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The Videogame Thread


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Okay, I know I can't be the ONLY soap fan who loves video games! I am currently madly in love with my Nintendo DS and have the following games:

Animal Crossing: Wild World

Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day

Deep Labyrinth

Kirby: Canvas Curse

Mario Kart DS

New Super Mario Bros.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Resident Evil: Deadly Silence

SBK: Snowboard Kids

Super Princess Peach

Trace Memory

Trauma Center: Under the Knife

For soap fans, Phoenix Wright and Trace Memory are really appealing. Both are adventure games with no combat in which compelling story drives both of them. Trauma Center also has a melodramatic hospital epidemic plot. Anyone else videogame fans around these boards?

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I love video games. As a male in the 18-24 demographic (I'm 19), I am totally love video games.

My love for games started as a wee little Chandler when I got my first game system, a Nintendo. Then I graduated on to the Sega Genesis and got hooked on the "Streets of Rage" franchise.

Thank god I skipped over the Sega Saturn (that's what I tell myself, but in reality I was punished for breaking a kids nose and my mother refused to buy one for me).

Skipping ahead, I've got a PS2, a PSP (which I mainly use for music), a PS3 on pre-order.

I've got way too many games to name but one of the most soapiest games I've played was a game called Suikoden V. It's an RPG game (one of the very few besides Final Fantasy that I like) that revolves around a prince accused of killing his parents and trying to take back the queendom (Kings are in name only, the women rule the country). Lots of plot twists, soap opera-esqe betrayal and some good romance.

Mainly I'm into the Madden, WWE and Resident Evil franchises. Though I'm not only limited to those games.

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Yeah, same here - 19 year old male.

If you can, track down Suikoden II for PS1. The game is absolutely phenomenal and has one of the most compelling stories in videogame history (in my humble opinion). It's about two army friends who are separated by love, loyalty and betrayal.

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*falils arms*

Yeah. That's definitely me.

I've had every Nintendo system up through 64. Love that [!@#$%^&*]. The Mario series, Donkey Kong, Zelda. They just know video games.

Loved Sega. Sonic was great- and for whatever reason, The Lion Kign and Aladdin games were damned addicting.

Finally got aroudn to getting a PS2. Love Crash and Spyro serieses. Started to get into the Suikoden series- friend's letting me borrow it game by game. Of course, SIMS is great, too.

Lately, I've gotten into a bunch of PC stuff, generally Harry Potter games and World of Warcraft and SIMS.

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Best games ever!! I still have these with my old school Nintendo, along with a Super Nintendo, old gameboy, and Nintendo 64. I hook it up the original Nintendo like once a month and spend the whole day playing it, I seem to have a hard time beating these old school games than the new ones.

The last new game I brought was GTA:San Andreas (which I'm still working on finishing) and WWE (which I wasn't impressed with) on PS2. Lately, I've been trying out PC games (especially the odd and weird ones for like $10 at Walmart and Target)... love The Sims 2.

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Hee Hee...I love to play games. I have the old school Nintendo, which is still being used by my kids(Hey its cheap entertainment) although some of the games don't work anymore. I skipped the SuperNintendo. I have the 64 somewhere but wasn't really into that. I also have the gamecube and I and my son are patiently waiting on the Wii to come out. :lol:

I loved Mario 1 and 3. I agree with alwaysAMC that the second one sucked.

Tetris drove me mad! I spent hours on that game.

Mariokart was my favorite 64 game.

I have scads of Gamecube games for myself and my kids. I tend to hit the $19.95 game rack at Walmart. :D

Although my all time favorite game is for PC, The Sims 2. I have almost all the expansion packs. But damn there is a huge difference in the PC version and the console version. The console version sucks. <_<

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I got into the sims 1 when I bought the deluxe version(came with living large) on sale one day. I think The sims 2 and University was already out. I just have vacation and superstar for it then I just moved on to Sims 2.

Do you like the Glamour pack? Thats the only one I don't have and just really debating on getting it because I was disapointed in FFS. B) I didn't think I would want the pets expansion but after I started reading up on it. I am a tad excited.

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The Sims is awesome! It's such an addictive game. You wouldn't think that it would be that interesting, but it's so cool. I refuse to put the game on my laptop, though, b/c I would get absolutely no homework done in school.

I also tend to like the old-school Nitendo games, like Super Mario Bros. I and Yoshi's World. I never got into PS2, even though I had one (I sold it). I did like Grand Theft Auto (the orignial) and WWF Smackdown! and this weird demolition derby game, but nothing else.

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I HIGHLY recommend every gamer our there get a DS! It's definitely my favorite videogame system of all time. It had a bad beginning, but soon grew to have a phenomenal library of games. There's literally something for everyone. Hardcore gamer? Mario, Metroid, and every major Nintendo franchise is on the system. Casual gamer? There's an entire line of games called Touch Generations that are simple, fun diversions anyone can play. Quirky, niche gamer? Have fun with games like Phoenix Wright, Trauma Center and Trace Memory. And this fall will see a MASSIVE load of fantastic games coming.

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