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Everything posted by beebs

  1. THAT was a fantastic episode. Great ending for Kay. Loved the whole thing. And ohhhh my Dru and her sailor mouth. Hahah. Great job!
  2. Ooo, this is looking interesting. This whole Boss story is intriguing! Joy and Steven will be a hot match. Love it!
  3. That was great! I'm loving Kirkland's concern about revealing his bisexuality. That's fantastic and should be explored more on soaps. Can't wait to see more of the Christy Carson drama! Your dialogue gets better and better all the time. Loving reading these shows!
  4. DAYS OF OUR LIVES #11 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: ML Cooks Abby fidgets awkwardly at her desk, pretending to organize files to distract from her nervousness at Jenn's invasive line of questioning. ABBY: You don't believe me? I mean, Mom, why would I lie? I'm fine! I swear! JENNIFER: And so that's why you just moved the same file folder to one side of your desk and back twice? Abby stops and looks up at her mother with a hint of irritation. She drops the file on her desk and folds her arms. ABBY: You know, you and JJ have been on my case for awhile now about something being wrong with me. Ever since Chad left for Boston. I am fine. As Abby rants, Jenn looks toward the closet Abby stood before as Jenn walked in. Sensing something's up, Jenn slowly walks toward the closet. Inside the closet, sensing Jenn's been around for too long, EJ makes a quick decision and calls Abby's phone. ABBY: And Mom, I really don't appreciate you coming here and lecturing me about something that isn't going wrong in my Mom what are you doing? Before Jenn can reply, Abby's cell phone rings. Incoming call from EJ. Abby is concerned, but quickly clues in to what he's doing. ABBY: (into phone) Hello? EJ doesn't answer, Abby waits a second before responding. ABBY: (into phone) Oh! Yes, send them in! Abby hangs up and walks over to Jenn just before she opens the closet door. ABBY: Mom. I have a very important meeting coming up in a sec. They're heading in now. JENNIFER: Oh? What's it about? ABBY: It's the man from the...uh...digitization company. They're teaching me how to properly...digitize the files. That's why I was so nervous. It's a really big deal. JENNIFER: Oh! Well, that's great, Honey. I'll just...see myself out then. Jenn gives Abigail a big hug at the door, which Abigail has propped open so Jenn can leave. JENNIFER: I'll see you at home later tonight. I have a date with Liam. ABBY: Ooo! Have fun! JENNIFER: Thanks! See you later! ABBY: Bye! Abigail slumps in her chair, as though all the tension in the room just disappeared. EJ hears the door close and peeks his head out from the closet. EJ: Is it safe? Abby nods. EJ emerges. He adjusts his tie and heads for the door. EJ: You and I need to find a better place to have a chat. EJ closes the door to the records room and checks both ways before making his way down the hallway like nothing ever happened. Abby remains slumped in her chair, taking in the scene that just took place in her new office. Slowly, a smile crosses her face. ABBY: Well, can't say my Monday morning was dull! --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Marlena and Hope are standing outside The Brady Pub, Marlena places her hands on Hope's. She gives Hope some comforting words on her husband Bo. MARLENA: You know...the way they're talking in the letter, I have a feeling that they may be coming home real soon. A voice is heard from the alley behind them. KIM: If ONLY I were as sure as you, Marlena. Marlena and Hope turn quickly to see who's talking. Kim looks back, and has a look of uncertainty on her face. She slowly approaches as Marlena and Hope's faces light up, seeing their friend again. MARLENA: Kim! Oh my, it's been so long! Marlena and Kim hug warmly. Kim is subdued, mostly because in sadness thanks to Shane's absence. Kim then hugs Hope, whom Kim hugs longer, in more of a hug of comfort. KIM: Ohhhh honey. I am so sorry, Hope. Look. Maybe I...spoke too harshly, but...I really am worried about how long Shane, and Bo, and John will be away. Come on, let's go inside and talk. Kim takes Marlena and Hope's hands and walk into the pub. --- Sonny, Will & Nick are at Horton Town Square. Nick has just made his presence known, startling Will & Sonny. Sonny stands in front of Will, as if to protect him from Nick. SONNY: Nick. What do you want? NICK: Nothing. I was just....out....minding my own business. SONNY: And you decided to just come bother the gays? How thoughtful of you! NICK: (laughs) Wow! You are way too worried about nothing. Seriously. I just came to say 'hi!' SONNY: Hi. And Bye, Nick. WILL: Sonny, Sonny. Come on. Sonny looks to Will and takes a step back. WILL: Look, Nick. I know you want to make a change and try to start your life over. NICK: Thank you, Will for acknowledging that-- WILL: But. You're going to have to remember something. Okay? It's going to take some of us some time to get over what you've done. You can't just...expect people to come to your side right away. NICK: Look, all I'm asking for is a chance to prove myself to you. WILL: And we'll give you that. But in the meantime, you have got to give us the space to see for ourselves. Nick takes a second to ponder it. Will turns to Sonny, and puts his hands on Sonny's shoulders. WILL: (softly) Remember what we talked about. Keep it cool. Got it. Sonny nods reluctantly. Will turns back to Nick. WILL: Look, just...give us some time. I think we can all make this work. Okay? NICK: Alright, man. And thank you. SONNY: Don't thank us yet, just...just keep working on that new life. Alright? Sonny holds out his hand to Nick. Nick shakes Sonny's hand. At the same moment, Sami passes by, witnessing the handshake. She's incredulous. --- Percy lets Nicole into his cottage. Nicole is immediately hit with the smell of old pine. She wrinkles her nose a bit, usure what to make of her surroundings. Percy pulls out a chair for her. PERCY: Have a seat, my dear. NICOLE: Oh, oh thank you. Nicole sits down, pulling out the orange envelope containing the files on the story. Percy sits down at the other side of the dining room table. NICOLE: So...I assume someone contacted you previously about this...story. PERCY: Indeed. And I am positively chuffed that someone of your stature in the business has chosen to take me up on this story. NICOLE: Yeah, well. Don't...chuff yourself too much. Not so soon, anyway. I don't know whether or not this story's even worth going ahead with. Percy is surprised and disappointed. --- Roman looks over the file folder Kate's handed him on Jordan and Sheryl. He studies the pictures and the article carefully. He looks up at Kate and nods. ROMAN: Yeah, I remember these two. Kaylie Matthews and Siobhan McKinnon. KATE: Bingo. And they're in Salem, masquerading as Jordan Ridgeway and Sheryl Conners, planning God knows what! ROMAN: Now, Kate-- KATE: The question is, Roman: What are you going to do about it? Are you going to arrest them? ROMAN: Absolutely not. Kate is shocked and outraged by Roman's firm refusal. ---
  5. Well that was a...lovely image. Not surprised Devon threw up! Loving this new story with Sharon, Dru, and Sheila. This is gonna be GREAT. Interesting to see Iris involved. Loving the crossover already. Great show! I'm excited to see what's coming up!
  6. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 10 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: ML Cooks Sami won't take no for an answer, and continues to prod Kate for information on Jordan. SAMI: Come on, Kate. You can't leave me in the dark about this. KATE: Ohh yes I can. In fact, I consider it my responsibility to keep you in the dark about this, because until this information is public, I cannot run the risk of you shooting your mouth off to anyone in the heat of the moment... SAMI: Hey-- KATE: ...Which you are rather infamous for, even you will admit. Sami glares at Kate, not willing to admit Kate's right, but knowing she probably is. Roman knocks on Kate's door at this moment, pushing open the door, which is already slightly ajar. ROMAN: You don't have a secretary anymore? KATE: Don't ask. Roman raises his hands as he steps in. ROMAN: I won't. Hey Sami. Sami hesitates to leave. Kate motions her to the door. Sami knows Kate won't talk for now, and grabs her things to leave Kate's office. SAMI: Fine, Kate. But remember something. I was married to Rafe. And despite what you might think, I want him to be happy more than anything else. If you change your mind, call me. Sami walks out, putting her hand on her dad's shoulder as she steps out. Roman closes the door behind her. ROMAN: Alright, Kate. What's this all about? And it better be good. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Jennifer stands in the doorway of Abby's makeshift office, looking at Abby, who is leaning against the closet door. Jenn already feels like something's going on. Little does she realize EJ is hiding in the closet. JENNIFER: That's an awfully wide grin for someone who's been so moody lately. ABBY: Oh my GOSH, Mom. Can you believe it? They gave me my own little office so I could work on the digitization project in peace! Abby runs over to Jennifer and gives her a happy hug. Mid-hug, you can see Abby's eyes pop out of her head, worried about her mother's presence, unsure how to allay her suspicion (which, by the look on Jenn's face, it hasn't.) Once they separate from the hug, Jenn pulls the papers from her bag, and looks around the room, hoping to find some sort of clue as to what's going on. JENNIFER: Uh...yeah. Great, honey. Uhmmm...look. Sweetheart, Anne brought these for you. Some sort of thing about your new assignment. I think it's the confirmation of your usage of the records room as office space or something. Abby takes the papers and looks them over hastily, grabbing a pen from her desk. ABBY: Oh, great. As Abby's about to sign, Jenn is confused that Abby isn't even really looking it over. JENNIFER: Abigail, are you going to read that over first? ABBY: What, mom? I believe you. JENNIFER: Yeah, but I taught you better than to sign something without reading it over first. Especially something from Anne Milbauer. Jennifer pauses, scans the room again quickly. Abby is on pins and needles, hoping Jenn doesn't think to look in the closet. JENNIFER: You want me to leave, don't you? ABBY: NO! Mom I don't, I just...I have a lot of work to get to. JENNIFER: Yeah. Right. So why don't I believe you? Abby looks incredibly uncomfortable now, unsure how to respond. --- Percy stands in the doorway of his cottage in the woods. He is in a passionate debate with a 30-something man in a suit. The man represents a real estate company and Percy is enraged by his presence. PERCY: I have resided at this abode for many a year, and purchased it with the express intent of leaving it to my grandchildren, so they may learn to enjoy the wildlife as I have. There is no question of sale for any price. AGENT: Uh...but...sir. I mean, you'd be ....you'd be a fool to turn down a million bucks for a place like this...I mean...it's....not exactly the Ritz-Carlton. PERCY: Good sir. If I have designs on emulating the Ritz-Carlton, one would assume I would take a somewhat more urban surrounding, no? The estate agent looks back at Percy, completely dumfounded. AGENT: $1 Million. Final offer. PERCY: I would tell you what you could do with your million dollars, sir. However, I don't use that kind of language. Good day! Percy slams the door in the agent's face, shaking his head at his persistance. Moments later, Percy gets a knock on the door. He turns around in anger and throws the door open, ready for a fight. PERCY: I thought I told you a million times, NO SALE! Oh... Nicole stands on the other side of the door, a look of confusion and terror on her face. NICOLE: Nicole Walker. Titan TV? Percy steps back, slightly embarrassed. --- Will and Sonny walk hand in hand through Horton Town Square. Some people stare, some grimace, most just ignore them and carry about their business. They're headed to the Brady Pub to meet with the family regarding their engagement. SONNY: So? How you feeling about this? WILL: I'm....actually really nervous! SONNY: Seriously? Why? WILL: It's just...I mean, marriage is different from being in a relationship, right? People are generally cool with that, but...marriage has been such a touchy thing lately. SONNY: Yeah but...you know, that's changing fast. I mean....look at some of the people staring at us right now. As Sonny points it out, at least a couple people look away quickly. Will looks all around. WILL: I don't get what that meant...besides making me self-conscious? SONNY: (with a laugh) No, like...what I mean is, even a few years ago, I couldn't have walked through town square hand in hand without everyone fixated on us, and people making rude comments. Things, they're changing, Will. Every day. And part of it is us. We're helping change it. Just remember that. Sonny leans in and kisses Will, and they embrace, unaware of who's behind them. NICK: Remember what? Sonny and Will are startled out of their hug, and turn to face Nick, obviously displeased by his presence. --- Marlena and Hope walk out of the Brady Pub together, with Eric remaining inside for the moment. Hope is still feeling lousy over Bo's continued absence. Marlena puts her arm around Hope's shoulders in comfort. MARLENA: You know what? HOPE: What? MARLENA: I have a feeling about Bo, and John, and Shane. HOPE: Oh you do? MARLENA: Well, to be fair, John sent me a letter. Abe gave it to me last night. HOPE: Oh really? I figured with all the divorce proceedings he was...you know...uninterested. MARLENA: Well...we'll have to see about that divorce. Hope cracks a smile at the news. HOPE: Does this mean what I think it means? MARLENA: Well...we'll have to see. Basically, I'm willing to give it another try if he is. And that letter gives me hope that...John may have finally come to terms with what happened with Kristen. HOPE: Well, I'd hate see Kristen win anything out of all this mayhem she caused. I've got my fingers crossed. Now...what about this feeling? MARLENA: Well...the way they're talking in the letter, I have a feeling that they may be coming home real soon. A voice is heard from the alley behind them. KIM: If ONLY I were as sure as you, Marlena. Marlena and Hope turn quickly to see who's talking. Kim looks back, and has a look of uncertainty on her face. --- Kate paces back and forth as she begins to tell her story to Roman. KATE: Well, first thing's first...I'm sure you've met Rafe's physiotherapist, Jordan Ridgeway. ROMAN: That I have, and I think she's a mighty sweet girl. Kate stops her pacing momentarily and rolls her eyes at Roman's statement. She carries on pacing as she begins to speak again. KATE: Well, first thing I need to tell you, you have to keep quiet about for various reasons that are not relevant. ROMAN: Alright, you have my word. KATE: Great. You see, I hired Jordan to care for Rafe as a sort of...shall we say, a donation to the hospital. Everything was approved by Kayla, there's no funny business going on there. ROMAN: Alright, but what's the problem then? KATE: The problem is, I started to look into this woman. At first I'll admit, I was just being nosy and she wasn't exactly warm to me, but then I found Jordan to be incredibly shady about the details of her past. Or indeed any of her past because, according to my PI, she didn't exist before three years ago. ROMAN: Alright. But I don't see anything wrong with someone changing their name. What's this got to do with me? Kate comes around the other side of the desk and sits down on the edge of her desk. She grabs the file containing her and Sheryl's mugshot and the accompanying newspaper clipping. KATE: A lot, when you're dealing with a pair of international fugitives.
  7. We all know Jordan Ridgeway's glasses are fake. At the very least she has contacts. Bo's absence might really affect Hope in a big way. Hope you stay tuned!
  8. Maxine will have more of her own business to attend to soon. Gabi is a bit of a nutcase, let's all be honest about this. Glad you guys liked that ending. It's just the start for those two.
  9. DAYS OF OUR LIVES #9 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: ML Cooks Jennifer turns the handle to the records room, startling EJ and Abby, causing them to reclothe hastily. Jennifer is about to step in when a voice calls out her name. LIAM: Jennifer! Jennifer is pleased to see Liam, and her long face brightens up when she does. JENNIFER: Liam! HI! How are you? Jenn leans in and hugs Liam. Liam graciously kisses Jenn's hand. Jennifer is charmed, giving a muted smile. LIAM: M'lady. I am well. What about you? You seem a little less...yourself than usual. JENNIFER: Oh, it's...nothing. I just...I found out something about a friend and I need to go talk with him about it. LIAM: Daniel, isn't it? JENNIFER: (sighing) Yeah. Anyway, it's no big deal, I'm not going to let him ruin my day. --- Inside Abby's office, EJ and Abby are panicked. ABBY: (whispering) Your shirt. Here! Abby throws EJ his shirt, he catches it and throws it on, while simultaneously trying to put his pants back on. ABBY: (whispering) Can you fix my zipper, I can't reach-- EJ: Here, here, here. EJ grabs her zipper, struggling to keep his pants from falling down. --- LIAM: Well good, because I happen to be of the opinion that your day is about to get a whole lot brighter. JENNIFER: Oh? LIAM: Yes. I have taken it upon myself to reserve a quiet table for two at Chez Rouge for 8pm. Would that sound good to you? JENNIFER: I think that is just what I needed. LIAM: Excellent. Pick you up at 7:30? JENNIFER: Absolutely, mi lord! (laughing) --- Abby looks frantically around for a place to hide EJ. She points to the closet behind her. ABBY: (whispering) Quick! In the supply closet. Fast, she's coming. EJ runs into the supply closet, still buttoning up his shirt. --- LIAM: Fantastic. Just keep that smile on your face for tonight. Look forward to it. JENNIFER: Me too. Bye! With a fresh smile on her face, Jenn steps into the records room, where Abby's makeshift office is located. She steps in just as Abigail shuts the door to the supply closet EJ is stashed in. Abby has a wide, awkward grin on her face as she stands right in front of the closet. ABBY: HI! Jennifer is immediately suspicious. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Hope stands by the booth that Eric, Marlena, and Roman are sitting in. Roman motions for her to join them. ROMAN: Come on, Hope. I think we need to have a talk about Bo for a sec. HOPE: I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound so hostile. MARLENA: Oh don't even think that. Look, honey, I know what you and Ciara are going through right now. It's awful. I can tell she's really having a hard time. But you are strong enough. And you have friends and family that'll help you get through until Bo's back. ROMAN: Marlena's right. We all know Bo's working real hard to take down the DiMeras, and it's all to protect you and Ciara and Shawn D. You know how many years we been trying to take them down. Hope's a bit exasperated, hearing the same things over and over. HOPE: I know! I know I know I know. I understand it, especially being a cop and having gone undercover before. I know why he's doing this, I just...I just miss him. I don't get why he couldn't find SOME way to come home, even for Christmas. Something. ERIC: Aunt Hope, I know he'll be back soon. Just...trust God's will is to see him back home to you. Safe and sound. HOPE: I wish I had your faith. Truth is, I don't know if he's ever coming back. --- Sami gets off the elevator at Titan HQ, making a beeline for Kate's office. She looks momentarily for Kate's secretary, before shrugging and charging into Kate's office. She's in a panicked fury, and shocks Kate with her brusque arrival. SAMI: Think you're gonna throw us under the bus so soon, hm? Kate, shocked and completely confused, gets up from her chair and folds her arms. KATE: Sami, what in the hell are you talking about? SAMI: I'm talking about the desperate phone calls you've been making to my father, demanding that he meet with you ASAP. KATE: They have absolutely nothing to do with you or Nick Fallon, if that's what you're wondering. Sami takes her purse off her shoulder and sits down in the office chair on the other side of Kate's desk. SAMI: Oh yeah, then what is it? KATE: It's none of your business, actually. SAMI: So it's about Rafe and his pod woman, then? Kate doesn't respond, but raises her eyebrows, insisting that she's saying nothing to Sami on the subject. SAMI: It IS, isn't it? She's totally a serial killer hiding out, isn't she? I KNEW it! Nobody has that little personality, and I could tell those glasses weren't perscription, I mean-- KATE: SAMI! Enough! I am not getting into this with you. Not now. Sami folds her arms and gives Kate an "I know I'm right" look. KATE: I can't prove a damn thing about Jordan, and if I do know something, I really don't think you're the person I want to turn to first, considering how well you've handled this Nick situation so far. SAMI: What do you mean by that? I handled that the best way I knew how. KATE: Oh right! Miss "I don't feel a pulse, he must be dead". Let me ask you, is it really that hard to find a vein on someone that skinny? SAMI: Oh come on, that was SO not my fault. His head must have been...swollen from being hit with a boulder or...something, I don't know. KATE: That's exactly it, Sami. You don't know. And this time, you're gonna stay out of it. Completely. --- Jordan and Sheryl meet by the pier. They are both bundled up for the cold, and are shivering from it. They recognize each other and step towards each other. JORDAN: Hey. SHERYL: Hey. What's going on? You seemed really tense on the phone. JORDAN: I'm starting to worry about Kate. SHERYL: Weren't you always worried? JORDAN: Well, yes. But I'm getting really worried now. SHERYL: More like paranoid. Come on, there's no way she is going to pull our faces out of all the people that were protesting at that summit. JORDAN: Yeah, but not everyone there stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from a bank and got away with it. I mean, seriously? We were all over the news in Canada. SHERYL: Yes. In Canada. Have you seen how much Canadian news gets reported here? Zero. Zilch. Unless you're the mayor of Toronto, you're basically invisible to the wider world. Sheryl and Jordan's conversation becomes more hushed, concerned that someone could sneak up at any time and listen in on them. They huddle in closer together. JORDAN: Well, my point is, you need to be more careful. Especially around Lucas. You can't rush into this relationship with him, or he's going to catch onto what you're really up to. SHERYL: Oh my God, Jordan. Come on. Lucas Horton is eating from the palm of my hand already. We are going to have everything we need in no time flat. Trust me. JORDAN: You better be right. Or we are in real big danger. And we may not be able to squirm our way out this time. ---
  10. OO, i'm intrigued by Joy. Loving the tie-ins with ATWT and the whole P&G universe. You've done really well at tying everything together. It works rather seamlessly! Keep it up! I'm enjoying this!
  11. Aww Kay I'm glad to see everyone coming together though. Bye Tucker. Can't say I'll miss him. Can't wait to see more!
  12. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 8 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: ML Cooks Jennifer steps off the elevator at University Hospital, making her way over to the desk at the Nurses' Station. Maxine is there to greet her. MAXINE: Hey, honey. How are you this morning? JENNIFER: Oh I'm alright. (sighs) Is Daniel in? MAXINE: Yeah, I think I saw him head in early this morning. Why? Maxine raises an eyebrow with a wry smile on her face. Jennifer shakes her head in warning. JENNIFER: Don't get too excited, Maxine. We're not getting back together, I can guarantee you. MAXINE: Now, come on, honey. You been saying that for weeks now. We all see how you feel about him.You gotta stop torturing yourselves like this. JENNIFER: No, see...torture would be getting back together with him once again, only to have it fall apart again. I can't do it, Maxine. I just can't. Jenn grabs her things and heads off, trying not to well up. JENNIFER: If you'll excuse me. --- Abigail turns to face EJ, who has just closed the door to the hospital records room, where Abby has taken up office. Abby and EJ can feel the tension between them and attempt to keep a distance. ABBY: What do you want, EJ? EJ: We need to talk seriously about this...thing that's going on between us. ABBY: That's vague. I mean, come on, EJ, let's really lay this out there. We both want each other, but you're in love with Sami. I mean, everyone's only too happy to tell me about how much you love her. So tell me. Truthfully, if you love her so much, why are we sleeping together? --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Eric is thoroughly exasperated with Sami's accusation directed at Nicole. Though he's doubting Nicole's motives, he isn't willing to entertain the thought that Sami might be right about her arch enemy. ERIC: Sami, I think you better stop. SAMI: WHY?! All Nicole wants to do is get in your pants, I don't see why I should have sugar coat it. ERIC: SAMI, ENOUGH! Seriously! At this moment, Roman's phone rings. It's Kate again, demanding Roman meet her immediately. ROMAN: Kate, give me a second, okay?...It's incredibly important, yes...No I won't have time for a little bit. I'll let you know when I'm free, okay? Alright. Bye. Roman puts down his phone. The family is suddenly hushed and paying attention. Sami's especially interested, considering her current situation with Kate, Gabi and Nick. SAMI: What did SHE want? ROMAN: Ahhh Kate's just freaking out about something. She really wants to tell me right away, so I told her I'd head down to the MadWorld offices soon as I can. SAMI: Oh....geez. I...well I hope everything's okay. I should probably get going actually. Sami gets up from her seat and grabs her purse and spring jacket. Eric gets up and Sami goes to give him a hug. SAMI: Look, Eric. I love you, and I support whatever decision you make. Just...don't make a stupid one for the sake of...that...woman. ERIC: I'm not. Don't worry.This decision is solely mine to make. SAMI: Alright. I believe you. (laughs)...alright, I'll see you soon. Sami leans over to kiss and hug Marlena & Roman. SAMI: Bye mom, bye daddy. ERIC: See you, Sami. MARLENA: Goodbye, sweetheart. ROMAN: See you in a bit, baby girl. Sami scurries off quickly. It seems only slightly suspicious to the others, who are kind of desensitized to Sami's actions at this rate. High strung and dramatic are part and parcel of Sami Brady. Best just to get used to it. MARLENA: (with a bit of a laugh) My God, my daughter's bullheaded sometimes. ERIC: And easily distracted. ROMAN: Well, when you're as busy as she is, it's not hard to understand why. ERIC True. Eric is served another coffee by their waitress. ERIC: Uhhh...so? Any word from Bo yet? ROMAN: Not quite yet. He's working with John and Shane on something though, it seems. HOPE: Well that's more information than I've managed to get out of him. Good work, Roman. Hope has enetered the room, still upset from Bo's phone call earlier. --- Will and Sonny sit down in their living room on either side of Gabi, who is holding Ari. WILL: Gabi, let me hold her for a sec. GABI: No! No, Will. I want to hold her, please. Will reaches out to take the baby from Gabi, but Gabi's protests stop him. He retreats awkwardly. GABI: I just...holding her makes me feel...I dunno, a little safer right now. SONNY: Okay, Gabi. What's wrong? You look so tired, you've obviously been up all night. GABI: Well...the baby was crying...and so I got up out of bed and stayed with her. WILL: Gabi, we're talking about your dream. What about Nick that's got you so spooked. GABI: It's...it's nothing, he just... Gabi darts her eyes between Will and Sonny. She gets up to put Ari back in her crib. GABI: Look, I know you guys just want me to say something bad about him, but it's not his fault. He just...he was going through things. SONNY: So that gives him permission to rape you? GABI: But he didn't, Sonny! WILL: Gabi, he tried. He scared you to the point that you hit him in the head with a rock. Obviously you felt threatened by him enough-- GABI: Yeah, but that's not the point. If I hadn't....humiliated him in Town Square like that in front of all those people NONE of this would've happened. Sonny can't believe what he's hearing. Desperate to try to get through to Gabi, he grabs her shoulders, Gabi recoils. SONNY: Do you hear what you're saying right now? Gabi, he assaulted you! GABI: Get your hands off me, Sonny. (backing away) Don't touch me. Please. SONNY: I'm sorry. But I'm worried about you. I don't want Nick to hurt you again, or Will, or Ari. GABI: I don't think he will. WILL: Yeah, well, I'm not so sure about that. --- Jennifer makes a beeline for Daniel's office, but is stopped in the hallway by Anne Milbauer. ANNE: Ohhh! How nice to see you actually at work for once. JENNIFER: (sighing) What do you want, Anne? ANNE: To see you working more than an hour a day, continuously, I might add, since you tend to work about two-and-a-half cumulatively, but I hardly count that-- JENNIFER: I don't have time for this. Jenn tries to walk away, Anne grabs her shoulder to stop her. ANNE: Woah woah woah woah not so fast, sweetie. I need you to have your sweet little doe-eyed daughter sign something for me. We're going to be publicizing the digitization of hospital records, and she's working on those as we speak. JENNIFER: Anything else? ANNE: No, just get it back to me right away. Jennifer stiffens and salutes Anne mockingly. JENNIFER: Yes, Ma'am! ANNE: Cute. Very cute. Anne walks away, Jennifer laughs to herself at Anne's ridiculousness, she decides to take are of the signing off right away and backtracks to Abigail's temporary office. --- EJ takes a moment to think before he responds to Abigail. Abigail folds her arms in impatience. ABBY: Well? What is it, EJ? Why does this keep happening? EJ: Look, Abigail-- ABBY: Stop! Don't...don't feed me your spin. I think you're still channeling your inner politician. And I don't want to hear it. I want truth. EJ: What makes you think I haven't been totally upfront with you? ABBY: Well, I don't know. Maybe it's something to do with why I had to be kept in the dark when Nick was missing. Maybe it's because I feel like the only reason you even slept with me in the first place was to shut me up and 'WHOOPS!' you actually enjoyed yourself. EJ: That's not what it is. ABBY: You've said that before. I'd like to believe it. But I walk away every time EJ, and I feel cheap, and used. EJ: I'm sorry, Abigail. I truly am-- ABBY: ...And the worst part is...I know the second you and Samantha get over whatever you've been fighting about, I'm gonna be thrown out like yesterday's trash. Won't I? EJ's anger boils over, he turns around, upset by her accusation. EJ: NO! No you will not, dammit. I am attracted to you. You give me something I need, and you're a beautiful girl. ABBY: Girl. Exactly, EJ. I'm not a woman to you. Sami's a woman though, isn't she? Abby drapes her arms around EJ's neck, leaning in closer to him. ABBY: Sami is grown up, she's everything you want in a woman. Sami can make you feel like no one else, can she? EJ: Abigail, I-- ABBY: Shhh. Let me ask you something. Abigail is merely an inch from EJ's lips. She whispers sensually to him. ABBY: What if I'm more woman than you realize? Abigail leans in to kiss EJ. He kisses back, and the fire ignites. EJ clears off Abigail's desk, and lays her down on it. Outside, Jennifer fumbles with her purse, searching for her keycard, finding it, she buzzes herself in and turns the handle. ---
  13. Aaaaand that's EXACTLY what I expected. HUGE backfire. Good work, Murphy. AWESOME episode though. Can't wait to see what happens next.
  14. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 7 written by A. Washington-Beeby story consultant: ML Cooks JJ steps downstairs slowly to see where his mother is. Finding her studying papers in a folder in the foyer, he makes his way down delicately. JJ: Uh...mom? Jennifer stops immediately and turns to JJ with a smile. JENNIFER: JJ! Good morning! JJ: Yeah, good morning. Look, uh...are you in a hurry or do you have time to talk? JENNIFER: No, I've got time...but honey, if this is about Daniel again, I don't want to hear about it-- JJ: Look, it is, but it's also about me, and I think you should hear me out. -- Sonny & Will wake up in each other's arms. The sunshine hits Sonny's eyes and tempts him awake. After a big yawn, Sonny stares lovingly at Will for a moment. He drinks in the sleeping face of the man he loves. Eventually, he leans over and kisses him softly on the lips, which stirs Will from his sleep. WILL: (groaning) Is it time...wake me up later. SONNY: Come on, you lazy bum. We got things to do. Will scratches his eyes and tries to rouse himself. Sonny hits him with a pillow. WILL: OW! Hey! SONNY: Come on! Sonny gets up out of bed and heads for the doorway. SONNY: We have something very important to do today! WILL: How could I forget? Half priced brunch day at the club! Sonny shoots Will an evil eye. Will giggles. WILL: Sorry I had to. SONNY: You're the worst. WILL: (still laughing) I KNOW! Sonny leans on the bed, looking lovingly at Will. SONNY: I cannot wait to tell everyone we know that I'm marrying the greatest, sexiest guy on the planet. WILL: You can't marry yourself, Sonny. Sonny rolls his eyes with a smile. SONNY: Oh my God, that was terrible. Sonny and Will kiss. WILL: You love my awful sense of humour. SONNY: You're lucky I do. Will & Sonny emerge from their bedroom to find Gabi on the couch, wide awake, bleary-eyed, holding Ari. They're immediately concerned for her. SONNY: Gabi! Are you alright? Gabi continues to stare straight ahead, as though she doesn't hear them. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Brady storms into the Kiriakis mansion, cocky as hell as per usual. Victor is waiting alone in the living room, as Maggie has left upon hearing the door, hoping to give Brady and Victor some time alone to hash things out. BRADY: Alright, Grandad. What's all the angry phone calls and threats of search parties about? VICTOR: Gee, I dunno. Might have something to do with the business you supposedly run. And yet, here I am, doing your job for you so you can go around town sulking and drinking all day. BRADY: How many times do I have to tell you, Grandad. I do NOT have a drinking problem. VICTOR: You're so full of crap it's coming out your eyeballs. Brady throws up his hands and makes his way for the door. BRADY: I don't need to hear this-- VICTOR: Oh yes you do. The board meeting's coming up. They want to know how we're going to get out of the financial mess we've been in since you took over. I've been trying to cover for you, but you need to pull a solution out and fast. BRADY: What do you mean by that? VICTOR I mean Titan TV bleeding money by the week, MadWorld and that nincompoup Nick Fallon and that ridiculous computer virus that wiped out the entire fall line, the magazines are all basically kaput, and the only deal that could possibly keep us solvent is languishing on the backburner, all because we can't buy the land we need. And where the Hell is the CEO? Getting drunk at 10am. Brady pours himself a drink as Victor rants, essentially ignoring him. BRADY: Are you quite done? Victor's had enough. He grabs the drink from Brady's hand and smashes it against the opposite wall. VICTOR: If you don't clean up your act before that board meeting next week, this gravy train is gonna reach the end of the line, and it won't be turning back. --- Gabi finally responds to Sonny and Will, though she continues to look straight ahead. She trembles a bit as she does. GABI: I had a nightmare. I couldn't sleep. Will immediately sits down beside Gabi and tries to hug her. Gabi tenses and backs away slightly, before rationality returns to her and she shakes it off. GABI: I'm sorry. I'm just...I'm jumpy. SONNY: I can tell. Gabi, what's bothering you. Gabi finally snaps out of it and looks to Will and Sonny. GABI: It was about Nick. And it's got me thinking, and I don't know what to do. --- Hope stands in Town Square, face to face with Aiden. She is displeased to see him, and is fighting back tears from her conversation with Bo over the phone. HOPE: We've got to stop meeting like this. AIDEN: We probably do. HOPE: Well, if you'll excuse me. Hope goes to walk away before she starts to cry, but Aiden, after hesitating, calls out to her. AIDEN: I really don't know if I should ask you this but....are you alright? Hope turns around with a sour expression. Her mascara running slightly. AIDEN: Stupid question. HOPE: Only slightly. AIDEN: Look, I just wanted to ask. HOPE: Well, I appreciate it, but you've made it more than clear the only person whose pain you're concerned about is your own. Excuse me. Hope storms off. Aiden looks dejected but as though he expected Hope's reaction. --- JJ turns to Jennifer, looking her full-on. Jennifer clearly looks uncomfortable, and would rather be discussing anything else but this. JENNIFER: Look, JJ, I told you before, I am in no mood to talk about Daniel. JJ: Mom, I'm serious. You need to know this. It's SO important that I tell you the whole truth. JENNIFER: What? What do you even mean, JJ? JJ: Look, just...come to the living room with me for a sec, okay? JENNIFER: Okay, but I'm running late so-- JJ: Mom, this is too important. It can't wait. Jennifer throws her hands up, admitting defeat. JENNIFER: Alright, lead the way. JJ and Jenn walk into the living room and sit down on the sofa. JJ: Okay...(clearing his throat), so remember the night...well...obviously you remember the night Theresa OD'd. JENNIFER: How could I forget? JJ: Well, you see...look, you can't....you have to promise me you won't tell anyone this, okay? JENNIFER: Oh God, JJ. What is it? JJ: Mom, promise me. JENNIFER: OKAY! Okay, I will. I promise. JJ are you in trouble again? JJ: No. Mom, I swear. I've been....100% honest with you in everything else, I just...I screwed up. Okay? JENNIFER: What do you mean? JJ: The night Theresa OD'd. I was there. JENNIFER: What? JJ? What are you talking about? JJ: Okay, Daniel....Daniel was not there with her that night. She invited me over. I was...I was into her and so I went over there. She...she told me she had this drug that she wanted to try out, but she was already wasted so she overdid it. I swear, I barely had any, but she...Theresa...she drank it all and...and fast. She passed out, and I didn't know what to do. Jennifer is too stunned to even move. JJ just looks dead ahead, recalling the events of that night. JJ: I just kept replaying over and over in my head....that judge. Warning me that he's going to make an example out of me. The thought of me in that prison cell. I couldn't do it. I couldn't deal with that. So I called Daniel. JENNIFER: Daniel? Why didn't you call 911, JJ-- JJ: I couldn't. I couldn't, Mom. They would've hauled me in. Daniel came in like....5 minutes. He saved her life. He told me to leave. I wanted to help but he wouldn't let me. He insisted I keep quiet about it. Even to you, even after my sentencing he didn't want me to say anything to you in case my sentencing was reversed. But....I just couldn't keep quiet anymore. JJ takes Jennifer's hands and looks into her eyes. JJ: He loves you, Mom. He never slept with Theresa. He wouldn't do that. Jennifer mulls over everything JJ's told her. She takes a deep breath and thinks before she finally speaks. JENNIFER: My God, JJ. I just...I wish you'd told me. Why didn't you tell me? JJ: He thought it was safer if you were called as a witness, or were questioned. It was safer to have you hate him than to have to keep this secret. JENNIFER: I don't....I would have done it for you. JJ: But don't you see-- JENNIFER: No, no I don't, JJ. Jennifer's now fighting off tears, she pulls JJ in for a hug. JENNIFER: Look, I'm so so glad you finally told me. And I know you've been trying so hard. I'm so proud of you, and how far you've come. But...I don't think there's a chance for Daniel and I anymore, even after what you just told me. JJ: Seriously? JENNIFER: No, honey. Jennifer wipes away her tears and gets up, grabbing her handbag. JENNIFER: Look, I've gotta get to the hospital. JJ: Mom, just promise me you'll talk to him. I just want to see you happy. And I know that he made you happy. JENNIFER: You're so sweet. But I'll be fine. With or without Daniel. I promise. Jennifer gives JJ another big hug and sets off to work. JJ is left frustrated at home. --- Abby gets off the elevator at Salem University Hospital and heads to the Nurses' Station. Picking up some files, she's spotted by Maxine, who waves to her. ABBY: Oh, hey Maxine. MAXINE: Hey honey, how you feeling? ABBY: Oh, I'm alright. MAXINE: Sure you are. By the looks of you, you have not slept a full eight hours in a week. ABBY: You've been talking to my mom again, haven't you? MAXINE: Now, you know your mom keeps tabs on you. She's just worried about you, that's all. ABBY: Well, she has nothing to worry about and neither do you. But thanks. EJ emerges from the board room, Abigail doesn't spot him as he exits from a door behind her. He lingers and feigns looking over some paperwork, but is listening in. MAXINE: Alright. Well, look. Here's the first of the files to begin digitizing. We set you up with a temporary office by the records room so you can have some peace and quiet while you work. ABBY: Oh my God! That's amazing! MAXINE: You better thank your Aunt Kayla for that. She pushed for that for you. ABBY: That's so sweet. I'll have to thank her when I see her next. Anyway, I better get to work. MAXINE: Alright, honey. See you. And get some sleep! Abby walks away from the Nurses Station, heading for her office. EJ quickly tucks away around a corner. ABBY: (laughing) I will! Abby unlocks the records room door with her keycard, and steps inside. Fully focused on the folder in front of her, she doesn't notice the door stops from fully closing by EJ, who sneaks inside behind her and closes the door behind him. His booming voice shocks Abigail. EJ: Abigail. We need to talk, right now. ---
  15. Yeah, can't say I'll miss Harmony much. I love what you're doing with Lily. I have a feeling I know what'll happen after her surgery. Hehe. I agree with Cary, Murphy's plan's gonna backfire and the aftermath is gonna be HUGE. love it!
  16. Nice to see the Edge of Night references. Gives us a little update on Raven I can't wait to see more of "Joy". heh.
  17. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 6 written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: ML Cooks Brady is heading back home from Theresa's when he receives a text from Sami that reads: Get to the brady pub NOW!!! its important Brady rolls his eyes at Sami's text and ignores it. He's about to put his phone away when he gets a call from Victor. He grumbles as he picks up. BRADY: Grandad. VICTOR: Brady Black, I was about five seconds away from calling a search party. Where in blue blazes have you been all night? BRADY: Okay, grandad, I thought we agreed that I was going to be living alone like an adult and not having you guys keeping tabs on me. VICTOR: Then start acting like one and do your damn job! Be here in ten minutes or I'll be signing your pink slip. Brady responds calmly, feeling Victor is really grasping at straws now. BRADY: You can't do that, Grandad. I'M the CEO. VICTOR: OH? Just watch me! Victor hangs up as Maggie walks into the Kiriakis living room where Victor is. MAGGIE: Who was that? VICTOR: Three guesses. MAGGIE: Brady. VICTOR: Dammit, Maggie. I'm so worried about him, and I feel like no matter what I do, it's the wrong thing. MAGGIE: Maybe he needs some time away from work. Maybe...maybe you should step in and run Titan for awhile. VICTOR: You've taken leave of your senses, woman! I want him to at least want to talk to me again before I die. MAGGIE: Well, Victor, I don't know what to say. You let him move out, drop out of the program, I'm no longer his sponsor. Your solution to all of this seems to be to just let him do whatever he wants and not have to face his problem. VICTOR: That's not what I'm trying to do at all. I want him to stay in charge at Titan because I thought the responsibility would be good for him... Maggie senses a hesitation in Victor's voice. She presses on. MAGGIE: But...? VICTOR: Honestly? I'm not so sure anymore. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Nicole throws the envelope down on her desk in disdain. She has her hands on her hips as she stares Miles down, hoping he'll back off and give her another story. NICOLE: What do I look like? Erin Brokovich? MILES: Nicole! Come on! You're the perfect person for a story like this. NICOLE: Are you kidding? What kind of television is a story like this gonna make? "Nocturnal Owl Watcher Being Forced From His Land By Big Oil!" MILES: I don't see what the problem is! This Percy guy is quite a character. He'll be fantastic on television! NICOLE: I thought I was working for Titan, not Greenpeace! Nicole turns away, shaking her head, arms crossed. MILES: Now come on, Nicole. You don't know ANYTHING about this story. Look into it. All I'm asking is that you look into it. Maybe you'll be surprised by what you come across. NICOLE: And it's even more likely I'll wanna gouge my eyes out from boredom. MILES: You know, you're walking on some pretty thin ice here. It's not like you have a job at the church to go back to. Nicole's face tightens up as she realizes she's being railroaded into taking the story. She turns around quickly to face Miles. NICOLE: I'll think about it. Now get out of my office, would you? Miles gets up from behind Nicole's desk, holding his hands up as if to surrender. MILES: Alright, alright! But I gotta say, you definitely have a much nicer chair than I do. NICOLE: Office Supplier, right behind University Hospital. Get your own. Nicole gives Miles and mocking smile as she waves him out the door. MILES: Okay! But you give me an answer by tonight, you hear me? NICOLE: Yeah, yeah. GOODBYE! Nicole slumps in her chair after Miles closes the door, in disbelief at the story she's just been presented. NICOLE: An owl watcher? Seriously, Miles? --- Nick and Percy both enter the lab at MadWorld HQ, impressed by their surroundings. NICK: HA! It's so nice to be back at work! PERCY: I've never seen such a glorious monument to modern chemistry! NICK: Oh trust me. You're gonna love every second of working here. Nick places his laptop bag on a counter and pulls his laptop from his bag. Percy walks over to the same table. NICK: Alright. So are you ready to do this? PERCY: Ready, willing, and able! Nick opens his laptop and begins working furiously on it, while explaining what's happening to Percy. NICK: Alright. So first thing's first. We're gonna need to ingratiate ourselves to Kate. Make her trust us and our intentions. It's the only way we're going to be able to gain any access. PERCY: Are you sure you'll be able to? NICK: Well, there's two possibilities. Either I can use my savvy and get Kate to trust me, or you are gonna have to really use those investigative skills of yours and dig up something big against her. Either way, Kate Roberts will be eating from the palm of our hands. --- SAMI: You cannot be serious! ERIC: I am. Sami is stood beside the booth at the Brady Pub where Marlena, Roman, and Eric have gathered to discuss Eric's resignation. SAMI: They couldn't have come to a decision that fast. Are you serious? Because if they are, I am going to go down to St. Luke's and have a talk with that Father Poindexter or whatever his name is-- ERIC: SAMI! SAMI: WHAT?? ERIC: Sit down and shut up for a second. Sami frowns like a child and slumps down in the booth next to Marlena. SAMI: Priests don't talk like that. ERIC: I've resigned, I don't have to play nice anymore. SAMI: That's not fair. You have to, you know, let me get used to it. Anyway, what happened? ERIC: Well, I was just telling Mom and Dad that I had decided that it was best if I resigned. When Nicole and Daniel tracked down Dr. Chyka, they weren't able to find any evidence linking him to Kristen. SAMI: Which means there's no evidence implicating that Kristen raped you. Eric winces slightly at Sami's choice of words, he looks down in disappointment and in some degree, of shame. ERIC: Exactly. MARLENA: Wait, Eric. What do you mean? ERIC: Well, Daniel and Nicole found out where Dr. Chyka's hideout was, and went off to find him without getting the police involved. ROMAN: Which was stupid. Hope told me about this last night. Those two could've got themselves killed going up against that bastard by themsleves. ERIC: I know, Dad. And I mean no disrespect, but Stefano's always had men hiding in the force. I mean, look at Benardi! Roman shakes his head, completely understanding the situation. ROMAN: I know, son. We've had a lot to deal with internally in the force when it comes to the DiMeras. I just...I feel like we could've done more if they'd come to us instead of going about it on their own. MARLENA: Wait a minute. What is going on? What happened to the doctor? ERIC: Well, Nicole was told to guard him and he escaped with the evidence. SAMI: Of course. Of course she did. ERIC: Sami, I don't want to hear it, okay? SAMI: Oh come on, Eric. She's so transparent she might as well be made of plastic wrap. She knows if they don't get the evidence against Kristen, you'll be out of the priesthood, and she can't wait to pounce on you. And you know it. Eric fights his rage at Sami's accusation, but a piece of him can't fight the sense of doubt.
  18. This sounds fantastic. I love Sharlene and her DID. It always fascinated me to see her deal with that. I can't wait to see what comes next. Steven as her therapist will be great!
  19. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 5 written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: ML Cooks Theresa is in bed with Brady, reaching frantically for her phone, which Brady is denying her. THERESA: Seriously, give that back. BRADY: Only if you promise me you won't even try to take another picture. THERESA: FINE! Now give it back! Brady slowly lowers his arm and hands Theresa her phone, which she snatches back brusquely. THERESA: What the Hell was that for anyway? BRADY: I'm gonna tell you something about me, okay? I'm not sure if you noticed or not, but I run a pretty big conglomerate, okay? So everything I do outside the confines of the workplace, have to stay pretty discreet. That means no texting pictures of me naked in bed to your friends, no tweeting that we're going out or something. None of that. Because if that gets back to Titan? THERESA:...not so good for you. BRADY: Exactly. So you're gonna put your phone away. And...I'm gonna pretend you didn't just try to send a pic of me in your bed to your friends in LA or wherever they are. Theresa rolls her eyes and lies back down, facing the ceiling. THERESA: (sighing) Fine. BRADY: Good. [pauses]...you know, I DID have a good time last night. You're pretty damned good in bed, I gotta say. Theresa tilts her head to face Brady, not sure whether to be seductive or embarrassed. THERESA: What can I say? I'm gifted. BRADY: Ain't that the truth. Brady senses a bit of tension in Theresa and snuggles in a little closer to her. BRADY: Look, I know we started off...really icy. I was....well, a bit of a jerk-- THERESA: ...HUGE jerk. BRADY: Huge drunken jerk. But, seriously, I was wrong. And I hope you can forgive me. And maybe we can do this again? Theresa looks Brady over and slowly but surely, cracks a smile. THERESA: Sure. --- Nicole snaps out of her state of shock after dropping her coffee on the office floor. Miles gets up from his seat and checks the floor before checking Nicole. MILES: You okay? Nicole picks up her coffee mug. Thankfully the lid has stayed on so only a little spilt. NICOLE: Yeah. I'm fine. Thankfully, I'm more of a mimosa girl, anyway. MILES: Well, hold off on one of those for a bit, we need to talk. NICOLE: Miles, I told you, I'm doing all I can-- MILES: Nicole, listen. I know your relationship with the horny priest bla bla bla, but just...take a look at this, would you? Nicole reluctantly takes the envelope from Miles' hand and opens it. Inside, a DVD in a jewel case, as well as some documents. NICOLE: What the hell is this? MILES: Your new assignment! I'm taking you off the horny priest story-- NICOLE: STOP CALLING HIM THAT! MILES: Okay! Okay! Jeez. NICOLE: Actually, I'm kind of relieved. MILES: Hah! I knew it. You got it bad for that guy, don't you? Nicole struggles to respond, averting her eyes and giving an awkward smile. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Nicole glares at Miles, feeling like a child in school being mocked by classmates for having a crush. NICOLE: Does it matter one way or another? It's not like I'm doing the story anymore, now is it? MILES: So the answer is yes. NICOLE: Why should I even give you an answer to that. It's none of your business. Nicole reaches for the envelope and snatches it out of Miles' hand. Opening it up, her eyes widen and her jaw drops. NICOLE: Oh HELL no! Miles, are you insane?? --- Hope is heading over towards The Brady Pub to meet with Marlena, Roman, and Eric. As she walks through the town square, she gets a phone call from Bo. She stops to answer. HOPE: Bo! It's so nice to hear your...Bo, I can hardly hear you, what's going on?... Hope's face drops as the silence continues, Bo is on the other end, delivering news that disappoints her. Unbeknownst to her, Aiden is overhearing the conversation. He stands behind the tree and listens closely. HOPE: I just don't understand why you can't take a little bit of time and come home....Shane and John can work this without you, why do...you have no clue do you? Hope starts to fight back tears, as the strain from trying to care for Ciara on her own starts to finally overwhelm her. Bo's neglect suddenly hits her like a ton of bricks. HOPE: Fine...yeah. Goodbye. Hope hangs up and tries to pull herself together, but as she turns to walk away, she finds Aiden standing in front of her. She sighs at the probability of another confrontation with her favourite person. --- Lucas is in shock from having seen Sheryl and Jordan's mugshots in the newspaper clipping Kate dropped on the table. He studies them closely. KATE: Yes, that's right. Jordan and Sheryl are actually Thelma & Louise. LUCAS: You can't be serious! I mean, this has got to be fake. Kate sits down in her big office chair, playing with a pen in her hand and looking at Lucas with a blasé expression. KATE: Nope. 100% real. And here's the fun part. LUCAS: Fun. There's a fun part. Okay mom, lay it on me. KATE: These aren't just any run-of-the-mill bank robbers. Oh no! These two are wanted under the terrorist act. Lucas' eyes nearly pop out of his head at this revelation. LUCAS: Are you serious? What for? KATE: Well, it seems they were involved in some protests in Canada that got really ugly. Smashed windows, looted stores. Except THESE two went the extra mile. They bombed a bank. LUCAS: What? KATE: Mmmhmm. Lucas is lost for words for a minute. He turns to Kate and struggles to even get a word out for a moment, he's so shocked. LUCAS: I....did...did you tell Rafe this? KATE: No, are you insane?? He'd insist I was being jealous. No, no. LUCAS: Have you at least called Roman about this yet? KATE: I tried, but he's (Kate makes quotation gestures with her hands) "too busy". Some kind of family emergency. You know, those things that happen every five minutes in that household. Lucas paces the room, dumfounded by Kate's evidence, he can hardly think clearly or rationally on the situation, being so blindsided by Sheryl's deception. LUCAS: I can't believe it. I....I have to fire Sheryl right away. I mean she can't be working for us-- KATE: Lucas! Honey, calm down. Calm down. Kate takes a second to let Lucas sit down and breathe. KATE: Don't fire anyone, don't call anyone. We will talk to Roman, and they'll be arrested. It's as simple as that! --- Marlena and Roman are aghast at Eric's announcement that he is leaving the priesthood. She leans in and gives a concerned look. MARLENA: Eric, the...the priesthood, it meant everything to you. ERIC: Well, yes. But I have faith that God has a different path for me. ROMAN: Eric, now, seriously. Are you sure this is what you really want to do? I mean....what made you come to this decision? ERIC: Well, my retreat helped. It helped an awful lot. I was able to really understand that my life needs to go in another direction. I need to deal with a lot of the things that Kristen did to me, I need to rebuild my life. My relationships with my family. Especially with Brady. Marlena reaches out a hand to Eric across the table. Eric takes her hand in his. Roman places his hand over theirs. ERIC: I could really use your support. ROMAN: You always have our support, Eric. No matter what you choose to do. MARLENA: I can't help but be a little disappointed. I mean, you loved your work with the church so much, and I saw how devoted you were. ERIC: Mom-- MARLENA: I know....I know. But I will always support you. No matter if you decide to leave the church or not. Sami naturally walks in at this moment, only hearing the last thing Marlena said. SAMI: You can't be serious! They kicked you out of the priesthood?? ---
  20. I really wanna know what Kay's plan is now. Can't wait to see it. I guess that's it for Harmony then (or close to it). Good episode!
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