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ANOTHER WORLD 182 Kirkland and Charlie's wedding day Part 6
beebs commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
THIS IS AWESOME. Love it all, the drama stayed on the whole way through, and it was perfectly paced. Everything just worked. Sharlene's drunken breakdown, and Michele and the police station, you've KILLED it, Cary! I am loving every scene here, and I can't wait to read on. Bridget's disbelief was so spot-on and you've just done such a fantastic job setting up the scene and Rachel's announcement. Just...I can't even begin to go into it. LOVED this episode! -
ANOTHER WORLD 181 Kirkland and Charlie's wedding day Part 5
beebs commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
This is gonna be SO good. I can't wait to see how it all goes down with Michelle and Bridget. You are creating SUCH an awesome story here, and I love love love it! Everything at the wedding is still going strong. I am enjoying Jack vs. Grant, and Kirkland and Charlie's big day is SUCH an event. FANTASTIC work you've done with it. Such a classic soap wedding! GREAT show! -
EPISODE 52 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson At the Brady Pub, Eric sits down with photo albums, rifling through them. Caroline spots him and walks over, a pot of coffee in hand. CAROLINE: What's all this for? Eric looks up, as though snapped out of a dream. ERIC: Oh, well...you did hear about Brady and Theresa's accident, right? Caroline sighs heavily, a saddened look crosses her face. CAROLINE: I did. I feel terrible for everyone. John, Marlena, Victor, I just...it's such a shame we lost Brady, and now Theresa's in a coma. I just... ERIC: (sighs) Yeah. Well, this, I'm just going through pictures of Brady I took, you know, for Brady's funeral. CAROLINE: That's a bit soon, no? I mean, they haven't even found a body yet. ERIC: No, I know. But...Hope said the chances of Brady surviving were incredibly slim, and they pulled the car from the river, no one was inside, they...they figure Brady's body washed away. Caroline puts a hand on Eric's shoulder. CAROLINE: I have been around long enough to know that miracles can happen. They thought your father died too. And look what happened. ERIC: I don't know, Grandma. CAROLINE: Just keep your faith in God. Miracles do happen, Eric. Believe that. As Caroline leans in to kiss Eric on the forehead, Nicole walks in with a box of photos. She overhears Caroline's remarks and smiles bittersweetly. NICOLE: She's right, you know. Maybe we're doing this all wrong. Eric looks to Nicole, confused. --- Jenn hands Maxine some paperwork at the Nurses' Station at University Hospital, when Liam walks up behind her and covers her eyes gently. LIAM: Guess who? Jenn laughs, standing dead still, afraid to move lest she knock something over. JENNIFER: Uh...(laughs) Gee, I don't know. LIAM: Three guesses. JENNIFER: Okay...uhh...Maxine? LIAM: Is my voice really that close to hers? Liam uncovers Jenn's eyes, as Jenn spins around and grabs Liam's hands. They share a laugh before sharing a kiss. JENNIFER: I had a feeling it was you. How are you doing? LIAM: I'm doing good, busy night, you know. Uh, I was wondering if you were close to finishing up for the night, as I figured we could catch a late movie, and then maybe stop for a quick drink at Club TBD? How's that sound? As Liam describes his idea for a date night, a concerned Daniel approaches. Unsure whether he should interrupt or not, he hangs back a moment to hear Jenn's response. JENNIFER: That sounds amazing. I am in. Daniel now steps in, hesitantly, but knowing he should say something. DANIEL: Uh...Sorry to interrupt, but...uh...can I speak to you for a second Jenn? Jenn's smile fades and her warmth vanishes in an instant as she speaks to Daniel. JENNIFER: Well, whatever you have to say, you can say in front of Liam. We have no secrets. DANIEL: Uh...well...it's actually...you may have to postpone that date. Abigail's been admitted to the hospital. Jenn looks to Daniel in shock, grasping Liam's hand for strength. --- Inside the ICU room, Kim Brady leans over her daughter, the only sound heard is the occasional beep of the machinery keeping her alive. Kim is distraught, having finally reconnected with her daughter, only to have her at death's door so soon afterwards. She looks down at Theresa. KIM: I love you, sweetie. I know I've let you down, and I know I've hurt you. But you're always my little Jeannie. Kim sighs, kneeling down by her bed, she takes Theresa's hand. KIM: I know, I know, you hate that name. But you'll always be Jeannie to me. That little girl who was so...happy, so full of love and wanted nothing more than to be a movie star. I remember, you and Andrew used to set up these movie sets and act them out for us... Kim stops. She tears up as she thinks about how she failed her daughter by disbelieving her. KIM: I should have listened to you. I should have never let Phil lay a hand on you. Never. I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry you couldn't count on me. I wish I hadn't been so desperate to hold onto his love that I'd...turn my own daughter away. I was wrong. As she finishes, she hears a voice behind her, gently speaking to her. It's Billie, who's walked just inside the doorway. BILLIE: You're right. You were so very wrong. Kim looks back to Billie through tears, upset at the interruption, and at Billie's strong words. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- EJ emerges from Abigail's hospital room, as Sami walks over to him. Concern in her expression as she walks over towards the door. SAMI: Uh, hey. Is it okay if I go in now? EJ: Sure. She may be a bit emotional, but it's just exhaustion, I think. She took a hard fall. SAMI: Oh that's...a shame to hear. Have you told her about the project? EJ: I have, she's excited but has some mixed emotions. I guess it's better I leave that discussion up to you two though. EJ smiles and Sami responds in kind, though with a kind of reluctance. She doesn't quite look EJ in the eye, either. Sami turns to the door and begins to open it. SAMI: I'll see you at home? EJ: Sure. As EJ walks into the main lobby at the hospital, Anne Milbauer steps off the elevator. She lurches forward and grabs him by the arm, brusquely walking him towards her office. EJ: What the...? ANNE: You and I are gonna have a little chat right now. --- Sami steps into Abigail's room, seeing Abigail with tears in her eyes. Sami rushes over to Abigail. SAMI: Hey, hey! You alright? ABBY: Sami! Hey, yeah, I'm fine. I'm just...really tired, that's all. SAMI: Oh it's okay. I...look, I know you had a pretty bad fall, but...you're gonna be out of the hospital tonight, right? ABBY: Soon as I hear back from Daniel, yeah. SAMI: Good. Hey! Uh...I just packed Johnny, Sydney, and Allie off for their first day of school. You should see the pictures we took this morning. Sami flips through her phone and then hands over her phone to Abby, leaning on Abby's bedside with a huge smile on her face as Abigail looks at the picture, smiling at the picture before her. ABBY: Oh my God, they are SO adorable. SAMI: It was a perfect moment for about two seconds before Johnny stole Sydney's backpack and Allie tackled him on the front lawn to try to stop him. Sami and Abby laugh at Sami's story. Abby looks to Sami, a bit of sadness in her eyes. ABBY: I'm glad you showed me that. I miss the kids. SAMI: Well, there's nothing saying you can't come by and see them. They miss you too! You're fantastic with them. Seriously, Abby, you're gonna be a fabulous mother one day. Abby's face drops upon hearing Sami's words. She tries to hide the pain she feels, knowing her situation. ABBY: Thanks. (sighs) Who knows, maybe I'll meet the love of my life in Italy and I'll be a mother of six! SAMI: Trust me, you'll wanna start off small. Four kids is a handful. Even between EJ, Lucas, and I. But I think if anyone can do it, it's you. Abby smiles, taking Sami's hand and squeezing it. ABBY: Thank you, Sami. You're...you know you've done so much for me, and I just...I sometimes wonder if I deserve it. SAMI: Oh come on, Abby, you've been a great friend to me too! Why would you even say that? Abby shrugs, trying to come up with a good answer. ABBY: Just...how I feel sometimes. SAMI: Well, don't. Because everything that's coming your way, you deserve every bit of it. Just as soon as Sami finishes speaking, Jenn bursts into the room, visibly panicked, with Laura, Daniel, and Liam in tow. JENN: Abby! Honey! Are you okay?? Abby looks to her mom and family awkwardly, shocked by their sudden entrance, while Sami spins around suddenly, caught off guard. --- Anne closes the door to her office, and EJ adjusts his suit, annoyed at having it roughed up. EJ: Alright, Ms. Milbauer, I'm not having a very good day and I'm rather busy so let's hurry this up, yes? ANNE: Oh I won't be long. Trust me. I know what you're trying to do. But you've gone too far this time. Alright? Anne slowly walks up to EJ, arms folded, trying to keep her cool, commanding presence before EJ's similar disposition. EJ: I don't know what you're talking ab--- ANNE: ...Oh give it a rest, DiMera. We both know the lengths you'd go to cover up your little indiscretion with pretty little Abby Deveraux. So let me just lay it on the line, here. You win. I will leave town and keep my mouth shut, just like you asked. No more games. No more trying to make me think I'm crazy, no more threats.I'll go. EJ: I honestly have had no hand in whatever's swayed you this way, but I am grateful that you've made the right decision, Anne. ANNE: You should be. In fact, you should be groveling right now. Praying that I do keep my big mouth shut, because I know what Samantha Brady is capable of. You know that friend of mine in a coma down the hall there? That's her cousin. I've heard so very many stories about what she could and will do to you when she finds out, and believe me, EJ, she will find out. Anne approaches EJ, getting right up in his face, and speaking almost so quietly she can barely be heard. ANNE: But not from me. I'll leave that up to karma. After a long, uncomfortable pause, Anne holds her hand out to a still-silent EJ. ANNE: So where's my ticket. EJ wordlessly turns and steps away towards the door, not turning once to look back at Anne, his grimacing face tells the story. EJ: Be at the airport tomorrow morning at 7am, there will be a boarding pass waiting for you. EJ closes the door behind him, leaving Anne looking on, shaking her head in disapproval. --- Caroline scowls at Nicole, who has placed the box she was holding onto the table before her at the pub. CAROLINE: What the Hell's that supposed to mean? You think I don't even know what my Shawn wanted for his funeral. Caroline stops, as Eric and Nicole look to each other. Caroline snaps her fingers in frustration, realizing what she'd just done. CAROLINE: I did it again, didn't I? Shoot! ERIC: Grandma, it's okay. CAROLINE: I know, I just...ugh, I hate getting so frazzled when I'm upset about something. NICOLE: There's nothing to be upset over, I was just...suggesting that instead of making this a memorial service, why don't we make this a sort of...life celebration. As though he's somewhere still with us. Eric looks at Nicole, slightly confused. ERIC: I don't quite follow. As Nicole explains herself, she begins going on an extended diatribe, but realizes halfway through how insensitive she sounds and becomes instantly self-conscious. NICOLE: Well, for one, we don't even know for sure that Brady's dead, and we don't have a body to bury. And I mean, come on, we're in Salem, half the TOWN'S been savagely murdered before our eyes and they all turned up alive and I'm TOTALLY making an ass of myself right now, and I'll just...stop...talking. Nicole sheepishly sits down at the booth next to Eric, wishing she'd never opened her mouth. After an awkward moment, Caroline speaks up. CAROLINE: She's right. ERIC &NICOLE: (in unison) What??! CAROLINE:A wake. Celebrate Brady's life, instead of mourning his death. It's the perfect way to honour him. No? --- Kim stares down Billie, enraged by her accusation, and her presence in the room. KIM: What the Hell are you doing here? BILLIE: Probably the same thing you're doing. Visiting Theresa. KIM: Really, because it seems to me like you're here to lay blame at my feet for the fun of it. Billie steps further into Theresa's hospital room, and closes the door behind her. She stands, stiff and nervous as she speaks to Kim. BILLIE: I'm not, Kim. I'm really not. But, I mean, you have to know that this, this all...ugh, never mind. Kim gets up from Theresa's bedside, and stares down Billie, though Billie maintains eye contact, not to be intimidated. KIM: What? Billie looks to Kim. She holds up her hand and shakes her head. BILLIE: No, I...it's not important. KIM: Billie, just spit it out, I know you want to. BILLIE: (sighs) As far as I'm concerned, everything that's happened, all the changes that Theresa went through after Phil's sick, twisted games...how she's behaved, the drugs, the men...it's all on you Kim! All of it! Kim steps toward Billie and slaps her hard across her face, stunning Billie. ---
DAYS #51: EJ confronts Abigail about her pregnancy
beebs posted a blog entry in Days of our Lives: The Alternate Timeline
EPISODE 51 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Gabi guides a drunk Nick through the door to the loft. They stumble in, with Nick's arm around her shoulder, though Gabi's the one lifting his wobbly body down to the living room. Once they reach the sofa, Gabi flops Nick down on it, nearly falling on top of him in the process. After an awkward moment, which surely could be taken for sexual tension, Nick looks at Gabi and asks her a question. NICK: You never answered me before...was this like...date tonight...did you agree to go with me because you're afraid of me? Gabi pulls herself up off the couch quickly, then heads over to the kitchenette to grab Nick a glass of water. GABI: No. Nick, I went out tonight because I feel like you and I needed to...reconnect. That's all. NICK: Well, good. I don't...want to scare you, Gabi. I loveyou. Gabi cringes a bit at Nick's admission. She turns around, glass of water in hand. She hands it to him. GABI: Here, drink up. You'll thank me in the morning. NICK: Thank you, Gabi. I reeeally approa...appre...thank you. Nick goes to drink the water, and dribbles all over his shirt. Gabi jumps into action and pulls the glass away from him. GABI: You're slobbering all over yourself. Here, here, here. Gabi unbuttons his shirt, which Nick takes a sign of interest. Gabi stops dead in her tracks, unsure what to do next. Nick leans in to kiss her, but passes out just before their lips touch. Gabi breathes a sigh of relief, as she lets Nick flop down on the sofa. She jumps up, heading for her purse. She pulls out the bottle of pills she got from Liam. GABI: Time for action, Gabi. --- In her room at University Hospital, Abigail looks to EJ from her bed, shocked at what he just accused her of. ABBY: I....what? EJ steps closer to the bed, leaning against the front of it, staring directly into her eyes. EJ: Abigail, I expect a straight answer from you. Is that my baby you're carrying? Abigail's jaw drops, in disbelief that EJ knows about her pregnancy. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Gabi struggles to get Nick into his bed. Pulling off his wet shirt and taking off his pants, she grunts and grumbles in exasperation, trying to remove his clothes from his limp body. GABI: My God, it's like mothering a 150lb baby. UGH! Gabi falls back as Nick's trousers come off. She rolls her eyes, then lifts Nick's limp legs into his bed. She then takes off her own dress, before walking slowly over to her purse. Looking behind her repeatedly, afraid of beign caught, she pulls the bottle of pills back out from her bag, and makes her way quietly over to the bathroom. Gabi closes the door behind her, and then immediately opens the medicine cabinet. Once inside, she finds Nick's bottle of Ibuprofen. Looking inside the bottle, she immediately dumps the bottle into the toilet and flushes them down it. Quickly thereafter, she replaces the Ibuprofen with her lookalike pills. Putting the cap back on the bottle, she hastily shoves them back into the medicine cabinet, closes it, then hustles back into Nick's room, where she, uncomfortably, lays herself down next to him in his bed. GABI: My God, this better work. I need to get Nick out of our lives, for good. This is the only way. --- Sami walks over to Marlena and Kim, as Kayla steps out of Theresa's room. Kayla hesitates to smile as she steps out from the room. SAMI: How's everything, is Theresa okay? KAYLA: Well, she's still in a coma, but the surgery was a success. We managed to stop the bleeding, so...she'll be able to recover slowly. KIM: But...how soon before she wakes up? KAYLA: That's...the thing, Kim. We aren't sure how long it will take. She may recover in a matter of days, weeks, months. However long it takes for her body to recover from the trauma. She fell out of that car at a pretty high speed. KIM: Oh God. MARLENA: So, Kayla, you mean, there's a chance she may not wake up. Kayla takes a moment before responding, hoping to retain her composure while answering. KAYLA: It's a distinct possibility. KIM: No...NO! Not my baby girl. Kim leans into Marlena, who gives her a warm hug. Sami puts a hand on Kim's arm in comfort as well. KAYLA: Look, we will keep you in the loop if anything changes, and you can come visit her whenever you want, Kimmy. Kay gives Kim a hug, as Kim cries on her shoulder. KIM: Can I....May I see her now? KAYLA: Sure. KIM: Thank you. Kayla and Kim separate from their embrace, as Kim shuffles over to the door of Theresa's hospital room. Once inside, Kim sees her daughter, just brought back into her life, once again ripped away from her. She tears up and rests her head on her daughter's shoulder, crying painful tears. Outside the room, Marlena and Sami begin to talk. MARLENA: So, what did EJ want? SAMI: Oh, he and I were just discussing work stuff. MARLENA: You sure about that? You seemed a bit rattled a moment ago. I nearly went over there but you seemed to hold it together. SAMI: Eventually. It's not easy, but...I can't fall apart every time I see him, you know? MARLENA: Just don't push yourself too hard. SAMI: Mom, I won't. But thank you. MARLENA: Anytime, Sweetie. Where is EJ now? SAMI: I'm not sure, he sort of...just...ran out of here in a hurry to tell Abigail about the new project he wants her to work on in Europe. So...I guess he's in there. MARLENA: Oh? SAMI: Yeah, looks like she'll be working from Italy for the next few months. Wish I could get away from him so easily. --- Abigail backs herself up in her bed, afraid of EJ's reaction. ABBY: I...okay, yes, it's yours. EJ looks down and shakes his head. He walks back from the front of the bed, soaking in the realization that Abigail's baby is his. That Abigail even has a baby, for that matter. He explodes in anger suddenly, causing Abigail to sit bolt upright in fear. EJ: Do you mean to tell me that you were just going to pretend you weren't pregnant and then whoops! One day you pop a baby out? Is that seriously what you were going to do? ABBY: No! I was not...I-- EJ: So what was it then? Were you planning to abort the baby and not tell anyone? ABBY: NO! I would never do that! EJ, I only found out a few weeks ago. EJ turns, his voice dropping to a quiet, menacing tone. EJ: And you never thought to tell me about it? You've had weeks, Abigail. Weeks! I don't know about you, but I think I have a right to know about something like this. ABBY: I never said you didn't have a right to know. I just...I wanted to make this decision on my own, I wanted to tell you in my own time. After I'd made a decision and took care of it all myself. EJ: Well, guess what? You waited too long, sweetheart. ABBY: What do you mean? EJ: There is too much at stake here. We haven't had sex since Feburary? March? That means you're now 6 months pregnant? Oh, you're doing quite well not showing but I see the signs now. And people are asking questions. Ones you'll need to answer for. ABBY: So what do I do, EJ? EJ: I'll tell you what you'll do. EJ pulls a plane ticket he was going to give Anne from his jacket pocket. EJ: You're going to take this, and you're going to get on a plane to Italy-- ABBY: ...What? EJ: No questions! Sami and I have arranged for you to do some work for DiMera in Rome. You will do this work from the condominium we have in Rome. You will not go to DiMera's offices. Someone will come to you. When that baby is born, it will be adopted. You will return to Salem, refreshed, a new woman. And you will never speak of this again. Do you hear me? ABBY: I...what?? How dare you?? How did you get Sami to agree to this? I don't get to even...see my baby? I'll never be able to...know them? What?? No, EJ. That's insane. EJ: No, what's insane, Abigail, is you thinking that you could just cover your ears and pretend that nothing is happening when you're 6 months pregnant with the child of man that's to be married to another woman. This is the only way you and I will be able to keep our secret. Do you understand that? I'm not doing this TO you, I'm doing it for you. Abigail, visibly angered by EJ's overbearing swift action, looks away, tears forming in her eyes. She breathes in deep, then sighs, throwing her hands up. ABBY: Then I guess I have no other choice, now do I? EJ: I knew you'd make the right decision. ABBY: But here's the thing, EJ. After this, I never EVER want to speak to you ever again. Stay the Hell away from me. Forever. Got it? EJ wordlessly turns toward the door, and walks out of the room, closing the door casually behind him. Abigail looks on in disgust. ---- 3 comments
- Abigail Deveraux
- Sami Brady
(and 3 more)
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James Warrick Arrives and vows to stop the Carter Plan #156
beebs commented on aMLCproduction's blog entry in The Young and the Restless
Well, I said it once, I'll say it again, James Warwick is so needed in all this. Love you bringing him to school that ho Vandalism. And as always, Sister Patterson gives me life. So awesome again seeing her up and down the halls of GCH sangin. Amazing. The twist of Roxanne and Hilary being sisters is amazing. GREAT ending!! Awesome job, ML! -
DAYS #50: The Plans Are In Motion
beebs posted a blog entry in Days of our Lives: The Alternate Timeline
EPISODE 50 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Gabi sips awkwardly on a glass of wine as she sits across the table from Nick at Club TBD. Nick can sense the tension, and breaks the silence. NICK: So....are Will and Sonny looking after Ari tonight? Gabi smiles and puts her glass of wine down, stopping herself from choking on her wine as she tries to speak. GABI: Mm! Yeah...sorry, yeah, Will and Sonny are at home tonight and so...they're fine to look after her. NICK: Even knowing that you're going out with me? Gabi looks away, giving a bit of a sheepish grin. Nick clues in immediately. NICK: ...They don't know, do they? Gabi shakes her head after a second's pause. GABI: No, they...I didn't tell them it was you, I...kinda told them I was going to visit Rafe tonight, so... NICK: You shouldn't have to lie on my account. GABI: No, honestly, Nick, it's just...easier this way. I need to keep the peace at home and this...this just isn't going to make it any easier if I start going out and spending time with you again. NICK: No....I understand. Just...I don't want to complicate things for you at home, that's all. Gabi smiles and reaches out a hand, hesitantly, to Nick's across the table, as she looks thoughtfully into his eyes. Just before she places her hand over his, T walks past, and Gabi raises her hand to get his attention instead. GABI: Oh T! Can I get a Vodka soda on the rocks. Gabi smiles and looks to Nick. NICK: Uh...make mine a double. Thanks. T smiles awkwardly at them both, not overly happy with the scene before him, but willing to serve as always. T: Yoooou got it. Coming up! GABI: Thanks! Nick looks back to Gabi and smiles. After a second, he finally speaks up. NICK: Gabi, you're not just going out with me because you're afraid of me, are you? Gabi's caught off guard by Nick's directness, and stumbles to find a safe reply. --- Will lights a tall candle at the dinner table before running to dim the lights in their shared apartment. Once the lights are off, he turns to call for Sonny. WILL: Alright, you can come out now! Sonny emerges from the bedroom, shutting the door slowly behind him, almost tiptoeing as he does. SONNY: Shhh! Ari's sleeping, this might be our only quiet moment tonig...wow! WILL: Impressed? SONNY: I mean...I didn't know you could cook, let alone make all that. Will glares at Sonny, as Sonny laughs at Will's exasperation. WILL: Lucky for you, I ordered in, now would you sit down? SONNY: Okay, okay. As Sonny sits down, he leans over to kiss Will gently. They begin to dig into their meal, and a moment later, Sonny remembers to ask Will something. SONNY: Oh, I forgot to ask, did you ever show anyone your new blog? WILL: Oh yeah, I, uh...I showed it to Aunt Maggie this morning when I ran into her down at the Club. We were both grabbing coffee and I put the link into her favourites on her tablet. SONNY: Nice! I read it while you were out and...honestly, your article about raising Ari and our life here...it sounds insanely cheesy...but it really touched me. Will laughs a bit at Sonny's earnest praise. WILL: Sonny, I'm trying to eat here. Sonny rolls his eyes, before smacking Will on his arm playfully. SONNY: God, would you just take a compliment already? Seriously! WILL: (laughs) Whatever, Sonny! You're the one who got all cheesy on me. SONNY: Whatever yourself! Honestly, you're one of the best writers I've read in a long time. And I can't wait to marry you. Will smiles sheepishly at Sonny's compliment. WILL: I can't wait either. The two lean in and share a kiss across the table, softly, gently, and sweetly. The smile as they look to each other, an intense, loving gaze that couldn't be broken. --- Maggie sits in Horton Town Square, reading something intently on her tablet. She looks smart in her business attire, and reading glasses on her nose. As she studies the article before her, Tyler approaches her at the table as she takes a sip of the coffee in front of her. TYLER: You look thoroughly embroiled in that story. Mind if I distract you for a moment? Maggie looks up with a start, before pulling off her glasses and looking a smiling Tyler. She smiles back. --- EJ closes the door to Abigail's hospital room, before making a beeline for the main room of the hospital, where Sami is sitting. He stops right before a visibly shaken Sami and startles her with his brusque proclamation. EJ: You and I need to have a little chat about Abigail. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Maggie's smile lingers on Tyler as she motions to the seat across the table from her. MAGGIE: Please do. As Tyler sits down, Maggie lays the tablet down on the table before her. MAGGIE: It's good to see you again. I know we had a sort of...quick meeting this morning when I was at Victor's office, but I'm curious, I thought you'd stepped down from EnerNext. What kind of work are you doing for Victor? TYLER: Well, basically I'm back running it now. Victor was going to take the reigns and I'd be able to pass quietly into retirement but...with this unfortunate turn of events with your grandson Brady, I'm going to be taking control back. Maggie appears less than impressed with Tyler's news. She pauses a moment and thinks carefully about what she says next. MAGGIE: I see...you know, i don't really have much good to say about that whole project you're trying to set up in the west end. TYLER: Well, why not? There's a lot of very lucrative jobs to be had, ones that will benefit your business quite handily, I might add. MAGGIE: How do you know I run a business? TYLER: It's not hard to find out these things, you know, especially with how much Victor talks about you. Maggie smiles sheepishly, blushing a little. MAGGIE: Well, it's always nice to know he's only saying nice things about his wife...uh...listen, Mr. Houston-- TYLER: ...Uh...Tyler. MAGGIE: Tyler...if you don't mind, I had promised my grand-nephew I'd read his article and tell him about it tonight, I really don't want to let him down so-- TYLER: Oh, your grand-nephew is a writer, hm? MAGGIE: Well, yes. A rather good one, I might add. TYLER: Do you mind if I have a look over it? MAGGIE: Not at all. Tyler takes Maggie's tablet from the table and sits down a minute to read it. Maggie leans in, putting her elbows down on the table and leaning into her hands. MAGGIE: Now, be easy on him, he's fresh out of college, you know. Tyler doesn't respond right away. Carefully reading his writing, Tyler seems transfixed by what he's reading. TYLER: That only makes what I'm reading more impressive. This boy has a real way with the written word that's rare in those twice his age. It's something we really need at EnerNext in our PR department. I...hope this isn't too presumptuous or anything, but...you wouldn't mind putting me in contact with him, would you? Maggie is taken aback by Tyler's enthusiasm for Will's work. She struggles to respond to Tyler's request. --- Nick is now starting to get a little more lazy in his movements as he sits with Gabi at Club TBD, the result of three double vodka sodas. Gabi tries to appear as though she's enjoying herself, but is having a hard time. NICK: (laughs) ...and so...then they came in and BAM! Gabi jumps back a bit at Nick's joke, putting a phony smile on her face and taking another sip of her drink. NICK: And...then...I forget the rest. You know...it's so good to be here with you again, Gabi. I...mmmissed you. GABI: Me too, Nick. Me too. NICK: You know, you and me should...we should go back to my new place. I just got a new place and we...we should go to it. Gabi smiles knowingly now. Almost relieved that Nick's made the suggestion now. GABI: Yes! Yes, that's a good idea. Let me settle up and we'll head up. Gabi goes to get up, but Nick waves to get her to stop, pulling his wallet out and lazily handing her arbitrary bills. NICK: Gabi Gabi Gabi Gabi Gabi HERE! He's handed her six $1s and a $100. NICK: Tell T he can keep the change. Gabi slowly walks over to pay the bill. T glances over to Nick, sitting less-than-gallantly at the table. T: You sure he's gonna be alrght? GABI: Oh he'll be fine. T: Yeah, but....what about YOU? GABI: T, for the first time in a very long time, I feel like everything is under control. --- Will and Sonny are cleaning up after dinner, when Will's cell phone starts to ring. He puts a plate he's rinsed on the dish rack before picking up the phone. WILL: Hm...strange. SONNY: What's that? WILL: Strange number. Let me see. Will answers the phone, an unsure tone in his voice. WILL: I...uh...Will Horton speaking. * * * Tyler replies at the Town Square. He paces back and forth as he speaks. TYLER: Yes, William. It's Tyler Houston from EnerNext. I was hoping to speak to you at some point. * * * WILL: Uh...yes, regarding what, exactly? * * * TYLER: Well, I just read some of your writing, and I'm interested in discussing an opportunity with our company's PR department. Uh...would you be available to meet with me this evening? * * * Will stutters and stumbles, in shock at the sudden offer dropped in his lap. --- Sami stands up, very displeased with EJ's tone and walks with him to the waiting room nearby. As the door closes, Sami tears into EJ. SAMI: How dare you come over to me like that when you know what I've been like this last week. I just got out of a therapy session and you come barrelling at me like that?? What the Hell's wrong with you?! EJ: (over Samantha's tirade) Samantha, Samantha! Woah! I'm sorry. I'M Sorry. Okay? Something has come up that I got excited about, and...I think you should listen to what I have to say. Sami steps back, arms folded. She glowers at EJ, who begins to relax after a moment of silence. EJ: Alright. So, DiMera has a rather...extensive project in Europe right now that we need a strong writer to help with publicity and marketing. And I think this is an excellent opportunity for Abigail. SAMI: I...you're right, it could be great, but...she just started with us at Countess W, I mean...don't you think she might be over her head a bit? I mean, she's been so stressed out lately herself... EJ: I don't think that will be a problem. In fact, I think this might be exactly what Abigail needs. A change of scenery, some new faces, the ability to work her magic on her own. It could be exactly what she needs. Sami thinks about it a moment, then turns back to EJ, nodding in agreement. SAMI: I think...I think you're right. We should go ahead with that. EJ: Excellent, I'll go tell her right away. EJ makes a beeline for the door, but Sami calls out to him just before his hand touches the doorknob. SAMI: Oh, wait, EJ. EJ: Yes, Samantha. SAMI: How is she doing? EJ: Great. She just had a hit on the head, she'll be out soon enough, maybe even tonight. SAMI: Maybe we should call Jennifer or somet-- EJ:...NO! No, I wouldn't worry about that. It'll be fine. EJ steps out of the office, leaving Sami confused by EJ's strong reaction to Sami's suggestion. EJ walks down the hallway, almost running for Abby's hospital room. He opens the door to her room, and Abigail turns to him, unpleasantly surprised to see him. ABBY: EJ... EJ shuts the door quietly but intensely. A menacing look across his face that immediately intimidates Abigail. EJ: So...when exactly were you going to tell me you were pregnant? ---- 3 comments
- Gabi Hernandez
- Sami Brady
(and 4 more)
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ANOTHER WORLD 180 Kirkland and Charlie's wedding day Part 4
beebs commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
OOOO that was sweet! What a great episode. So much drama with Amanda and Iris, I love it. Let's see how this whole story goes. I have a strong suspicion that Iris is going to get what she wants...for awhile, anyway. Loved the wedding, so very much the kind of soap wedding they don't do anymore but should. LOVED it. And the ending was spectacular. I do hope John and Sharlene move back towards reconciliation. Wonder how Michele will get out of this one! GREAT show! -
beebs commented on aMLCproduction's blog entry in The Young and the Restless
Ohhh how I love Sister Patterson. She gives me LIFE. Glad to hear Esther made it out alive! Those scenes were great. The smoky old VW bus. I just love it all, please please please keep Sister Patterson around. Daniel should wrapped it uuuuup. LOVE James coming in. SO excited to see him going forward. The scenes with Scotty and Lauren were great, too. Keep doing those kinds of scenes, they're great. Also LOVED Karynn's concern being entirely about the will. So like her. You've done a great job with that character. FANTASTIC return! -
DAYS #49: EJ Overhears The Truth
beebs posted a blog entry in Days of our Lives: The Alternate Timeline
EPISODE 49 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson A knock is heard on Kate's office door. Kate looks up from her computer. KATE: Come in! Billie and Lucas step in, a look of worry across both their faces. KATE: Ah! Billie! Lucas! Excellent. BILLIE: Okay, Mom. You sounded urgent on the phone...what's going on? KATE: Well...have a seat, and we'll discuss it. Billie and Lucas obey their mother's command and sit down in front of her desk. Kate leans over her desk, as if to give a proclamation. KATE: I think it's time we sat down and discussed the Titan board meeting next week, and whether or not the company should hold onto Titan TV. Lucas seems confused, Billie looks over to him. LUCAS: What does that have to do with us? I mean, we'd have to start putting more money into our advertising budget, but surely Victor can grandfather something in. KATE: No, no. It's not just that. We could face a very hefty penalty as a company for the things we do with that TV station. Everything from the news to, yes, our advertising deals. The FCC could have major problems with that. BILLIE: What? Wait, mom. You've never forced our hand on a board vote before. What's got you so concerned this time? Kate pauses a moment, not sure how to respond. --- Jenn is sitting at her desk at the hospital, having a chat with Laura. As she talks with Laura, Jenn tries to do some filing. LAURA: So how was your night with Liam? JENN: It was wonderful. Honestly, I've never met a man who just...understood me so completely, not since... Jenn stops herself, choking up a bit thinking of Jack. LAURA: Since...Daniel? Jenn stays still a moment, then shakes her head. Outside Jenn's office door, Daniel approaches, with a document in hand for Jenn. Just before stepping to the door, he hears Jenn say his name. JENN: Not since Jack, Mom. I mean...Daniel....Daniel, I thought he was fantastic. I was so patient with him, because I knew how hard it's been with him since his wife died and...he knew when Jack came back to town so give us space. He was really great when Jack died. He knew exactly what I was going through... Jenn pauses for a moment. Laura presses. LAURA: But... JENN: But, Mom, he didn't trust me when my son was in trouble. He lied and made me believe he'd not only sleep with someone like Theresa, but that he'd be doing drugs with her? All for what? Because he didn't think I'd stand by my son? Because I couldn't be trusted to protect my own son. Laura walks over to Jenn and hugs her for a minute. Jenn leans in to give her mom a warm hug like she'd been wanting to for a long time. LAURA: I'm so sorry, honey. I didn't realize. I know, we all miss Jack. I just...well...just give it time. Don't rush into things, okay? Liam seems like a good guy but...I want you to just take it easy, okay? Jenn pulls away from her mom's embrace and, still holding her hands, smiles warmly at Laura. Outside Jenn's door, Daniel shakes his head, wincing from the stinging words Jenn has spoken about him. He walks away from Jenn's door, heading back to tend to Theresa. JENN: Thanks, Mom. Can we...uh...talk about something else? Jenn wipes away tears as she asks Laura the question, and Laura sits back in her chair, immediately knowing what else she had on her mind. LAURA: Well...how's Abigail been feeling? JENN: You know...it's strange, she's been...so run down the last few months, and sick a lot. Not much of an appetite, and when she does it, it's been terrible food. I mean, if I didn't know she'd only been with Chad, honestly, I'd say she were pregnant. Laura looks to Jenn, a bit concerned. --- EJ kneels over Abigail as she lies on the floor of the DiMera offices, unconscious. EJ checks her breathing, as Abigail slowly stirs. EJ: Abigail? You alright? ABBY: Uh...huh? EJ? What?... Abigail looks around the room, in a daze. She grabs her stomach suddenly, before realizing where she is, and lets go. ABBY: My b...my God. I... EJ: You need to go to the hospital immediately, we'll get you checked out. Abigail protests weakly, as EJ sits her up to head for the elevator. ABBY: No...no...no, I'm fine... Abigail's face is increasingly panicked as she gets boosted up into EJ's arms and whisked off to UH. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Anne continues to slap the man at the door of the elevator, thinking him to be EJ, until a strong American accent throws her off and stops her assault. REPAIR GUY: Hey, hey, hey! LADY! What the Hell??! Anne backs up, and takes a closer look at the man before her. She jumps back a little, an apologetic look across her face. ANNE: Oh...oh my God, I'm...I'm so sorry, I... REPAIR GUY: This how you treat everyone that comes to help ya, lady? ANNE: I...I thought you were someone else, see, it's actually a really funny story, see... REPAIR GUY: I'm sure it is. Anne steps casually off the elevator, following the now-completely-bemused repairman away from the elevator. ANNE: See, I thought you were this guy who's been following me around and has people all out to make me think I'm crazy and when, well, really, I'm not, he's just an... Anne stops herself, realizing how absolutely insane she sounds. She smiles at the repairman, and takes his hand in hers, patting it gratefully. ANNE: You know what? Nevermind. Thanks again! I really appreciate it. Anne steps towards her door and hastily opens it, stepping into her apartment. The repairman stands back, in shock at what's just transpired. REPAIR GUY: I gotta get outta this town, man! --- Gabi walks into Club TBD. Looking around, she sees Nick, sitting at a booth in the corner. She tenses, incredibly wary of coming anywhere closer to Nick. Finally she steps forward, essentially forcing herself into line. She sits down at the table. Nick immediately takes her hand in his. NICK: I'm so glad to see you. Gabi pulls her hand away quickly. She smiles immediately, realizing how bad that looks. GABI: Sorry. I'm....a bit nervous. NICK: I understand. It's alright. Please, can I order you a drink? Gabi smiles a slightly devious smile, but catches herself and nods, changing her smile to a more flirtatious one. Nick smiles and flags down T. Gabi looks on, thinking to herself: I have to make this happen. I have to get him hooked again. I can't have him hurt me, or Ari. I won't let it happen. --- Kate gestures, trying in vain to find some kind of answer to Billie's question. She stands up and begins pacing the room while talking. KATE: It's....simple, really. I just...did a bit of research, it's really nothing to do with anything. BILLIE: Okay, seriously. Mom, what's going on? Why are you so freaked out? I can tell you're not yourself right now. LUCAS: Seriously, Mom. Spill! What's got you so riled up? Kate takes a second to breathe before turning around to face her kids' onslaught of questions. KATE: It's just best business practice. I'm just....nervous about how Victor's going to react, is all. I mean, we haven't exactly been on the best of terms since I-- LUCAS: ...Tried to have him killed at the Coronation... Kate rolls her eyes at Lucas' snarky remarks before carrying on. KATE:..and now...well...I just...he's been gracious enough to have me as CEO at MadWorld and I'm not prepared to give that up, but going against him, particularly when he's so distressed about Brady's accident, I just... Billie gets up and walks over to Kate. Putting a hand on Kate's shoulder, she reassures her. BILLIE: Mom, I get it. I'll think about it, but...we're in your corner, Lucas and I. Okay? Kate smiles and hugs Billie tightly. KATE: I knew I could count on you. Lucas looks on, not quite so convinced, and folds his arms while shaking his head. --- EJ walks down the hallway at University Hospital, having come from Abigail's hospital room. He is deep in thought, concerned for Abigail, but not so sure about what's been bugging her. Upon entering the 6th floor lobby, EJ sees Sami standing with Marlena and Kim. They look concerned themselves. EJ begins to head over to greet Sami, but Sami looks up at him, and freezes. EJ immediately remembers Sami's recollections after their argument, and stops himself. Sami turns away momentarily to tell Marlena and Kim something. SAMI: Uh...look, I....think I need to talk to EJ for a moment, do you mind? MARLENA: Are you sure that's a good idea? SAMI: I'll be fine, Mom. Thanks. Marlena gives Sami and quick kiss on the cheek and hug before stepping aside with Kim. Sami steps to EJ slowly, almost reluctantly, yet trying to come off nonchalantly. EJ: Samantha. SAMI: EJ. I guess you've heard about Brady and Theresa's accident today. EJ: I have. I'm sorry to hear about it. How is everyone holding up. SAMI: (sighs) I suppose as well as can be expected. My Aunt Kim is just waiting to hear back from the doctors before she goes in to visit. Daniel was operating and they're just letting Theresa rest for a bit before they let her visit so... EJ: I see. SAMI: Yep. So...what are you doing here? EJ: Uh, I was actually here tending to Abigail, you see, she's been in a bit of an accident at work, and-- SAMI: What?! Is she okay? EJ reaches out to stop Sami from running off to find Abigail's room, but when EJ touches her, he catches himself as Sami flinches. EJ: I'm sorry. SAMI: (sigh) It's...okay. Uh...is she okay? Can I see her? What happened? EJ: She had a ladder fall on her at the office earlier, it's...no big deal, she's fine, I just...I stopped you because the doctor was in with her just now. SAMI: Oh...right. EJ: I'm actually going to check on her to see what the doctor says and if you want I can ask Abigail if she wouldn't mind a visitor. If you like, that is. SAMI: That...sounds great. EJ: Alright, I'll be right back. EJ smiles a bit, Sami smiles back. As EJ steps away, she almost collapses, as though she'd been holding onto every bit of strength she had during their exchange. Sami takes a seat at a nearby bench and breathes heavily, trying to regain some semblance of composure. Inside Abigail's hospital room, Daniel talks with Abigail. Abigail is extremely nervous, knowing Daniel's close relationship with her family and friends, particularly her mom. DANIEL: Well, looks like you just had a bit of a hit on the head. No need for any surgery, so...you should be out of here in a few hours. ABBY: That's good. Uh...Daniel...umm...you're not going to tell my mom about any of this, are you? DANIEL: Nah, that's...that's not gonna happen. See, your mom and I are, in no uncertain terms, finished. ABBY: Good. Uh...that's....not quite what I meant. I mean, I just...well, you know a lot of my family and friends and... DANIEL: Doctor-patient confidentiality. Cross my heart. Abigail smiles, feeling reassured that Daniel won't speak to anyone about her condition. ABBY: Great. So uh...why a few hours, what else needs to be done? As Daniel explains, EJ approaches the door to her hospital room, and begins to open the door to check on the progress of Abigail's appointment. As he opens the door, he hears Daniel speak. DANIEL: We just have to run one more test to see how your baby's holding up after the accident and you should be set to go! EJ's eyes pop out, shocked by Daniel's news. ---- 3 comments
ANOTHER WORLD 179 Kirkland and Charlie's wedding day Part 3
beebs commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
Amaaaazing! This was a fabulous episode, Cary! Great on every level! The town comes together for the wedding, traditional soap style! It's been years since I've seen stuff like this. I love every bit of it, the family moments between Jake and Lindsay, Paulina arriving with Jack, infuriating Grant. I also am intrigued by Michele's illiteracy. This sounds like there's more than a simple brain injury at work here. Can't wait to see where you take that! AWESOME work! -
GENERAL HOSPITAL FANFIC EPISODE 14...Monica tells Tracy what she did.
beebs commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in GENERAL HOSPITAL
OOPS! That was a great episode. Tracy and Sydney's confrontation was excellent. I loved the interplay and could totally see that going down on TV. That cliffhanger was fabulous too. Monica better find her way out of that hole she's dug fast! Morgan and KaKa hooking up, maybe? Hmmm! EXCELLENT work! -
GENERAL HOSPITAL FANFIC EPISODE 13 Monica makes a surprising vow
beebs commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in GENERAL HOSPITAL
Ohhhh I know where this is going. I love the old fashioned GH caper. Great move! Can't wait to see how Felicia, Maxie and Levi and Nathan all get tangled up in this. Wonderful! Love the secret of Michael paternity being re-examined. You're gonna do great with that story, so I'm excited to read. Always great seeing Tracy and Monica more. I'd love to see more of Monica and Tracy's humour. That always sold them to me. Great work! -
DAYS #48: A Series of Unfortunate Events
beebs posted a blog entry in Days of our Lives: The Alternate Timeline
EPISODE 48 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson EJ sits on the edge of Abigail's desk. She seems visibly uncomfortable with EJ's intensity, which is unrelenting. His eyes are piercing, and it intimidates her. ABBY: I...was just...I'm tired. That's all, EJ. Please just...don't worry about me. EJ: Abigail, you've been like this for weeks now. You're getting your work done and it's pleasing Samantha but...I know something's off. Abby gets up from her seat, but has difficulty doing so. EJ attempts to give her a hand, but she refuses. ABBY: No. Please don't. EJ looks, a great concern on his face. --- Kate is working at her desk when Nick knocks twice and promptly steps into Kate's office. Kate is immeidately displeased by his barging in. KATE: Have you never worked in an office before? NICK: Your secretary wasn't at her desk, so...hey, I knocked first. Kate rolls her eyes at Nick before motioning him to sit down. He obliges, taking an exceedingly casual pose in his chair. NICK: So here's the deal... KATE: Ohhh boy, here we go. NICK: I know, right? Did you hear the news about Brady? KATE: Yes, I did, and I would expect you would be a little more reverent, particularly since he's what, your...6th cousin or something? It's so hard to tell in this town, especially with the Hortons. NICK: I didn't really know Brady. I know he had problems. I can empathize. But I don't really have the time to dwell on it. And neither do you. KATE: Look, if this is about the Titan TV vote, I already agreed to vote in favour of divesting-- NICK: That's not what I'm talking about. Kate stops cold, trying to figure out what Nick's getting at. NICK: Victor is going to push back that vote as much as possible until Brady's found. We all know this. It's up to you to convince the board that that idea is reckless. The vote needs to happen immediately. --- Anne pushes the Emergency Call button inside the elevator frantically. The light never turns on. The sound of the local radio station playing the daily news does nothing but heighten her panic. Worried that EJ is trying to do her in, she screams at the top of her lungs, hoping someone will hear her. ANNE: HELP! SOMEBODY! Her voice echoes but no voice returns her pleas. She tries to climb up the the ceiling of the elevator, hoping the shaft contains an emergency escape. As she's about the use the back railing to boost herself up, the elevator jolts suddenly. The entire carriage shakes, and Anne falls back to the ground. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Hope steps into Victor's office. Victor and Maggie are going over their plan to re-open the Penthouse Grille. Victor looks up at Hope, and Maggie turns to face her. VICTOR: Hope! What a surprise. What are you doing here? Victor and Maggie's pleased looks fade as they see Hope's sadness. HOPE: Sorry, I...your secretary told me I could just come in. VICTOR: Nonsense, you're always welcome. What can I do for you? Victor gets up, motioning to Hope to take a seat next to Maggie. Hope slowly saunters over and sits down. She gathers her strength to give them the news. HOPE: Well...I have some news. It's about Brady. Maggie loses all the colour from her face, while Victor looks on, a stoic look, but almost as though if he said anything, he'd be sick. HOPE: There's been an accident. Brady and Theresa drove off an embankment just outside the city, and...Theresa's in a coma at the hospital, and Brady....they...they can't find him, Victor. Victor breathes deeply, before sighing, soaking in the news for a second. VICTOR: Well, then you'd better get a bigger search party out. HOPE: We have been searching for hours, Victor. There's no sign of him. VICTOR: Well, then he's still out there. And you're wasting your time sitting her moping. Let's get out there and look. I'll have my men out there scouring the river in less than an hour. HOPE: Victor! Stop! The forensics team said that considering the speed Brady was travelling when he drove off the road...the chances of him surviving the crash are still incredibly slim. VICTOR: Then where's his body, dammit?! If you want me to believe it, I need proof, not conjecture. HOPE: Victor, I'm sorry. We are going to keep looking for him. VICTOR: (sigh) No. I'm sorry, Hope. I'm just in shock, and angry, and I'm taking out my frustration on you. Just...let me know what you find. Thank you. Hope stands up from her seat, followed by Maggie. Maggie reaches over to hug Hope, before Hope leaves. As Hope heads fr the door, she stops, remembering one last thing to tell Victor. HOPE: Victor, if you have any questions or anything, maybe a clue, give me a call. VICTOR: Absolutely. Maggie walks over to Victor's side the desk, and kneels down beside him. She cries as she lays her head next to his and embraces him. --- Kate leans forward in her chair, staring Nick down as he lounges on the opposite side of her desk, his smug expression infuriating her. KATE: Now, you are well aware that Victor is not going to allow Brady's votes to be removed from the board meeting until there's a body found, and that's final. If anything, he's going to try to proxy Brady's votes himself, or find a nearby ally to vote on Brady's behalf. NICK: But I'm sure you realize how controversial that would be to the board. And I'm sure you know how to push the board to say what you want them to say. I mean, for one thing, your son and your daughter are on the board. So...that's two votes more tipping the scales in my favour, no? Nick holds up his hands, counting the board members on both hands. He shakes three on his left hand, indicating Kate, Lucas, and Billie's votes. KATE: You want me to use my children to vote your way, now NICK: I want them to see sense, Kate. That TV station is nothing but a propoganda machine for the EnerNext tar sands, and everybody knows it. The FCC is going to come down on them hard for their lack of journalistic standards, and you could be looking at some pretty hefty fines for the reporting if Titan isn't careful. KATE: I see... Nick leans in towards Kate, looking intensely into Kate's eyes. NICK: And you know how bad Titan's finances are, surely. I'd suggest if you want to keep MadWorld afloat, you might want to consider how a major loss in cashflow might affect your employment. Nick gets up, and slowly heads for the door. As he opens the door, he turns and winks at Kate. NICK: Nice talkin' to ya! As he closes the door, Kate flops back in her chair, and rolls her eyes. Spent from trying to maintain her cool against Nick, she picks up her phone and calls Lucas. KATE: You and I need to talk right now. And bring Billie with you. My office, yeah. Kate hangs up, and sighs heavily. --- Anne picks herself up off the floor, realizing the radio has stopped, and suddenly, a voice calls out to her over the speakers. RADIO: Hello? Someone in there? Anne jolts upright, relieved to hear a voice speaking to her. ANNE: Yes! I'm in here! RADIO: Okay, ma'am. Someone's on their way, that jolt you just felt was the repairman resetting the system. We'll have you up to your floor momentarily. ANNE: Oh my GOD, thank you!! RADIO: No worries, ma'am. After a few moments, the elevator comes back to life. Lights come back on, and the elevator begins to move back upwards as before. When the door opens, Anne is about to step off when a man looks back at her on the other side of the doors. Looking fast, she confuses the man's face with EJ's, and slaps him hard across the face, repeatedly. ANNE: You disgusting bastard! --- In the hallway at Countess W, a pair of repairmen step off the elevator, tool kits and ladder in hand. RALPH: Hey Frank, so what's the deal with the ladder, man? I thought you broke it last week. Frank sets the ladder up by Abigail's office door. He goes to step onto the first rung, unconcerned by his co-worker's reminder, and grabs a small flashlight from his toolbelt. FRANK: Nah, I bent it slightly. Still holds up fine. I used it all day yesterday. Didn't even wobble. RALPH: Alright, but I figure it's as good as excuse to get a new one as anything. Boss might even expense it. Frank laughs as he climbs up, lifting the ceiling tile to check the wiring above. FRANK: Yeah, right. Since when'd the DiMeras ever do anything nice, man. RALPH: That's the truth. Ralph grabs a wrench and begins looking through his toolkit. Inside Abigail's office, Abby grimaces as she stands up, but EJ can't help but show his concern. EJ: Abigail, really. What on Earth is going on? ABBY: Just...ugh. I ate something I shouldn't have at lunch, it's no big deal, okay? EJ: Abigail, I really think you should go see a doctor about this. It's obviously been bothering you for weeks now. Abigail turns quickly to EJ, snapping at him. ABBY: Stop telling me what to do, EJ! I am not going to a doctor, there is nothing wrong, I'm fine, okay? Just...leave it alone. EJ: Leave what alone, Abigail? There's something you're not telling me and if it involves me then I need to know about it. Abigail stares off into space, imagining her mother chastizing her for getting involved with EJ. Her voice rings clearly in her head. JENN: I can't believe you're pregnant with EJ DiMera's baby, I'm so disappointed. My own daughter, letting me down... The face Abby sees becomes JJ's. JJ: My own sister, a DiMera slut... JJ's face morphs into Jack's, much to Abigail's terror. JACK: No daughter of mine would be so filthy as to... EJ: ABIGAIL! Abigail snaps back to reality upon hearing EJ. She looks up at him, almost terrorized. ABBY: I can't. I need some fresh air. I'm gonna be sick. Abigail storms out the door of her office, surprising Frank on the ladder, which knocks him off balance as the ladder buckles under the changing weight. It falls over, knocking Abigail and Frank down with it. Upon seeing the accident, EJ rushes to Abigail's side. Ralph runs over as well. RALPH: What the Hell happened??! EJ: Abigail! Abigail! Abigail lies unconscious on the floor. EJ leans over, holding her head in his hands, checking her vital signs. ---- 3 comments
- Days of Our Lives
- MySONtv
(and 2 more)
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DAYS #47: Anne draws the wrong conclusion
beebs posted a blog entry in Days of our Lives: The Alternate Timeline
EPISODE 47 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Billie sits at her desk at MadWorld, when a call comes in for her. After a second, Billie picks up. BILLIE (into phone): Yes, Paul? Excellent, send him in. A moment later, Paul, her secretary, ushers Roman Brady into her office. A smile is on his face. ROMAN: Billie! I got some news for you. And I think you will be really happy with the results. Billie smiles widely, itching to hear the news. --- Marlena knocks frantically on Kim's door. After knocking for a bit, Kim opens the door, confused by the frantic knock. KIM: Marlena! What's going on? I was just about to head o-- MARLENA: Oh Kim, I'm glad I found you. Marlena reaches for Kim's arm, the panic evident in her movements, which puts Kim on edge. KIM: Marlena! What's wrong, did something happen? Marlena stops herself, she lets go of Kim's arm and centres herself for a moment. MARLENA: Yes. I...I need you to come to the hospital with me. There's been an accident. Kim gasps quietly. She steps back into her apartment to grab her purse. She's prepared, almost as though she knew it was coming. KIM: It's Theresa, isn't it? Marlena nods as Kim hastily locks her apartment door. Kim presses the button on the elevator repeatedly, as though that would make it come faster. KIM: Oh God, let's go. Did you drive here? MARLENA: Yes, I'll meet you there. As they step in, Kim looks to Marlena. KIM: I'm almost afraid to ask...but...(sigh) What happened? Marlena looks to Kim empathetically as the doors close. --- Abigail is sitting at her desk at Countess W. She's trying to focus on her work, but all she can focus on is the letter from the hospital, saying she's pregnant. She tries in vain to refocus, but can't seem to see anything but the letter, though she continues to type. The word "pregnant" appears on her computer monitor, the result of her mistyping. She hits backspace, but the computer freezes and won't erase the word immediately. She jams on the key repreatedly in frustration, before slouching back in her chair. ABBY: What am I gonna do? Abby sits bolt upright as a voice calls out to her from the doorway of her office. EJ: About what, exactly? Abby hestitates to come up with an answer, looking like a deer caught in the headlights by EJ's question. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Roman hands Billie the report he ran up on the flash drive. ROMAN: Turns out that not only was that used to connect to a device within Titan, but it also has some familiar fingerprints on it. Billie reads over the letter, a smile slowly building on her face. BILLIE: Sheryl Connors. ROMAN: You betcha. BILLIE: So we have what we need to nail her now, right? ROMAN: Not exactly. Billie's face drops at Roman's admission. BILLIE: What do you mean? You have the proverbial smoking gun in your hands. What's the problem? ROMAN: It's not enough, Billie. All this proves is that Sheryl had a flash drive in a computer inside an office she wasn't supposed to be in. The problem is that that drive had no contents, and no accessible files. Even for our techs. BILLIE: So we're back to square one. ROMAN: Not exactly. This is just the start. I think we'll be able to get them now, just need to wait just a little longer. Billie smiles at Roman, hoping he's onto something. --- Hope steps off the elevator at Titan, and as she steps off, sees Nick pass her by. She taps him on the shoulder, and waves as he looks over to her. NICK: Hope! Hey! How are you? Hope leans in for a hug, she smiles for a second, the first time since finding out about Brady's accident. As they separate from their hug, Hope's demeanour returns to a sombre state. Nick notices immediately. HOPE: I'm...alright. NICK: I kinda don't believe you. HOPE: Well...it's...I have some bad news I have to pass on to Victor and Maggie. NICK: Oh? Maggie's here? HOPE: Yeah! It's...(sigh) It's about Brady and Theresa. They...were in a pretty serious car accident and... Hope struggles to finish her thought and Nick puts a hand on her shoulder. NICK: Are they alright? Hope starts to tear up a bit. She shakes her head. HOPE: No. Theresa's in for surgery at the hospital and Brady...they...we can't find him. NICK: Wait, what? HOPE: Just...I'll explain later. Okay? NICK: Yeah, sure. Hope queezes Nick's hand before walking away, headed for Victor's office. Nick remains stoic until Hope is out of sight, then smirks and pulls out his trusty tablet. He sends Nicole, Jordan and Sheryl a message. I think we just hit the jackpot, folks NICK: Sorry, Vic. But it looks like your bad news is gonna be even worse after the Titan TV vote. Especially now. --- Kim and Marlena step off the elevator at University Hospital. Both are hurried and head directly for Kayla, who is standing at the Nurses' station. MARLENA: Kayla! Have you heard anything? KIM: How did the surgery go? Kayla stays collected, but stoic, as she looks into her sister's pleading eyes. KAYLA: We don't know much right now. All I can say is that Daniel's in there right now, finishing up the operation. She seems to be hanging on but...there could be severe brain trauma. She may be in a coma for a very long time. KIM: My God. My baby! Kayla steps away from the Nurses' station and gives Kim a big hug. The sisters stay locked in an extended embrace, as Marlena looks over to see Sami emerge from the opposite hallway. Sami sees Marlena with Kim and Kayla and heads over immediately, her face heavy with concern. SAMI: Aunt Kim, Aunt Kayla....Mom...Why...what's going on? KAYLA: Uh...Sami...there's been an accident. SAMI: What? What happened? KAYLA: Theresa and Brady. They drove off an embankment and into the river-- SAMI: Oh my God. How are they, what...how...? MARLENA: Sami, you just came from your appointment with Laura, just...go home and rest, I'll let you know what's going on as soon as I know, okay? SAMI: No way. I'm gonna stay right here. I'll let EJ know I'm cancelling my appointments for the day, and just...I need to be here for Brady. Marlena puts a hand on Sami's shoulder and looks intensely at her. She leans in and tells her quietly. MARLENA: Honey, Brady's not here. They...they can't find a body, the car's submerged in the river but... SAMI: Well that means he escaped, right? MARLENA: They said that, under the circumstances and the speed he was travelling, the chances are very low that he survived. Sami takes a step back, unable to soak in the information. She chokes back a bit, looking away from her mom. SAMI: I...I can't believe this. Marlena leans over and gives Sami a sustained hug, as Sami holds her mom tightly for comfort. Kim and Kayla look on, Kim holding her sister tightly, a saddened look in her eyes. --- Abby smiles cautiously at EJ. ABBY: Oh...uh...this...report. I...I can't figure out how to finish it up is all. EJ steps casually into Abigail's office. EJ: Well, I suggest taking a bit of a break and concentrating on yourself. You seem overworked. Abigail rolls her eyes at this dismissively, turning off her computer monitor. ABBY: EJ, I'm fine. I've just been under some pressure and learning a new job. It's not a big deal. EJ: Yes, well, I worry about you, you know. ABBY: Well, stop doing that. Focus on Sami. She needs you right now. EJ: Abigail, you're my employee, I have every right to be concerned about your well-being. Particualrly when it affects your work. ABBY: Well, don't, EJ. I will be fine. And technically, I'm working for Sami. You and I are done. Finished. I'm not risking any repeats, especially not here. EJ: I didn't mean that. EJ walks towards Abigail's desk and leans on it, staring her down intently. EJ: Abigail. What is wrong? --- Anne Milbauer steps onto the elevator at her apartment building, fuming from her earlier confrontation with EJ. She presses the button to her floor, then presses the close button repeatedly. The door closes and slowly ascends. 2nd floor. 3rd floor. ... The elevator stops, never reaching the 4th floor (Anne's floor). The lights dim in the elevator, throwing Anne off. The emergency light comes on, noting a power outage in the elevator. Anne presses the 4th floor button again repeatedly, hoping to jump start the elevator's movement. Her efforts are in vain. Suddenly a voice comes on through the speakers on the elevator. Instead of an emergency call, the sound the local news radio feed blares through the speakers. RADIO: ...local news, Titan CEO Brady Black was involved in a single-vehicle accident today on the north side of the city. Mr. Black's car careened off the edge of an embankment alongside the Salem River, and crashed into the river, where his body has yet to be recovered. His passenger, Theresa Donovan, is in a coma tonight at Salem University Hospital. The news of Theresa's accident stuns as causes Anne to panic. She screams out. ANNE: HELP! Get me out of here! HELP! After no one comes after a second or responds, she is overcome with a sense of dread. ANNE: EJ set this all up. He had Theresa run off the road. My God. And now he's after me. --- -
ANOTHER WORLD 178 Kirkland and Charlie's wedding day Part 2
beebs commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
I feel like you need to have Vesta's "Congratulations" playing over them Scott/Kirkland scenes. Intense! I wonder how that's gonna go down for him in GC afterwards *grumble ML come back *ahem*. Good work on the Christy scenes. I love her so much, such troublemaking. This wedding is gonna be fantastic. EEE! -
EPISODE 46 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Abigail steps into the Horton living room, feeling groggy from the previous night's sleep. She looks in the mirror, studying the bags under her eyes, and thinks back to her tryst with EJ. She snaps herself out of it as Jenn walks in. JENNIFER: Hey, Honey. You heading for work soon? ABBY: Uh...yeah. Soon. Jenn's a bit concerned by Abby's drowsiness. She walks over to her, as Abby tries to pretend she's fine. JENNIFER: Honey, are you okay? ABBY: Yeah, Mom, I'm fine. JENNIFER: Are you sure? You've been so...down lately. ABBY: Well...what do you mean? JENNIFER: Well, you're tired all the time, you've put on weight, you're complaining about being sore when you get home from work. I mean, Abigail, you were never like this at the hospital. Are you sure you're enjoying working at Countess W? ABBY: Yeah! It's good. Jennifer isn't convinced, and presses some more, putting a hand on Abby's shoulder. JENNIFER: Really? You know, Abigail, you can tell me anyth-- Abby finally snaps at Jenn, and turns sharply to face her. ABBY: ...Yes, Mom! It's a great job, and I'm fine. Could you please just stop...badgering me. Abby turns away and runs up the stairs, leaving Jenn in the living room, dumfounded. --- Rafe and Jordan drive down the highway, heading away from Salem. Smiling, and enjoying the drive despite the heavy cloudcover. RAFE: Yeah, it's gonna rain soon. JORDAN: Well, we got at least a couple more hours to drive yet, so, at least we'll stay dry, right? RAFE: Yeah. You know, I'm really glad you and I could get away for the weekend and you finally get to meet my mom. She's...pretty excited to finally meet you. Jordan smiles at Rafe. JORDAN: I'm really excited to meet her. Anita sounds like a lovely woman. Jordan looks away, her smile fades as she thinks back to what Sheryl told her. *** JORDAN'S FLASHBACK Sheryl looks matter-of-factly at Jordan, and, almost without emotion, issues a stern warning. SHERYL: If you get involved with that cop, you keep it strictly business. You use him as an in to find out what you can about EnerNext, and we'll use that in to get what we need. Do not catch feelings, Kaylie. I'm serious. *** RAFE: You alright? Jordan snaps out of it, and turns to Rafe. She smiles again. JORDAN: Yeah. I'm fine, just...thinking about work. RAFE: Well, look. You've got a whole weekend to not think about work, so just...don't worry about it. JORDAN: That's not always the easiest thing, and you know it. Rafe takes Jordan's hand in his and quickly smiles at her, before looking back at the road. Jordan smiles back, feeling reassured. The rain begins to come down against the windshield. Jordan looks out ahead. As she looks out, she sees a clearing off the upcoming embankment, with a group of cars lining the shoulder. Looking closer, she sees someone lying down on the side of the road. JORDAN: Oh my God, Rafe. Pull over. RAFE: What the...? Rafe pulls over and Jordan jumps out, and he and Jordan jump from the car. Rafe walks over to where the people are gathered around the woman lying on the side of the road. RAFE: What happened here? A middle-aged man turns to Rafe and explains emphatically. MAN: I was driving up behind when I seen these two drive right off the edge of the road here and off into the lake. The girl here jumps out and the car went right off the edge, I was freakin' out, ya know? RAFE: What the... Looking down, he sees that the woman on the ground is Theresa. As Jordan leans down to check Jordan's vitals, Rafe immediately calls into the station. --- --- Sheryl and Nick are having something to eat at the Brady Pub. Discussing business, as per usual. Sheryl appears very pleased by Nick's news. SHERYL: I got to admit, Nick. You've really surprised me. NICK: Oh really? SHERYL: Yeah. I mean, I didn't expect you'd be such a good ally in all this, but...I mean, you've got the media eating out of your hand, you've got all the technology in the world at your fingertips, and you've got the key to prime real estate for the oil sands project in your control. I couldn't have asked for a better ally. NICK: And now that Brady is out as CEO, I think we'll finally be able to get Titan TV fully in our corner. And then the rest of Titan's house of cards will collapse right on cue. As Nick says this, Sheryl raises her glass to toast him. As they clink glasses, Gabi walks into the pub. She spots Nick and walks over. GABI: Nick! Hey! Sorry if I'm interrupting, do you have a moment? Nick turns and smiles at Gabi. Sheryl looks up, and smiles Gabi's way. SHERYL: Oh, don't mind me. I can make some calls. I need to take care of something anyway. If you'll excuse me. Sheryl gets up and courteously steps away, spotting Jordan quickly heading for the front door to enter the pub. Sheryl motions to Jordan to turn back around and stay outside. Jordan obliges and heads back into the pathway outside the pub, where Sheryl steps out and meets with her. SHERYL: I thought you and your cop were taking a "romantic getaway" this weekend. JORDAN: Well, we WERE, and then we stumbled upon what might be something huge to help us win this whole thing. No violence, no fight, nothing. Sheryl is in disbelief. She looks behind her to make sure no one is watching before turning back to Jordan. SHERYL: Okay, what is it? JORDAN: Theresa Donovan was in a car accident outside Salem. The car skidded and drove off an embankment and into the river, but Theresa managed to jump out before the car crashed. Sheryl looks side to side, confused and disinterested. SHERYL: What does that have to do with anything? JORDAN: Rafe is pretty certain he knows who was driving the car. SHERYL: Okay. Who? Jordan leans in closer, a bit of a sinister's happy look on her face. JORDAN: Brady Black. Sheryl's face cannot hide the surprise of the news. Her eyes pop out a bit as she chokes out a reply. SHERYL: What?? Inside, Gabi sits down across from Nick and smiles warmly. NICK: So, to what do I owe the pleasure? GABI: Well...I have something to ask you. NICK: Yeeeees? Nick leans in with interest as Gabi fights with everything in her not to recoil in terror, pretending to be at worst, pleasant, and at best, warm and engaging with Nick. She finally, after a few awkward seconds, gets up the courage to ask him. GABI: ...Did you want to maybe...have dinner with me tonight? NICK: Yes! I mean...absolutely, I'd love to. Uh...but where did this come from? GABI: Oh I just...it's nothing. I just...I thought about what you said, Nick, and...I agree. Nick looks on warmly, as though Gabi's his whole world. Gabi is a bit more reticent. GABI: ...And I think that you've been....so good with this whole....living situation and...really great with Will and Sonny, and of course with Arianna. NICK: I...love that little girl so much. As if she were my own flesh and blood. Gabi smiles, she takes a moment before contining her thought. GABI: So I wanted to thank you.And how better than a little...date between us. Gabi cringes a bit as the thought of another date with Nick, but she hides it. NICK: Okay, but only if I get to be the one to pay for it. You're not exactly a Rockafeller, you know. GABI: (laughs) I know. (short sigh) Fine, it's a deal. Gabi extends her hand to Nick, a cute smirk on her face, and the two shake. --- Tyler and Maggie break their handshake as the door to Victor's office opens and Victor returns. He looks up and sees both Maggie and Tyler in his office. VICTOR: Ah! Tyler. Excellent. I see you've met my wife. Tyler clears his throat, and nods graciously to Maggie. TYLER: Indeed I have. You're both very fortunate people. Maggie is lovely. VICTOR: Well, thank you. I'd like to think after this many tries at marriage, I'd at least get one right. Now, is this the paperwork on how we'll be handling the switching over from Brady's control to mine? TYLER: Uh...yes. MAGGIE: Wait...you've taken over Titan from Brady. Victor looks up from his desk, hesitant to share this news with Maggie. VICTOR: Yes, there was a meeting this morning. Brady needs to enter rehab. He can't run a company in the state he's in. MAGGIE: You were all gung ho about this before, what changed your mind. VICTOR: Theresa Donovan and that video she filmed of Brady doing lines of cocaine in some seedy club, then immediately shared it with every vulgar celebrity tabloid she could think of. Something needs to be done. MAGGIE: So it's damage control for Titan? VICTOR: No! It just makes sense to do it this way. Either way, we've got important business to discuss, Maggie, sit down. Tyler, thank you. TYLER: No problem, Vic. And, uh...it was lovely to meet you, Mrs. Kiriakis. Maggie looks up as Tyler extends a hand once again. She smiles and shakes his hand gently. MAGGIE: Likewise. Victor is consumed by his work and pays no mind to the goings-on before him. Once Tyler leaves, Victor launches into his plan. VICTOR: Okay, let's get down to business. MAGGIE: Business? VICTOR: Yes. I wanted to give you an anniversary gift...have a look. Victor places before Maggie a paper, a proposal to re-open the Penthouse Grille, and naming Maggie as majority owner. A wide smile of surprise and disbelief crosses Maggie's face as she reads. --- Abigail stands in her room, changing into her work clothes after a shower. She's deep in thought. She stops and notices herself in her full-length mirror. She's wearing a towel across her body and one over her head to help dry her hair. Looking in the mirror, Abby analyses every curve in her body. Stretch marks that weren't there before. She runs her fingers along her thighs and to her lightly protruding belly. She stops. As if something is hurting her, she recoils her hands away from her stomach. She stares at her stomach with an intense and distressed look, and tries to suck it in. When this doesn't yield the desired result, Abby takes the towel on her head and uses it to cover the mirror. She walks over to her vanity, which has a letter on top from University Hospital. The letter is not, however, about her job there. The letter, dated July 14, 2014, notes that Abby is at approximately 4 months pregnant, and that UH has confirmed her appointments with her OBGYN. Abigail looks over the letter carefully, a look of sickness across her face. She crumples up the letter and throws it across the room, after which she holds her head in her hands, trying to fight back tears. ABBY: Damn you, EJ. Damn, damn, damn you! --- Hope and Rafe are investigating the scene of the accident. The rain complicates their investigation, but they remain unfazed, though Hope is obviously concerned. She walks over to Rafe, who's just stepped away from the edge of the embankment, where he was talking to another investigator. HOPE: So what's the word on the car? RAFE: Well...they pulled it from the river, and they're just running the plates now to see whose it is. No driver inside. Seems Theresa opening the door may have helped whoever it was out. There's a chance the driver may be alive. Hope looks over at the car being towed away from the scene. She looks at it with a look of recognition. Suddenly the lightbulb goes off. HOPE: Oh my God. That's...that's Brady's car. RAFE: You sure? HOPE: Yeah, I see him drive that same one all the time with the cobra on the side. I mean, I don't know a lot about cars but...I'd know it anywhere. It's his baby. Damn it! I just...I was...we have to contact John and...oh my God... RAFE: It's okay. I know. As Hope's emotions begin to take over, Rafe puts a comforting hand on Hope's shoulder. --- The elevator doors open at University Hospital as Theresa is wheeled into the Emergency Ward. The doctors and nurses kick into action as her unconscious body is wheeled into a room, as the doctors' talk in medical jargon. Daniel, having been paged from his office, darts over to Theresa's bedside, ready to jump into action. He asks Maxine questions as he heads over. DANIEL: What've we got? MAXINE: Accident victim, thrown from a car just before it drove off an embankment. Patient is unconscious, with major fractures to her ribs, two broken arms, and a broken leg. Possible head trauma as well. DANIEL: Thanks, Maxine. Let's have a look at he-- When he looks down, realizing who his patient is. He is stunned. DANIEL: Oh. My. God. ---
GENERAL HOSPITAL 12 Nina makes plans for Silas
beebs commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in GENERAL HOSPITAL
Epiphany's right. Felix is too good for all that crap. But somehow I know he'll end up right back with Brad. I see sparks between Maya and Shawn. Too bad Edward isn't alive to make smart-ass remarks about how awful they would be for each other. I guess that's Tracy's job now? A double wedding, hm? Sounds like potential for major drama. Love it. -
ANOTHER WORLD 177 Kirkland and Charlie's wedding day Part 1
beebs commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
This wedding is going great already. So much happening. The families coming together, and all this drama going down. I love it. Felicia, John, Mitch and Sharlene is a mess. A wonderful mess. I am really enjoying this whole situation. Gregory is being so awful, but I can't wait to see how much worse he can get, because we know he will. Hahha. Great family scenes with everyone helping get Charlie ready, and I love how Jake and Vicky are slowly rebuilding that bridge between them. Very good. Baby steps are the way. Awesome stuff, Cary! -
ANOTHER WORLD 176 Reginald gives a cryptic message to Donna
beebs commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
You've picked up a knack for comedy, Cary. There was some great lines all through this episode. I loved Cecile sniffing the envelope, and Grant and Christy's scene was excellent. You've done a fantastic job with those scenes, and how great to find out that Maggie is actually a Winthrop. This could get very juicy. I can't wait for the wedding, will Scott show up? Oooo, that could get dramatic. And I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Reginald either. Fantastic episode all around. I know the next one will be just as great. GOOD WORK, SIR! -
DAYS #45: Brady Goes Down (Part 3): Crash & Burn
beebs posted a blog entry in Days of our Lives: The Alternate Timeline
EPISODE 45 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Sami steps off the elevator at University Hospital, and grabs her cell phone, she makes a quick call to her secretary at Countess W. SAMI: (into phone) Yes, Jessica? It's Sami. Look, if you can cancel my appointments for the morning, I'll be in an important meeting...Thanks. I'll let you know when I'm heading back. Bye. Sami hangs up as she approaches Dr. Laura Horton's door. She sighs heavily before stepping inside. --- EJ arrives back at the DiMera mansion, on his cell phone with somebody. He is focused and serious with them as he heads directly into the now-empty living room. EJ: (into phone) So she should be contacting you shortly. I want you to make sure you have that exact medication ready for her...precisely...alright. Call me when it's done. EJ hangs up the phone, a smirk develops across his face. EJ: One way to squash a fly... EJ's smug moment of satisfaction is interrupted by the sound of an argument in the foyer between Harold and a person at the door. EJ's curiosity piqued, he heads for the door. Anne is at the door, enraged, while Harold tries to keep her at bay. ANNE: You WILL let me in because I have something very important to share with Mr. DiMera and if you think that-- EJ: Ms. Milbauer. How lovely to see you. Come in. Harold takes a step back, while Anne smiles a phony "gotcha" smile to Harold, and steps forward towards EJ. --- Theresa walks through the path towards the University Hospital parking lot. She's uneasy, and deep in thought about her actions the previous night in Chicago. She looks at her phone and reads the news reports about Brady's ousting at Titan. She feels regretful, but flashes back to seeing the couple that appeared to be Brady and Chloe kissing at the party. THERESA: You deserved it, Brady. You and that little oompa-loompa of yours. Just then, Brady pulls up in his car. He looks exhausted and wired. He glares at Theresa with an intensity and anger that Theresa isn't used to from him. BRADY: Get in. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Tyler steps into Victor's office, while looking down at a file folder with paperwork. He knocks as he opens the door, but steps right in without concern. TYLER: Victor, I think we need to go over the details of your succession plan, iron out the details so we're covered with regards to Brady...oh. Upon looking up, Tyler realizes that Victor is not the one in the office, but Maggie. She turns around the face Tyler, smiling warmly. MAGGIE: You know, I'd heard of married couples starting to look the same over time, but this is ridiculous. Tyler is taken aback, feeling a bit sheepish for his error, but Maggie gives a cheeky smile, before extending a hand in greeting. MAGGIE: I'm Maggie Kiriakis. TYLER: Pleasure to meet you. Tyler extends his hand in greeting, the two linger a little too long in shaking hands. --- Anne storms into the DiMera living room, as EJ motions to Harold. Harold nods and heads for the kitchen. EJ steps into the room casually, as though he knows exactly what's going on. Anne is visibly agitated, and ready for a fight. EJ: And what can I help you with, Ms. Milbauer? Anne reaches into her bag and slaps the freezer bag containing the suspect letter against EJ's chest. ANNE: Either you're really bad at intimidating me, or this is more of your macabre DiMera humour. Seriously, EJ? Suspiciously powdered letters? EJ takes the bag and opens it, casually pulling the letter out of the bag, and opening it, as he speaks, he pulls the letter out to show Anne, while dusting it off. EJ: I confess, I was not at the office this morning when this was sent to you. I was working from home on the fundraising for the hospital for you, and when the delivery man arrived, I'd already begun baking cookies with the children. As EJ says this, Harold strolls into the room with a platter of cookies. EJ hands the letter over to Anne, who looks it over suspciously, before looking up at EJ, who has taken two cookies from the platter. EJ: I was unable to clean my hands so I'm sorry for the uhh...heh, baking powder all over the letter. Uh...would you like a cookie? The children worked very hard on them. Anne looks down at the cookie, and shakes her head. ANNE: You really must think I'm an idiot. Like I'm gonna take cookies from you, you know you're really a sick man. EJ: Oh come on, Ms. Milbauer, it's not like they're poisoned. See? EJ takes one of the cookies and takes a big bite from it. He smiles, and holds his arms out almost victoriously. EJ: See? I'm fine! I don't know why you're so paranoid, Ms. Milbauer. At this point, Anne is livid and steps towards EJ menacingly. ANNE: You know exactly why I'm suspicious of you, EJ. And don't chalk it up to paranoia. You have the audacity to threaten me, and then play these ridiculous, childish pranks in order to scare me out of town so your little affair with Little Miss Sunshine doesn't get found out? You think I'm that stupid? I know it was you sending someone to follow me last night, to freak me out? EJ: I did no such thing... ANNE: I know you sent me that letter today with the suspicious powder to make me think it was some kind of poison, and I know those cookies are just your way of making me think I'm losing my mind, or at the very least to discredit me. And you know what? It's not going to work. Because you don't have the balls to actually follow through on any of your threats. You have too much to lose. So stop with the little warning shots, because I know you. You'll all talk, and no walk. Excuse me. Anne backs away from EJ, grabs her bag and heads off towards the door, grabbing a cookie from the tray on the way out. She tastes one, stopping before she's out the door. She turns to face EJ with a sour look on her face as she chews it. ANNE: Mm...some advice? Never open a bakery. Anne turns back around and heads out the door, throwing the cookie out into the bushes as she goes. EJ laughs to himself as Anne closes the door. --- Sami steps into Laura's office. She appears incredibly tense, and Laura can instantly sense this in her. Laura motions for Sami to sit down in a chair on the other side of Laura's desk. Sami obliges. SAMI: Thanks. I'm...so glad to see you. It's been a really long time. LAURA: Likewise. Your mother showed me pictures of your children the last time she visited me. They're beautiful. Sami tenses a bit, thinking of her hesitation with Johnny the previous week, as she finally began to come to grips with his conception. She responds less than happily. SAMI: Uh...thank you...you know, I've hired your granddaughter, Abigail. She's been...really helpful to me at Countess W. LAURA: I'm glad. It's such a shame she had problems here at the hospital. I was hoping we could work together, but... SAMI: Yeah. Some people just don't get along, I guess. LAURA: I suppose...look, Sami. I noticed your tension when I mentioned your children just now. Are they doing okay? Sami hesitates to answer for a moment, but smiles and forms an answer. SAMI: Yes, they're fine. I just...we had some... LAURA: Sami, are you worried you're disconnecting from your children? Sami stops and thinks for a second. She nods to Laura hesitantly. SAMI: And it's not just that. I...the other night, EJ and I fought and...he brought up the night that...Johnny, my youngest son, the night he was....conceived and... LAURA: Sami, is Johnny's conception a happy memory for you? Sami looks to the ground. She tries in vain to fight back tears as she struggles to answer Laura. She finally chokes out an answer, barely audible. SAMI: No. And I'm...I'm afraid of... LAURA: What are you afraid of, Sami? Sami swallows, and breathes deeply. After a moment, she finally answers. SAMI: I'm afraid I'm going to push him away...because when I look at Johnny now...I see what happened that night, and not my beautiful little boy anymore...and I can't...I need help, Laura. --- Gabi walks through the park, trying to look inconspicuously for someone. She sits down on the bench and begins to check her texts. EJ's text instructs her to wait on the bench at 3pm for a gentleman. Not describing him any further, Gabi's unsure what to look for. GABI: Real helpful, EJ. Just as she says this, a man sits down on the bench next to her, and quietly speaks. MAN: You Gabi? Gabi looks over at the man, and nods. GABI: You have it? MAN: It's all yours. The man hands her a small pill bottle, as discreetly as possible. Gabi looks up at him, while looking around to see if anyone else is looking. She slips the pills into her bag, and the man looks her intensely. It's Liam. LIAM: And remember, you've never seen me before, and you won't recognize me if you see me again. If you need anything else, contact EJ. Gabi stares nervously at him, and nods, before grabbing her bag and taking off. --- Brady drives aggressively down the road. Theresa sits next to him in his car, visibly nervous. So nervous, in fact, she can barely look over at him, nearly transfixed on the road. THERESA: So...Brady. BRADY: I thought we could go for a drive....have a little talk. You and I. THERESA:oh...oh yeah? What about? BRADY: Well, what happened to you last night when you left the party...you know I wanted to find you. THERESA: Ohh yeah? Brady looks at Theresa and smiles. BRADY: Yeah. I wanted to surprise you. I was gonna rent out the biggest suite at that hotel across the street you loved so much. You know, you said it was so glamourous, and you just...you wish you could spend one night there. THERESA: You...you would do that for me? BRADY: Yes. Yes, I would. And I almost did too. But I couldn't find you...or my credit card. So I ended up going back to Salem where I find out that my company credit card, there's this...$200-plus cab fare on it. And it's funny because, the charge was made around the same time I went looking for you at the club. THERESA: Look, Brady, I-- Brady's anger is starting to creep into his voice, his motions becoming ever more staccato, as his foot presses harder on the gas. The car enters the highway leaving Salem. BRADY: You know, then this video is online of me...doing cocaine. And it's like...it's so funny, it's at that same time when you were trying to take a selfie and you were too drunk to figure out your phone? Such a weird coincidence, huh? Brady's foot presses more and more on the accelerator, as the car pushes up towards 70, 75, 80mph. Theresa holds onto the grip on the door tightly. THERESA: B...Brady, slow down. Brady is looking straight ahead, barely even acknowledging Theresa's existence. BRADY: Why? THERESA: Well...well the speed limit, Brady is-- BRADY: Do you honestly think I care right now? Like...at all? Do you think what you want matters to me right now? THERESA: Brady, you're scaring me. Brady starts to pay closer attention to Theresa now, but it is mostly anger he shows her as he intermittently divides his attention between her and the road before him. BRADY: Do you think I'm scared? Huh? Do you think I can feel anything right now? THERESA: Brady, what are you talking about? BRADY: What do I have now, Theresa? Think about it for a second, yeah? I just lost my job, my reputation is ruined, the woman I thought I was getting to know and care about, she double-crosses me because she's so damned insecure about me being able to be nice to my ex-wife. Every single woman I ever get involved with betrays me. My family hates me. Tell me, Theresa. What do I have to live for now? Tell me. THERESA: Okay, okay, Okay-- BRADY:...TELL ME! Do you get it? THERESA: Okay! I'm sorry, Brady, would you PLEASE slow down. Brady takes his eyes off the road now entirely, and begins to lean in closer and closer to Theresa. His speed is now reaching 85mph. BRADY: Ohhhh no. You don't get it, do you? I want you to listen to me for once. No distractions. No one around to watch you to see the glamourous life you're living off my back. Just you, finally facing the person you are. The despicable, self-absorbed piece of street trash you really are-- Theresa looks away from Brady. 90mph. Theresa looks up and sees a sharp turn in the road ahead, she panicks and screams out. THERESA: BRADY, LOOK OUT! Brady looks up and tries to steer into the turn while slamming on the brakes. Theresa, in a moment of quick thinking, pulls her door open and leaps from the vehicle, but due to the speed the car is travelling at, she is knocked unconscious and severely injured immediately upon impacting the ground. Brady's car skids off the road and drives through the barrier, off the side of the embankment, into the lake below. ---- 3 comments
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EPISODE 44 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Eric stands in Nicole's hotel room, studying the newspaper she just handed him. Eric is in disbelief at the headline. TITAN'S BRADY BLACK DRUG SCANDAL Nicole hesitates to reach out for Eric, looking at the pained expression on Eric's face. She finally steps to his side, putting her hands on Eric's shoulders. ERIC: This is all my fault. NICOLE: What?! No! How could you even think that? Eric flinches a bit at Nicole's touch, causing Nicole to jump back a little. Eric turns to her, a look of pain in his eyes. As Eric speaks, the anger in his voice mounts. ERIC: It's true. If I hadn't been so trusting of Kristen and encouraged her to marry Brady, worked with her. I saw good in that woman and...look what she's done to us? Nicole steps back, in part sympathy but in fear of Eric's mounting anger. --- Nick steps into the lab at Titan, where Percy is working on some paperwork. Nick is beaming with glee as he walks with his tablet in hand. NICK: Percy, I have the best news you'll hear all week. Percy turns to face Nick, perked up by the tone in Nick's voice. PERCY: Well, I do love a bit of good news. NICK: We may be one step closer to getting EnerNext off your back. Nick holds up his tablet, which shows the SalemSpectator.com's article for Brady's drug scandal. NICK: And with Stefano's help, it shouldn't be long now. Percy smiles while looking over the article quickly, then looking up to Nick with a grateful smile across his face. --- EJ turns to Stefano, knowing that helping Gabi probably has something to do with Nick. He almost speaks, then turns back to Gabi. EJ: Gabriella, I do believe we should find somewhere else to talk. Uh...Father's somewhat busy with business matters at the moment. I, myself, was just about to step out. Maybe...maybe we could have a nice brunch today. My treat. Gabi looks up at EJ, then to Stefano. Gabi's constant state of panic makes her appear confused by EJ, but eventually she appears to clue in and nods her head in agreement. GABI: Sure. I...The Brady Pub okay? EJ: Excellent. Come with me, I'll drive. EJ takes Gabi by the arm and quickly steps out of the house. Stefano smiles, knowing what Gabi is likely concerned about is Nick. Outside, EJ closes the door, looks around cautiously, and whispers emphatically to Gabi. EJ: I need you to do me a favour and not come back to this house without calling first. GABI: What do you mean? EJ: I mean, we can't be too careful. Particularly where my father's concerned. Never, ever trust that man. GABI: You make it sound like he's up to something, he isn't up to something, is he? EJ Thankfully, no. But with all that's happened the last little while, it wouldn't surprise me if he did. Be. Careful. --- Anne walks into the hospital lab and hands the lab tech the freezer bag containing the powder-covered letter DiMera sent her. ANNE: I want you to run tests on this. Find out what's on it, and report it back only to me, immediately. The lab tech, a somewhat and intimidated clueless young man, looks up at Anne with concern. TECH: But what if it's dangerous? I mean this looks like it's got some stuff on it, it could be-- Anne rolls her eyes, clearly lacking patience for this exchange. She interrupts him midway through his dopey dissertation. ANNE: ...Then wear gloves. Just find out what it is right away, or your entire department will be finding the dangers of the unemployment line. Got it? Anne storms off, leaving the confused lab tech with the envelope. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KZsiMhziRI --- Brady stands in the doorway of the Titan board room, a look of terror across his face. He stammers in disbelief at what Victor has just announced. BRADY: Yo...you....you're not serious. VICTOR: Unfortunately, I'm dead serious, Brady. You need help. BRADY: But...but...Grandfather, I can't-- VICTOR: ...Brady this isn't the time or place for this. Brady steps into the board room. He looks around the room at the faces of the board members, hoping to get through to them as he speaks. BRADY: No! No, this is the place. Before this entire board...of...people who claim to support me, and my decisions. Brady looks around, sauntering with a simmering anger around the board room. BRADY: You...you are a room of backstabbing vultures. That's what you are. You come here, after weeks of telling me "we support you, Brady", "you're doing such great work, Brady". And I have to hear about my own firing on the RADIO! VICTOR: Brady, that's enough! The board is doing the right thing. You need help more than you need to be running this company. BRADY: Right, and just when did you become a doctor, Granddad? When did you decide when people are ready for rehab? VICTOR: Brady, you have a problem. And now the whole world knows it. This is damage control. Our shares have dropped another 15% just this morning, and it's thanks to you and whoever shared that video. Brady suddenly stops. He turns to Victor in confusion. BRADY: Video? VICTOR: Yes, how the Hell else did you think the entire world knew about your drug habit. Someone sent a video of you at that swishy club in Chicago, doing lines off someone's tablet or something. Brady remembers back to Theresa fumbling with her phone at the club. *** FLASHBACK TO DAYS OF OUR LIVES #39 Theresa fumbles with her phone, trying to flip the phone around to use the flash, but ends up reversing which lens is in use, and begins recording a video of Brady as he does the line of cocaine from the table. Theresa, not sure why the camera isn't working, flips the phone back around in frustration. THERESA: Ugh, this damned phone. Never...oh... BRADY: What? THERESA: Nothing. Stupid camera was on the wrong function, just... BRADY: It didn't get a shot of me, did it? THERESA: I can't even tell. Nothing's working right. BRADY: Theresa, remember what we said about you being careful? THERESA: Look who's talking. Mr. Doing-a-line-in-front-of-200-people. God, just chill out, okay? No one saw anything. BRADY: There's a difference between a bunch of drunk Chicago socialites seeing me do a line and your friends and family in Salem seeing it because your girlfriend couldn't figure her cell phone out. *** Brady's eyes light up with the realization that it had to have been Theresa that threw him under the bus. BRADY: Oh my God. VICTOR: Finally! He sees the light. BRADY: I...I gotta go. I'm sorry, everyone, I...I have to take care of something. Brady makes a beeline for the door of the conference. Victor turns to call him back, concerned by what he may do next. VICTOR: Brady! Brady! Get back here! Victor stops as the doors to the board room close behind Brady. --- Nicole stands behind a reeling Eric. Unsure what to do to console him, she puts a hand gently on his shoulder. When Eric doesn't flinch, she feels safe to rest her hand there more firmly. NICOLE: You can't blame yourself for what Kristen did. You're a priest. You guys kinda have this thing about turning the other cheek and forgiveness. You saw a light in Kristen. You wanted to bring out the goodness in her. And she-- Eric turns around abruptly, his anger flaring up again, causing Nicole to jump back a bit. ERIC: ...And she destroyed my faith in forgiveness. Nicole, it's like part of the very fabric of doing God's work...and I can't even bring myself to do it for my own greivences. NICOLE: I think being drugged and raped goes a bit beyond a grievence, but... Eric turns away from Nicole, hoping to avoid crying in her line of sight. His plan fails. ERIC: But it's made me question so much about my life. My vocation. I mean...what kind of just God would do what has been done to my family, to myself. If this is a test...how many more trials do I need to go through before I finally am able to smile again, Nicole? Nicole struggles to find words. She begins to cry a bit herself. --- Anne sits at her desk at University Hospital when the lab tech from before walks into her office. Anne looks up, expectantly. The lab tech is nervous approaching the imposing HR woman. TECH: I, uh...Mrs. Mil-- ANNE: ...MS. Milbauer. Mrs. Milbauer is my mother-in-law's name, and if you want to be down one tongue, you keep using that name. The tech stops dead in his tracks, even more nervous than before. TECH: Big fan, then? ANNE: Huge. What have you got for me? Is the testing done? TECH: Uhh...YES! Suddenly remembering he has the results in his hand, he hands the report over to Anne, who brusquely grabs it from him. ANNE: Thank you. TECH: I have the...uh... ANNE: THANK YOU! TECH: Okay, bye! The tech hastily walks out of Anne's office. Anne opens the file as the door shuts behind him. As she reads the file, Anne beams with delight. ANNE: You son of a bitch. You're bluffing. --- EJ and Gabi sit at a table in the Brady Pub. They sip their coffee together quietly, hoping to avoid arousing suspicion. Gabi is doing a typically awful job at this. GABI: ...So I need you to do something about Nick. After what he told Rafe last night, I'm afraid to be anywhere near him. I'm worried what he's going to do next. EJ: Gabriella, I think you overestimate the power this man has. He's clearly lost his mind, but you need to stop panicking. This will only make things worse. Gabi is visibly nervous, hands shaking her cup of coffee in front of her. EJ puts his hand over hers, causing Gabi to realize how off-kilter she is. GABI: I know. I know, you're right. But, I just...I can't shake the feeling that Nick's gonna find a way to...I don't even know what he's gonna do. I'm scared, EJ. EJ: What do you want me to do, Gabi? GABI: You've got to stop him. Like, I wish he never got out of prison. EJ takes a second to think, and looks over at the table to the left of Gabi, looking at the day's Salem Spectator, featuring the headline about Brady's drug scandal. His face lights up. EJ: I think I might know just what we can do. --- Nick walks down the hallway at Titan, heading for Sheryl's office. He knocks on the doorframe, seeing her at work at her desk. Sheryl recognizes him immediately, and barely looks up from her computer screen. SHERYL: What do you want, Nick? NICK: To share the good news with you. SHERYL: I heard. So what's our next move. NICK: Time to watch Brady Black self-destruct. Hopefully it happens before the Titan TV vote, and then Titan's poisoned influence over this town will be over. Sheryl looks up at Nick, a pleased look across her face. --- Theresa walks through Town Square, deep in thought, when her phone rings. She pulls it out of her purse and checks who it is, half-hoping it's Brady, but usure if she would answer if it is. It's Anne. Theresa rolls her eyes and answers. THERESA: (into phone) What do you want? ... Anne sits at her desk, using her office phone. ANNE: (into phone) A warmer greeting for a start. ... THERESA: Sorry, I'm just...I'm waiting on a call, kay? Can this wait? ... ANNE: No. It can't. I've got something important to tell you. ... THERESA: Okay, well, say it fast, I don't have a lot of time, I'm busy. ... ANNE: Cut the snark, okay? I'm really getting sick of-- ... THERESA: Anne! I'm waiting for Brady to call. I don't have time for this. ... ANNE: Hey! Cool it, little lady. Look, you remember our little...situation with sweet little Abby Deveraux, right? ... Theresa rolls her eyes at the thought of Abigail. THERESA: Yyyyep! ... ANNE: Well...turns out EJ DiMera knows what's going on, and he's a little pissed off. He's been trying to rile me up the last week or so, and he's using some pretty lame tricks to do it. So if you happen to run into him, or feel like anything weird's going on, you just let me know, and take it with a grain of salt, okay? ... THERESA: Noted. K, bye. Theresa hangs up the phone, having been totally disinterested in Anne's little piece of lame gossip. Just as she does, she gets a text. She checks it. It's from Brady. Meet me @ UH parking lot in 10, need 2 talk Theresa is concerned by Brady's text, and rushes off to meet him. --- Brady, sitting in his car, puts his phone away, cleans up the cocaine residue off the tablet on the car dashboard in front of him, and revs the engine of his car, then heads off to meet Theresa at UH. ---
- Brady Black
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