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AMC: Friday

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I love how Zach is asking Myrtle for help and advice. I just love their friendship!!!

I really understand Ryan's motive and why he'd want to protect Spike and get him out of Kendall's home...but the WAY he went about it really pisses me off. He could be compassionate about it instead of going to Kendall and being so demanding and telling her that Annie is watching, when he knows she's not 100% friends with Annie. Ryan pisses me off. And for the love of GOD, could they please get a BOY to play Spike? That combover is so pathetic and makes that little girl look ugly. Emma was so cute though today when she tried to get Jonathan to be quiet and shushed him up.

I love Josh AND Colin so much more when he's with Bianca and Kendall, that I'm officially off the Babe/Josh train and officially just want JR/Babe to be together and Josh to move on. Anyway, I don't really buy that Josh wouldn't tell Babe about his 'strange' phone call that night at Zarf's. If that happened to me, I would have totally told someone...but I understand why that part today was written.

I'm feeling bad for Zoe so far...I really like the way he is acting with Derek though. Derek needs someone to call him out on stuff.

Jonathan's rage is back! This could be interesting...

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If they had cut out all of the non-Zarf/Zoe stuff, and ONLY showed the scenes with Zarf/Zoe and the Bianca/Josh stuff, they could have made this a half-hour episode, and it would have reminded me SO much of "Dark Shadows." I don't mean like...content or storylines, but the whole mood, the whole...I don't know. The atmosphere just reminds me of DS.

Jonathan, STFU and SYAD!

Annie, please die. And let Emma kill you. Could you imagine that? If Emma just came downstairs and said "I'm trying to go to sleep, god dammit!" and just blast them both to kingdom come? I'd love the girl to death.

Yay, Myrtle was on today.........to prop Zach. I'm sorry, I've never liked their "friendship" at all. It is to me what many people thought the Stuart and Babe friendship was a few years ago. It's all set up to make Zach look good by letting a beloved vet sit there and tell him that he's good. Zach is a rat bastard and I don't like him. Please go back to Las Vegas. And let Emma kill you.

Kendall has some nerve. As far as I remember, she wasn't too keen on having a baby herself until she actually had the baby.

But yeah if they happened to cut all of this Ryan/Zach/Kendall/Annie/Jonathan nonsense out, the episode would have been a 10/10 episode for me.

ETA: Bianca and Josh's talk was great, both the Babe talk and the Zarf/Zoe talk. Loved Josh relating this whole Zarf thing to something that happened earlier to him. That was nice.

And is it just me, or is the film look really starting to wear away? It's looking more and more like tape to me, and I really can't wait for them to say that it costs too much or something so they can just go back to tape.

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YES! lol

And I loved your "Could Emma please kill them" talk....LOL.

Anyway, my Babe-love is back after today. I know that will be a very unpopular opinion, and that most everyone will hate how Babe gets to look good by accepting Zarf...but whatever - she was so nice today!


WHOA - those previews look great! Those Jonathan/Babe/Zoe scenes look explosive and Jeff Branson is on fire! I'm impressed with that. AND I'm sooo happy that Kendall told Zach about Ryan/Emma. Finally this couple is not hiding anything from each other!

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I LOVED today's show and that's a huge leap from the usual disdain I feel for AMC. I just love Emma to pieces. When she asked Annie since she didn't have a daddy could Ryan be her daddy was so sweet. I was yelling at the screen "He IS your daddy!" I love the brother/sister relationship Josh and Bianca have. And I loved Babe today. She listened to Zaft/Zoe and didn't pass judgement. And the end when Babe said "come here Zoe" was just great.

ITA with everyone that said of you cut out all the other crap and kept the Josh/Bianca and Zoe/Zarf/Babe scenes the show would have been perfect.

And have I displayed my hatred for Kendell lately? Die B!TCH Die!

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Ryan's the one who needs to DIE! I hate the [!@#$%^&*] [!@#$%^&*]! For him to even suggest Kendall stay away from Spike is ludicrous. I didn't see anyone taking Emma away from Annie when Terry the pedophile was after Annie & Emma.

Ryan brushed off Kendall's fears about Terry, and he does this? I don't think so

DIE RYAN DIE! :angry:

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For the most part I agree with you - but I do have to say that Ryan never said he wanted Kendall to stay away from Spike...he just didn't want Spike to live at Kendall's place until the killer is found. He even offered to have Kendall live with him and Spike at the penthouse, but she didn't want to bc she hates Annie and doesn't want to leave Zach.

So that is when Ryan was like "well I'm not bringing him back to your place, so if you don't take my offer, then I guess you just won't be living with him for awhile".

Anyway I understand both Ryan and Kendall's POV...BUT I really hated the way Ryan went about it - he wasn't too compassionate or respectful...BUT Kendall does have this jealousy thing with Annie that she really needs to get over. lol

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It's much too easy to just hate on Ryan. I'm sorry, but Zach's been bothering me for a very long time. They only give him scenes with Myrtle when he's done something bad or is about to do something bad, just so that we can be reminded that Zach is friends with Myrtle, so he MUST be good.

I'm sorry, but Zach is my version of Babe. Has been for a very long time. I just don't like the bastard.

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Yeah it's easy to hate on Ryan cause the writers make it easy to do so. What did they think people would do after how he treated Kendall for Greenlee in 2005 throw him a ticker tape parade?

The writing for Ryan is horrible, using Kendall to prop him makes people hate him that much more, Kendall=popular Ryan=not any more

WORD Laurie. That's cause Ryan doesn't have any endearing traits. In McTrash's world Ryan & Babe=saints

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The simple fact that Kendall refuses to tell Ryan that Emma is his daughter is another thing. If this was Greenlee doing THE EXACT SAME THING, everyone would be calling her pathetic, desperate, evil, annoying, stupid. But it's Kendall who can never do anything wrong. When Kendall steps into the realm of pathetic, desperate, evil, annoying, stupid, people just blame the writing. As if Kendall isn't fucked up as it is.

I'm feeling so violent right now. I think I'd love it if Kendall was found hanging from the ceiling of her condo. Of course, Emma would be the killer.

Something that bugged the heck out of me today was how DAYS everyone was acting today. Well...Zarf is an outsider in this town, so he *MUST* be the murderer! Because I mean...John-Boy here, who killed AT LEAST two people, AND slapped around his girltoy (who thinks she was a lesbian, but wasn't, but is again), HE has the right to decide who the killer in this damned town is. If Zoe knew about Jonathan's past, I have absolutely no doubt that she would have pulled out an "Oh HELL no!" in that police station.

Charles Parnell's Derek is so dry and dull and unlikeable. Bill Christian's was at least wacky, with the ocassional one-liners. They try to give nuDerek some funny things to say, but he delivers them so stiffly. He's boring and Danielle could never be his daughter.

And since I'm in a ranting/reviewing mood here, I have to ask. What the [!@#$%^&*] is up with this Annie chick? Is she not allowed to leave Ryan's penthouse? Every single time I see her, she's down the stairs in his penthouse and that's it. She never leaves. Which might be good, because I don't really have a desire to have her anywhere else on the show.

Zoe went from an elegent looking starlet last Friday to an angry cross-dressing wrestler this Friday. The hair's all messed up, the make-ups all worn out. If he was wearing falsies earlier in the week, they have surely gotten lost somewhere because the dress is not being held up by anything at all.

I had to laugh at Bianca's line. "Why can't I read people as good as I used to?!" or something like that. That would have been the PERFECT time for a laugh track.

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