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AMC: Dixie's dead. Does anyone care?

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Dixie's been dead for about 2 weeks now and with the exception of Di, nobody seems to care. No one is grieving and its like she was never in town. I expected more from Tad and JR but they've gone back to their regular lives. She doesnt even get a funeral? Im surprised that there hasnt been much fallout from her death and that the show really isnt milking any of it. Makes you wonder why even kill her off then

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It is disheartening to know that a beloved heronines death has just been a non event whixh futher fuels the theory that her exit was last minute. The writers haven't had time to script any grieving. All the characters are acting rather cool & casual. Or perhaps this is just one more FU to the fans from AMC.

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It's the reason I stopped watching last week. I was going to watch until Tad and JR stopped mourning; who knew I would have been able to stop watching a day later? It just shows what a liar JHC is with her interviews about how Dixie's death would have tremendous fallout and effect her loved ones forever or whatever crap she spewed. So far, it has shown that it was a poorly written afterthought and not necessary for any plot purposes (JR could have overheard Krystal and Dixie discussing Charlotte's paternity and found out that way).

I didn't watch today (and I won't be) but I read something about Tad mourning Simone and even having a flashback of her. He hasn't bothered to give Dixie a thought and she died almost two months after Simone and she hasn't even been buried yet. This is so blatant that it has to be that Dixie's death was written in at the last minute and that most of these scripts were already written and they just added a couple of lines here and there to mention it. Even if it was done last minute, there is no excuse for this poor writing and editing.

It's even more maddening that Dixie's funeral will be even harder to stomach due to what is coming up.

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I have to vent. I took AMC off my TiVos on Jan 30th when Dixie died. However, I saw the last half hour at the gym today. They have it on the wall of TVs there so it’s hard not to look, especially when MEK is on. Anyhoo… Tad was alone at Fusion. He picked up a photo, mooned over it, sat down at a desk. Silly me was thinking "Hmm... why is there a picture of Dixie at Fusion?" But no. It was Simone’s photo. Had a flashback to him picking her up at a bar. Got sad. Put the photo down. Looked at the pistol on the desk, suicidally.

WHAT THE FRUCKING HELL!!!?!?!? He’s suicidal over Simone!??!?! Hello, am I on Earth, still? Dixie just basically died in his arms, he confessed that she will always be the one... and two weeks later and all he can think about is Simone? Simone? Really? Simone, who he dumped for Krystal? Not that there was any logic in that decision, but WTF? Dont' get me wrong, I liked Tamone a lot. Out of the 3 he was doing at once, she was my fav. But no way in hell does she come minutely close to his feelings for Dixie. Not even a blip on the radar. Yet there he was... thinking of ending it all because Simone was dead.

Screw AMC. I will have to work out at 2pm or some other hour because I will not watch that crap and have them screw with my knowledge of what was the past 18 years of the show. If they can't respect their own history that's their fault. They royally screwed the audience here. And they keep on putting salt in the wound. Idiots.

If anyone feels like shooting off a letter of email, or giving them a call... all the info is on my website: Http://www.TadNDixie.com

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I think there was a massive rewrite with Dixie's death, last minute. I am pissed that it looks so badly pieced together but I think once the shared funeral with Babe happens (which makes me resent this show even more) we will start to see the grieving but it will be all about Babe's fake death and not Dixie. Like wtf is wrong with this show?

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Oh god I would hope to god they don't hate Cady that much :blink: because its clear to me she pissed them off something fierce just by the way all of this has been handled.

Ok if you are right I will come on here and create a thread praising AMC and calling the current form the best in soap history and try to say it with a straight face.... who am I kidding? :lol

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Lol. I don't really think she'll go unmentioned but I'm confident that there will be some sort of slap in the face to Dixie fans.

Maybe Tad's note will fall back down with a note attached: "We have nobody here by that name. Maybe try Hell?"

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Wow, I'm a little shocked. Maybe I was wrong about Megan using a picture of Frons for target practice after the Cady thing. It seems from her trademark McTavish laugh that she's not too broken up about it:

From SID:

And even though Dixie’s death by pancakes seems a much more final end to the character than her off-screen car accident several years ago, McTavish says that Tad and Dixie's love story could continue in other forms. “It’s the end of a chapter but", the scribe laughs, “there’s always other chapters.”

It's more than the end of a chapter you hack!

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