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AMC head writer spoiler

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This comes from RavenBeauty. This is not what I heard but it make sense.

"At press time, set sources said two writers already on the AMC team would take over head-writing duties, with former Y&R headwriter Kay Alden (who has been consulting for months) taking a more active role in the direction of the show. Tune in tomorrow to see if the three gel and become permanent...".

My guess is that Kay will become the Consulting Producer, what Guza is also on GH. The two Writers would be Beldner and Beall. PLEASE NO CHIP HAYES!!!!

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And FYI, this 'piece' is from the latest SOW.

Personally, I think with McTavish gone, Alden will be joining AMC as HW if not now in the very near future. OLTL already got its writing change with Ron Carlivati being promoted.

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I heard that Kay was set to become HeadWriter. Maybe Frons told her that Consulting Producer was a better position for her. Remember the whole story last summer. Megan was fired and unfired at the last minute so it doesn't negate any validity from that statement about Beall and Beldner. If she was fired for "good", that time, Beall and Beldner would have taken over.

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Megan was never "fired" in the first place. Either the fake story from last summer was intentionally "leaked" by the show to catch "leakers" in the act, or it was just made up by some bored Internet folk. One or the other, it doesn't really matter because it was never true and ABC fired Megan for the first time (well, for the first time since she returned) in February.

And ummmmm...Kay is on the ABC payroll to be a network consultant. Where'd this stuff about her getting a "consulting producer" credit come from? That credit is reserved for active writers and directors with a lot of clout (i.e. they get their say in things other than writing/directing, such as casting). I believe only four people have ever gotten this special title before - James E. Reilly for "Passions" and Days," G&P for "GH" and Shelley Curtis also for "GH." Either she's going to become HW for AMC or she's just going to continue her role as a network consultant, albeit with a special focus on a particular show (AMC).

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As a matter of fact. it only makes sense for it to be Kay Alden. Usually consultants are brought in to become HW, and in LML's case, EP. The reason consultants are needed is because the HW sucks. Im pretty sure it will be Kay Alden, and like i've said before, If I didn't know any better, i'd say Jack Smith will eventually make his way to OLTL.

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I think we all know Alden will headwrite AMC. It's a shame as I would rather her stay on OLTL.

And any idea where Jack Smith is? Is he consulting on GH? On OLTL? On AMC? Where is he? Cause if he is, he ain't making much of a difference. I think Smith would do well on GH. Alden on OLTL and someone else for AMC.

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I think she was just on for the wrapping up of Alans's funeral. Come next, week everyone will forget he is dead,

. Since they will run that ghost stuff for bit, I changed my mind. I guarentee that Next Month, it will be all about, Jason, Sonny, Carly and Sam.

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I wish they would feature Bobbie more on GH.But with Frons still running things we'll be lucky to see her 4 times a month.I hope Zeman is saving part of her paycheck for all her appearances.I read or heard that Zeman doesn't like working with Jill Farren Phelps and Zeman almost didn't renew her contract because of it.Maybe Phelps claws have been shaved off because they able to bring back Genie Francis for a short-term back in October 2006.I had also heard that Francis didn't want to come back to the show until Phelps was gone.Phelps has been the EP of GH for 6 years.They must have sweet talked Francis to reprise.Now there are talks that GH wants Genie.Stranger things have happened and maybe Phelps ctually the error of her ways with Francis.One can dream I suppose.

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Now that McTavish is out, any chance Carruthers will be following??? Will the new HW have the choice in who they want as their EP or is that up to Frons?? If AMC can clean house and get rid of a lot of the writers they have now and the EP, I think the show will have a strong chance to improve.

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