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2007: The Directors and Writers Thread

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I'd like LML to re-hire Casiello. Y&R is lacking in BDW (3) & SW (1). I bet that more ex-GL writers will turn up on Y&R.

Christopher is such a bad writer that I will not be watching any eps written by him. Not one. I don't care if the previous ep was really good or something major will happen on that ep, simply won't watch. Some say he's Higley's hubby, so does that mean he'll be fired sometime soon? I can't see Carlivati keeping him on board.

My biggest gripe with OLTL's writing staff is that they don't even have ONE SW who's out of this world. Lucky GH is 5 of 5 (Val Jean, Price, Wald, Thomson & Harris), while OLTL is 0 for 6. What OLTL has are typical daytime SW. Daytime needs much more Val Jeans & Prices. They should all enroll in the Michele Val Jean School of Scriptwriting. She writes like nobody's bizness.

Anyone notice the decline in quality of Cherie Bennett & Jeff Gottesfeld's scripts on Y&R? They used to be very good- in fact, Y&R's best SW. When's Friewald retiring? The man was born in the 1930s, maybe even 1920s.

Will ex-2007 Y&R writers join B&B? Sara A. Bibel? Chris Abbott?

Paula Cwikly to DOOL? I don't see Cwikly returning to ATWT. (She quit ATWT, right?)

The Y&R Son: Vincent Lechowick (formerly known as Vincent Latham Lechowick) should NOT be writing solo scripts. Pair him with his father, Bernard. Anyone notice how bad LeBlanc's lines were in Vincent's 1st outing as a solo SW? YIKES! His 2nd solo script was slightly better than his 1st. Aren't Latham & Lechowick teaching him how to master scriptwriting?

Surprised to see Michael Montgomery as a SW. Why wasn't he writing scripts all along. Did Smith & Alden have something against him?

Anyone notice a decline in all of Y&R's SW since May 2007? Could it be they're all suffering from burnout? Or could it be Lynn Maire Latham-titis? I must say that the scripts have improved since August 2007.

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