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AMC head writer spoiler

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

How DARE you say that about Agenda L. Beall, you mega sick super creep on the freaked out tip! :P

But seriously, you speak the truth. I have a strong dislike for that woman's literary voice and the last thing I want is to watch story being dictated by her. And Jeff Beldner? I'm mad at him. He's the frickin' script editor, and yet, GARBAGE continually shows up on air. I shudder to think what the hell he actually edits when he gets a Courtney Bugler script? :unsure:

It came from 'Jackie's' lips, so I think you should just let that noise GO! :lol:

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Well, all I have to say is if Agenda L. Beall is indeed going to be an interim head writer, she's clearly setting up her platform writing yesterday's (3/22) episode breakdown. Basically she's going to carry on the McTrash legacy. :rolleyes: Every scene was biased and it didn't help that Rebecca Taylor wrote the dialog.

I say let's get a writer who writes stories where EVERYONE has a point of view. Stories where the viewers are actually allowed to, I dunno, MAKE UP THEIR OWN MINDS about who is right or who is wrong. I'm sick and tired of watching a Beall written episode, whether it be a breakdown or a script, and feel that I am being forced to either jump on her bandwagon or get run over by it.

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RSinclair, great post!! That is exactly why I want someone from the outside to write AMC. Beall and whoever have written for McTavish for so long that they might have the exact same style. Maybe they are a huge part of the problem AMC has had for a while, the propping, the repeating dialogue, the one-dimensional storylines and characters. There is a chance that they are going to follow what McTavish had planned for the six months or longer.

AMC needs a new direction and fresh vision. I am really hoping that a new writer will come aboard who can do that for AMC. I still haven't read any spoilers that have excited me enough to watch the show again.

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Whomever is coming, they better get here quick because my excitement is all but gone. Instead of seeing a man in pain, we are getting a raving lunatic, thus making the Carey Pig Whores look "better".

Adam Jr is absolutely dead!

Derek and Jack are a couple of idiots!

Bianca is a hypocritial judgemental !@#$%^&*]. She loves to use emotional blackmail on those she claims to love. And it's all in the name of BabeSlut!

Zoe is supposed to be interesting, but McTrash has managed to ruin that!

Ryan and Annie? Really!

Jonathan and Lilly? Really again!

This is not looking good, and I am pissed because the week I recently invested, I won't get back!


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