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Posts posted by AdelaideCate007

  1. So what is the deal with Ed Markey and why is he left wing American twitter's newest obsession? I'd literally never heard of this man or Joe Kennedy (I obviously know his family though) till yesterday but now everyone is obsessed with him? From what I can tell, they basically have almost identical positions so what gives. I saw some people being really nasty about Kennedy; basically saying how dare he primary Markey and that they were glad he lost because he's evil. Again they're basically the same politically it seems so I'm just lost.

  2. 1 hour ago, ChateauCardboard said:

    Yeah, but we also have SkyNews which is just as corrosive as Fox (and owned by Murdoch). They are doing as much damage to Australia as Fox has done to the US and I hold them 50% responsible for the Libs winning last year. Thank God we are half way through their term. I envy America being so close to a (hopeful) course correction.


    Well of course, you're getting to no objection on this from me on this. I avoid Sky News unless necessary because they're so bad. I agree they totally helped the Libs. It's gross to see them fawn over the likes of ScoM or Pauline Hanson or whoever every time you turn it on.


    As for the rest @Vee @DRW50 , I admit that I was wrong and thank you both for the insight. At the risk of sounding ignorant, I have to admit I was not aware of all that and hadn't put much thought into. I only get and see the most surface level of US political news from places like CNN, twitter,  or Australian news media, so I'm admittedly  usually on seeing things that appeal to me and my biases.Thanks for opening my eyes a little on this subject.

  3. I think Trump is horrible of course, but I have to also admit that from my view on American TV news media, I don't see a pro-Trump bias either. I have CNN on the telly constantly and CNN is usually always going in on him and having guests that are anti-republican. I know it doesn't make a difference in the US, but most of the media here is also clearly very against him too or at least thinks he's bad for conservatism.


    We do get Fox News here in Australia and I assume that's very pro-Trump, but I never watch that to know. I do see pro-Trump/Republican  articles from the NY Times and Washington Post, but there are also just as many anti-Trump stories.


    I guess maybe you have to live there, but from my point of view, I don't see it. He obviously has enablers in conservative media circles that will do anything for him, but I don't see it more mainstream news outlets.

  4. I'm not sure where DaytimeFan is from, but I echo what they said. I can only speak for Australia, but I only see compassion and worry for the US and the people there. There is ire perhaps for some of the politicians but only genuine concern for the citizens and for how horrid the numbers are.

  5. I don't remember a single thing about him really except that his singing was annoying af and that the backstory was really convoluted. Like I think his mum was a friend of Felicia's grandmother and there was something involving Sean and a mask maybe? It's probably just me but I always found both Felicia and Sean's Mexico/Texas backstories to be messy and not really make sense. I remember him being around for a while though, like at least through maybe the end of 1992? I think he was long gone though by the time Dominique died and Felicia fake died at that was early 1993. I don't even remember when he showed up but Sean and Tiffany been married for a while when he did.

  6. I'm sure I'll regret asking, but can someone tell me who Matt Gaetz is? Googling him just tells me that he's a Republican congressman which isn't much help lol. Is there a particular reason this is a big story?

  7. I loved Kale Browne on AW as a kid but he was horrendous on OLTL and then the GH stuff just got laughable.


    I always liked Robin Christopher on all the ABC soaps but I can see why people didn't.


    Did anyone like Alicia Leigh Willis either time? GH definitely tried to make her a thing and for someone who ate up so much airtime, she's basically forgotten on the show. I don't think people really hated her, but I don't think anyone was sad to see Mary Beth Evans leave GH. Jensen Buchanan was of course also awful on GH.


    It's not the exact question being asked but GH history is filled with characters the show trie to make happen that never took off. Some of them even had big names in the role. 

  8. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:


    It won't work on us, but I've seen others pushing the symbolism of holding the Bible in front of the church, etc. The press and a lot of stupid people eat that up. 


    I hope that doesn't happen...


    What press? Certainly not the international press and not from any of the US reporters I'm seeing on twitter. I'm watching CNN right now and they're just totally ripping him to shreds over this and saying how damaging this whole this is. Literally the only people still okay with him are right wing people and they were never going to abandon him.



    Also, speaking as a person in one of the countries that was supposedly laughing at the US, I can confirm that we've been inspired by the protestors and are only laughing at him. Even the Trump sycophants here are laughing at him and calling this a complete failure for him.

  9. 37 minutes ago, EricMontreal22 said:

    She was mentioned when Mark would return--always some excuse as to why she stayed in Hong Kong (I think?)



    She came back for one of the anniversaries too- either the 25th or the 30th. It's the one where they also brought back Mark, Donna, Chuck, Daisy, Benny, Cecily, Nina, etc and they had a party at the Martin house.


    7 hours ago, Darn said:

    This channel posted Edmund and Maria's wedding last night:



    It's kind of insane the amount of grandiose given to two characters who hadn't even been on the show for two years at this point. Also while pretty it's very boring. The most drama seems to surround Julia and Terrence's falling out at the wedding rehearsal. Also I didn't realize Maria and Dixie were friends.


    I loved them and their wedding at the time. I'm sure  it was probably irritating to some how prominent they became in such a short amount of time, but they were so good together at the time. I still hate how they killed Edmund off for no reason.

  10. 2 hours ago, Vee said:

    Manny Ruiz and his twin the priest(?) were played by Robert LaSardo, a character actor who was hot at the time due to his recurring role as a druglord on nip/tuck. Guza was very fond of emulating primetime and film at the time in the laziest ways by literally hiring the same actors for similar roles, or shamelessly recreating others, like having his reinvented Jerry Jacks played by Roche take on the name "Mr. Craig" the same year the gritty Casino Royale came out. Manny was basically LaSardo's primetime character again. His story got ridiculous and I don't remember what became of him.


    I think Jason threw him off the roof of GH


    Like most Guza era villains, the Manny saga went on forever. In addition to the train wreck antics, there was also when he shot up the PCPD, shooting Sam (and I think Lucky too at some point), holding all the women in town hostage, and some absurd plot point involving him escaping out of custody on a plane. It was just all ridiculous. It had nothing to do with actors and everything to do with the fact that Jason and Sonny always had to be the "good" guys. 


    Just skimming through that train wreck clip remind me of how horrendous that era of the show was. Reese!, Skye and Tracy fighting over Luke, Manny, Courtney, Sonny and Jason 24/7. I don't even remember that Jesse dude that I guess is with Maxie. This was all right after Nikolas's look a like raped Emily and that horrible story with the Corinthos children, Michael "dying", and then him supposedly killing AJ with a pillow. I'll admit that I mostly still really liked GH up until around this era. This is around the time it really started pissing me off. 


    I think we also had the replacement Felicia at this point because Brian Frons and JFP had decided Kristina Wagner was "matronly" and ran her off the show.


    I did remind me though that both Julie Berman and Laura Wright did hit the ground running as Lulu and Carly. Berman definitely got...less impressive as time went on and Wright has gotten kind of lazy but, at the time, they both were doing very well right out of the gate.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Darn said:


    Thank you! Who the heck is Manny?


    I barely remember the specifics of his introduction but he was part of some mob family that came to Port Charles to kill Sonny and Jason. That never happened obviously and then at some point he became obsessed with Sam. At some point after all this, he had an identical twin brother show up who was a priest and was there during the hostage crisis. 

  12. 29 minutes ago, Darn said:

    That JFP podcast thread made me curious about the GH train wreck (the plotline, not the show) and oof the way they wrote Luke is...something @ an hour and 23 minutes:



    Luke loved the hell out of his kids...what the hell?


    I didn't watch the whole thing because...lol, can anyone tell me why all of these characters were on a train?


    It was something to do with Liz and Lucky's wedding I think. Maybe they were all going to a party afterwards? It just also happened to be the train that Sam and Jason were on and Manny showed up to stalk Sam. Then somehow Carly escaped from jail or the psychiatric hospital and also ended up on the same [!@#$%^&*] train. None of it ever made sense.

  13. Whether she made decision to kill Frankie or not, she is the one that started the serial killer story and the one that conducted the focus group that lead to her being murdered. I loved Frankie but I'm not going to sit here and say that that single event brought down Another World. However, it certainly didn't help things, especially the way the death ended up playing out. I don't think people would have such an issue all these years later if it hadn't played out it in such a demeaning and crass way.


    Wasn't JFP there when Justine happened and when Ryan was killed? If so, she deserves to be called out for those too cause those stories didn't help things either. And sorry to anyone who enjoyed John and Felicia but that was rubbish too. 


    I can't speak for GL but she absolutely deserves all the heat she gets for Alan and Georgie. I still don't know why either one of those happened. I didn't like it but I get why they killed Tony. I think killing Emily was shortsighted but whatever. There was zero reason for Alan and Georgie. I feel like they killed Georgie only so they could have Spinelli all for Maxie and so Maxie could humiliate Felicia. 


    I'm also going to say that I grew really tired of her yearly events on GH. The Port Charles Hotel fire was good. Once it became a yearly thing, it was tired. There were just so many of them- the train crash with Alexis having Molly, the monkey virus with Holly the bio-terrorist, the hostage crisis, the one where someone swallowed toxic balls, the carnival with drunk Edward, the ball where Diego killed Emily. It was just like enough after a while and they never gave us any good long term stories.


    I agree with @titan1978 that's there definitely a pattern in the women that she dislikes or lets be humiliated on her shows- Sharlene and Frankie on AW. Cassie on OLTL. Laura, Felicia, Bobbie, Georgie, and Emily on GH


    I do think she's unfairly blamed for letting Sonny, Jason, Carly, and the mob take over GH, as well things like Luke being a drunk deadbeat or the dismantling Quartermaines. That stuff was already in motion before she got there. She just let them continue and take over the show.

  14. Vee mentioned Geraldine Page being in the pilot for Loving, but does anyone know how she ended up in the pilot in the first place? I'm sure a job was a job and it did premiere as a TV movie but it's fascinating to me that she was in it.  I don't think she had any history with soaps before that so I'm wondering if there was some connection behind it, especially since she was still getting good parts in films and on Broadway at the time. 


    Also, I have heaps of 1992 and 1993 I finally got around to converting that I can upload in the next week or so if people are interested in that time frame of the show.

  15. I don't remember him trashing them till after the "Laura wakes up" story either. That was also around the same time that was he was fully in on the relationship with Tracy and that they brought back Robert and Holly and when he first met Anna. That all seem to lead to Tony Geary deciding Luke needed to regress back into the old days where he was just out for money and could just pick up and take off with Robert. Those events- along with bad writing and him changing his mind on L&L- lead to the next decade of mediocre to bad stories. Things like Ethan, him running over Jake, him fooling around with Anna and various hookers, and the idea that he was playing same time next year with Holly for all of the 80s and 90s. None of it meshed with what we had seen on the screen and was clearly just driven by him chasing after some version of Luke that didn't exist except in his mind. His final story where it was obviously suppose to be Bill Eckert but either him or Ron got mad and it changed is another example. At this point in time, I honestly feel like they should have just killed him off during that story where he got shot him with the poison bullet. That I think would have been a fitting end for him. Instead, I think that lead into yet another "adventure" where Luke and Holly/Tracy/Anna/Laura (I can't remember which one it was at this point) ran around the world chasing some mystery person. It just got absurd, at least to me. 


    I admit that I found Luke and Tracy amusing at the beginning at when they were just using each other and he was really after Skye. They never should have let them become a real legitimate couple but that's what Tony Geary wanted I guess. At some point too, Tony Geary clearly decided that he was only going to "show up" in scenes or stories with people he deemed worthy of him. Go back and watch scenes of how lazy he acts in scenes with people like Greg Vaughan and Emme Rylan vs. how he acted in scenes with people like Jane Elliot, Jackie Zeman, Jonathan Jackson, and the other GH vets. It's night and day. 


    I agree that Laura really suffered from losing all of her support. Even now, I feel like Laura has no support outside of Lulu. Does Laura have any friends? Even if we don't see them onscreen together, you can at least assume people like Felicia & Lucy and Felicia & Anna are still friends. Who are Laura's friends? 


    I also agree that Luke also suffered from nobody calling him out ever, outside of Bobbie. At a certain point in time, characters like Lucy, Sonny, and Alexis would have done it but that all faded over time. When he started to turn dark, they definitely could have used like Mary Mae or Tiffany to tell him to think about Laura's feelings. Obviously they weren't options, but they could have had it be someone like Monica or even Bobbie. That was definitely a missing beat, even if the story was still good and Luke going down that path was a compelling at the time. Like most GH stories, it didn't start to fall apart till way later.


    This went back to before he started trashing Luke & Laura, but the constant need for him to have a new love interest was also I think damaging to him in the long run. Him being with like Holly, Tracy, and Skye were one thing, but them trying to pair him with Felicia and Anna was just so wrong. 

  16. Wow, I haven't seen the murders storyline I guess since it aired. My family watched Loving but I don't remember many of the stories so these old episodes and summaries are really fun. I remember all the AMC characters and then of course people like Stacey, Ava, Ally, Gwyn, and all them but it's cool to see people and characters I'd forgotten about. It's sad it never took off like it should have because it was definitely at leas interesting and had a great group of characters and actors.


    Honestly, other than the murders, the only storylines that I really remember are Faison chasing Jeremy and Ava around Universal Studios, Jeremy and Ceara moving to Corinth (with Ceara promptly getting shot and killed), and that storyline that crossed over with AMC where Dinah Lee was running away from her abusive ex-boyfriend and stayed at Myrtle's. I think Trevor and Jack from AMC also appeared on Loving at some point too? Idk.


    I loved Lisa Peluso on the last few years of Another World and when she was randomly on OLTL for a hot minute. What ever happened to her? 


  17. Like Vee, I grew up on that era of AMC. He was so charming and I loved him with both Maria and Brooke. The second go around with both couples, especially when Maria returned, wasn't the same but at their height, Edmund and Maria were magic together. I even loved him in the sillier stories like the Eduardo story with Phoebe and Brooke that Ron Carlivati mentioned. I still hate the way he was just killed off like it was nothing and in such a crass and unceremonious way. I'm sad for Eva, their daughter, their AMC cast mates, and anyone who loved him. 

  18. 36 minutes ago, alphanguy74 said:

    The reason Italy is in such bad shape?

    1: Second oldest population on earth

    2: 5 1/2 times the population density of the US

    3: 12% higher smoking rate that the US

    4: extensive use of public transit (trains)

    5: Very high percentage of people living in apartments, and not single family homes.

    6: Large percentage of citizens that only bathe once or twice a week.


    I'm sorry but what. I know Europeans have a reputation for this but I assure you that the majority of them bathe on a regular basis. Also, how frequently they bathe most likely has no bearing on this situation.

  19. 6 minutes ago, alphanguy74 said:

    Could it be because it's summer there?


    No. It's summer literally everywhere in the South Hemisphere and that hasn't done anything from stopping it form spreading.


    African countries are way more prepared for pandemics in general and a lot of them have measures in place to deal with things like this. There's also the fact that the case number will probably go up in certain countries as more people travel and get tested.

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