Arias, Cathy Doe, Brook Kerr, McKenzoe Westmore, Galen Ghering, James Stevenson, Eva Tamargo, Nicole Cox, and Juliet Mills have earned my loyalty. They are the reason I stuck with this show and that I still even watch this show. The actors and actresses do the best they can with the crap material they are given. Without the actors, no one is there to make the material to come to life so to say that is a lame ass reason for watching is stupid. The actors are what draw fans in no matter how good or bad the writing because sometimes the actors can make the writing work. Passions' writing is way under par so the actors are all that is left to draw me and the millions of other Passions diehards that are upset with the show to watch.

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I don't watch for the actors. I watch for the stories that JER writes. Hell, I'd follow JER to a whole other network because I'm a fan. That's fan loyalty--it applies to the writer, too.

Actos can easily be subtituted. That's why I think that's a bad reason for watching. Hell, any blonde actress could play Fancy. Emily Harper doesn't bring anything special to the role.

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I don't think I have ever heard logic like that. Yes, some like certain writers and will follow them but the majority follow actors elsewhere and find the actors as the main draw and main reason why the show works for them. To me, the actors make the characters. Period. A bad actor can ruin a character or limit the potential of a character. Just like at Adrian Bellani and some others on Passions. Thankfully, Passions has a fair number of actors and actresses that rise above the writing and make the characters work and, in some, cases, the stories work. I give them all the credit in the world with all the under par material they have had to work with in the past and present. Some actors can't be easily substituted. If you think Juliet Mills, Lindsey Hartley, and Ben Masters can be easily substituted then I don't know what to tell you. I couldn't imagine anyone but those three playing those characters.

To each their own I guess.

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