Man, oh man.
Sex in the elevator. Corporate takeovers. Gina up to her old
tricks. And I forgot how much I couldn't stand C.C.
He still thinks he can boss everyone around.
Great job! Can't wait for tomorrow.
And there it is! Great show today. I just wonder why Stefano would want him to now that he is really Roman after all. I'll just read and see for myself.
Love that you put JD as a member of the cast. Also, that's why I posted that about John. He's such a damn devil, and I mis him when he's gone.
Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for John and Co.
You are one sneaky devil!! I honestly feel that is one fantastic choice to play Forrest Alamain. Wonderful job, and can't wait for this story to kick off!
Now Actor, I've started from the beginning. I've never watched the show, but if I'm wrong, isn't James Stenbeck the man who fell out of a plane, on;y when the actor came back, he was wearing a parachute that he didn't have before.
Thank you for the suggestion. The only reason why the episodes are as long as they are is because these characters have not been featured as much in recent months, and their stories need to be told. We also don't want them to be so short that people loose interest as well.
Just glad you're the other viewers are.