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PSNS: February 26 - March 2

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yeah, I mos def agree with you, but I just love Dylan Fergus, and don't really wan't to see him with yucky Chad, LoL, and Chris would just be better, IMO.

If it is Noah, I'll still be happy, cuz that'll be a shocker. They get to see it on Monday in Canada, right? Or are they not a day ahead anymore?

ETA: or even, and this is prlly a stretch, maybe Chad is sleeping with one of the stalkers, since it really looks like we have two, one who is a *man-woman* and one who has yet to be identified as a male or a female. Maybe it's a male and it's Jared's evil twin. LoL, i just need to go to sleep already, my mind is working WAY too hard on Passions. :lol:

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People have complained about Passions being predictable - myself included - but I think it's been intriguing and mysterious over the past 3 months. I truly am lost regarding most of the storylines and am shocked/surprised by what is happening.

1 thing...one of the soap mags said that Vincent would be part of a huge reveal at the end of this month. Eve and Julian's son calls home next Friday, but I doubt it's revealed yet who claims to be their son.

There are no other Vincent spoilers, so by process of elimination he should be Chad's lover...*confused*

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I agree. I think everyone's intrigued with this stalker mystery, even when they do complain about the violence and the rapes. (But for the most part, I think the most vocal are just disgruntled Fancy fans)

JER has made this story really interesting, and I wonder if he wrote this as an umbrella story to incorporate everyone and all the stories because he knew the show was going to end? It honestly seems like an "endgame" storyline.

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Kay's a skank. I don't understand how people can like Miguel and not sympathize with Fox. FOX is the victim here. Miguel's a whiny ass who came in and messed up the nice thing Kay had going with Fox. Poor Miggles can't find his precious Charity, so he just waltzes back into Kay's life and thinks he has some sort of right to be there...yes he is Maria's father, but he left to chase Charity. He can't just come back and expect to have it all. I hate Miguel, and Kay sucks too!!

(Technically they're all wrong because Fox is scheming, but the only one to blame is KAY!)

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The story is somewhat interesting when it DOESN'T focus on the rape and assualting. Even if I wasn't a Fancy fan (keep in mind I am a Luis/Fancy fan and this story has nearly turned me off to their story), I would not have a different opinion. As I said, this story is better now that it's focusing on other characters and is now about blackmail, murder, etc. I like that better. I will wait and see about this man/woman stuff. That may be too much for me but I would be alot more into this if it weren't for the all the rape and assaulting in the beginning. Fancy getting raped once (on Christmas week no less) was bad enough but I didn't need weeks of her being attacked and then raped again. Leave all that out and I wouldn't be as negative. I will admit I am slightly more interested despite Sheridan's character being destroyed along with other characters but the rape stuff has held me back from being highly interested. The man-woman thing may turn me off completely depending on how it's done and all.

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Though it has been intriguing, the number of attacks and rapes has been over the top. Non-Fancy fans have found the incidents disturbing also.

Yes, I do think JER started writing this storyline with the idea Passions would end this year on NBC. Has there ever been an umbrella storyline like this on Passions? There have been events (prom, hell in a closet) that have brought people together for a week or two but nothing of this magnitude that has extended across all storylines and characters over months. Vendetta excluded most of the characters who remained in Harmony, for instance.

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Rion, I couldn't agree MORE. I tell ya, the Chad brokeback storyline, this Pretty/Night Stalker storyline and the end of Ethan and Gwen...it just seems like this is SO "endgame," as you put it. I TOTALLY agree that NBC tipped him off, or JER just knew, that this was the final year. It really feels that way.

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With JER and PSNS, you have to throw logic and alibis out the window and focus on the "shock factor." It could be anyone. But since the original buzz on this story was a brokeback storyline, it needs to be, IMO, two men having a relationship with each other who both are in serious relationships with women. And they have to break up Jaresa, if they're even together. I haven't really watched in a long time.

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