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AMC: Megan Mctavish's E-mail Doesn't Work/Is She Gone?/Sweeps (Merged Threads)

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I have heard about OLTL rewrites too. So I take it that OLTL will get the new writer, but if there are two HW to be replace the second one has to be AMC, because Guza will not be going anywhere so says Frons... In his worship hour.

But Merry Christmas to everyone , or Happy Holidays...

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Massive re-writes at GH too?

OLTL needs a new head writer, and yeah, GH does too, but both are a bit more tolerable than AMC at the moment.

I think Frons likely extended McTrash's contract in the hopes she turns things around ... he seems to like her for some reason.

Kay Alden and Jack Smith getting jobs on any of the ABC soaps would thrill me to death. I had my issues with them at Y&R during their tenures, but I'd take them any day over McTrash, Higley and Guza.

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Theresa, I admire your dedication to this thread and to the cause of McTavish being fired!!! I do think that Frons is a big part of what is wrong with AMC/ABC daytime but McT takes her share of the blame too. A better writer could have executed some of Frons demands/ideas in a more character driven, better written way. And the unabortion was a HUGE, HUGE mistake. That should never have happened. There are lots of things that should have never been allowed to happen. Removing MCT is certainly a start and would improve the overall quality of the show.

Even if McT is finally fired, it may be too late for me. I think I would have been more interested and excited about the possibility of her leaving if it would have happened in Oct. or late summer like it was supposed to with BA. But her ideas and her writing continue and so does my frustration. I am watching Y&R and enjoying it. I have started to watch Days again and I am enjoying that. I have two tv's and two vcr's and I am limited on time. I work all day during the week and come home and watch the episodes that night or on the weekend. I don't know if AMC will fit into my schedule again. The show is going to have to DRASTICALLY improve in order for me to give up one of the other soaps. The interesting thing is that AMC used to be the only soap I watched and cared about. Sad. I never thought that I would give up on this show. I wonder how many others like me there are?

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MMT has to be gone, period. AMC is forever ruined for me, and it is to late. This fan has watche one day, one, in just under a year (It'll be a year on the 30th) and I never plan to watch again. She is a destoryer. She has no respect for any storyline, or any chraracter. She does what she wants whenever she wants. And she does it with a smile. The only way I can ever find a drop of respect for this show again is when Megan gets her walking papers. Until then, AMC is a disgrace in my eyes.

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I agree Kylie, if McT gets her walking papers I will be celebrating too. But I think that it could be late too. I just think a new HW is going to have to scrap almost every pairing and storyline going on right now. Nothing is working. The ratings are proving that. The only pairing I would keep together is Jack/Erica. Every other couple needs to be broken up and characters need to be re-evaluated. Josh needs to become a distant memory. Maybe make him a psyco who is obsessed with the Kane family and never really was a Kane. Kill him off. Fresh ideas, new pairings, and new storylines (character driven storylines) need to be started by a new regime. And it needs to be done today. A consultant is not enough. And a few tweaks here and there won't be enough either. The show is terrible and needs a complete overhaul to improve.

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I agree with you whyamcwhy. I can't wait till April for McTavish to leave. Her shows will air into June probably and I can't take six more months of this crap. I love Bianca and came back to watch her primarily, but she basically is around to prop other storylines just as she was on on her last two visits. Now this Zoe thing? No thanks. I like the actor but don't care enough about Zoe to watch. You can throw all out the shocks you want at the audience but if we don't care about the characters enough to follow them on thier journey the audience is going to leave eventually. I have been switching back and forth between DAYS and AMC since Patch and Kayla came back but this last month of DAYS has been so good I've barely watched any of AMC. I know Frons only cares about demos which AMC has kind of been holding steady at, but I think soon DAYS is going to start really overtaking them there too. February sweeps should be interesting for both soaps.

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There's nothing left of the characters that have survived MMT's reign of terror. My beloved Erica is a Pod, I don't recognize her anymore. And her only son, my dream for her, is a nightmare come to life. I just...even MMT leaving, doesn't seem to be enough. She's already desimated so much history. Treated so much of the cast and characters with so little respect. There's a trail of carrange that will be left in her wake, that I'm not sure will ever disappear. But for me, her getting fired, is a drop of justice for Josh.

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