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Posts posted by AdelaideCate007

  1. 1 hour ago, jcar03 said:

    I am a teacher.  We did a school wide vote on Tuesday and I saw kids trying to bullying kids into fighting by telling them they voted for Trump.


    I can't imagine what American teachers are dealing with. My 13 year old sister was telling me today that some American expat kid at school told her that Trump was just the beginning, that he message was going to spread worldwide now that the leader of America agrees with them, to be prepared for the "others" to "go back to where they came from", and that they weren't going to be welcome in America anymore. If this is what kids are hearing here, I don't even want to know what they're saying over there. It's just almost too sad and upsetting at this point.

  2. 10 hours ago, quartermainefan said:



    Planned Parenthood is probably the organization highest on their target list.     That is very generous of you, and whoever it was on your news that suggested that.   I feel really terrible about what happened here.  I am trying to remember what happened the last time this happened, and that was 2004.   Bush was in the middle of his war and they were interested in torturing people and whatever.   Compared to Trump, Bush comes off as this perfect gentleman. 


    I think it is so funny that your TV discusses America like this disaster area in need of funds.  And it's true, you can do nothing except laugh about how horrible it is.     His 100 day plan I think was all about doing away with environmental protections, water protections, and whatever other kind of protections republicans hate.   I just hope the gods of plague and disease know to strike Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota and every other state that stabbed Hillary in the back.   I don't blame republican states for voting republican; they are too dumb to know any better.   These other states however are a different story.    They hadn't voted republican in 25 years.


    I think (and this goes for a lot of the people I know) it because Australia itself has an ugly history with racism. The treatment of Aborigines is an ugly, ugly stain on our history and we're still feeling the effects and repenting of it. There's also the fact that, like America, Australia is a country built on immigrants- people whose families escaped the Holocaust or Sudan or the USSR or East Germany. My own grandmother came to Australia after having to escape Europe in the back of a truck to get away from the Nazis because she was Jewish. I see a lot of people who are here thinking "would we be welcome in Trump's America?". I know as a woman, as a Jewish person, and as a child and grandchild of immigrants that I certainly probably wouldn't. I don't want to feel that way, I don't want my 13 year old sister to feel that way, and I don't want the American people to feel that way but people do and it's sad. It's 2016. People shouldn't have to worry about what they're now worrying about. i mean we're down here in Australia worried to death about climate change and the leader of the free world is appointing people who claim it's a myth.


    I've made donation to PP, NAACAP, ACLU, and now the Sierra Club so far. Does anyone know any others that are need ing help? Maybe some that support immigrants or the LGBTQ communities?

  3. Our news was suggesting that one way to help from here is to send donations to the organisations that will be most effected by this shitshow. I already donated just a bit ago to the NAACP, Planned Parenthood, and ACLU. What are some other good organisations to donate to? I have the money and it's the least I can try and do. 

  4. I woke up to the likes of Greet Wilders, Marine Le Pen, Vladimir Putin, and Nigel Farage praising this decision and Pauline Hanson and Tony Abbott crowing on the telly about it.  Out and proud racists around the world are just having a field day.

  5. I've got to go, but hang in there guys. Most of the rest of the world is on your side and love the American people. You all are without a doubt on the right side of history. We're all hurting with you and are scared right along with you guys. Stay strong and much much love! *hugs*

  6. 3 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Oh, no, little Jimmy will be third or fourth on the wall when the revolution comes.

    And no. Obama's legacy doesn't mean nothing. We have to remember it and try to fight for and honor it in our way, until this is over. Which may be a long time.


    I take that back since I apparently missed Jimmy Fallon having him on his show and treating it like a grand ole fun time. [!@#$%^&*] that.

  7. 31 minutes ago, quartermainefan said:



    Is that your view?   Except for that annoying building blocking your window, it's beautiful.


    I wish! It's the view from my mother-in-law's building. I live in the neighbourhood to the right of the picture and on the beach so I get the view mostly but at a different angle.


    Apparently people are throwing stuff at the American consulate here. I hate that this has brought out so much anger.


    11 minutes ago, Vee said:

    BTW, Carl, we can now officially kill all the media. They may not have all rooted for Trump, but they did work to normalize him for the sake of ratings. We can begin with Jeff Zucker, a.k.a. Future Media Minister.



    CNN has a lot to answer for as do the rest of the media. Aussie news is even going off on people like Jimmy Fallon and SNL which seems a little unfair since I doubt anyone was swayed by them but certainly CNN, MSNBC, and the like need to be held responsible.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    It is gonna take forever for the impending damage to the Supreme Court to be undone. 


    Honestly, I just don't care for this country anymore. I truly don't...


    Giving all of you a virtual hug. You all don't deserve this.


    A black cloud and rain just appeared over Sydney-



    Feels oddly appropriate right now

  9. I'm surrounded by a lot of hate for America and I always try and at least defend it but how does anyone defend this. This is just.....beyond. And am I understanding right that the Republicans have control of everything now? So theoretically he'll be able to push through anything he wants?


    I feel like this is how the Hunger Games started. 

  10. How did this even happen? I can't believe it.


    Also, I'm standing in my back lawn, which backs up onto a busy street and surf club/shop, and some dude just went out into the streets and shouted "[!@#$%^&*] You America" and get a lot of whoops and hollers from the people down on the street. The people of Sydney are with you guys!

  11. So Australian TV is basically calling this for Trump- citing the AP- and are calling this the biggest and most frightening upset in the history of the modern world. 


    The people on 7 News and Sky news are having meltdowns and my twitter feed is a mess between all the people I know personally and all the media. I feel like the whole world just got crushed. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, Ms. Quartermaine said:


    My students were talking about this... I didn't think much of it because I didn't think they were serious but they said people were going to write in Harambe... They also guessed Bernie which makes more sense, but still stupid... 


    I just can't imagine why grown ass adults, in the most important election of their lifetime, would waste a vote on [!@#$%^&*] Harambe. That's something my 13 year old sister and her mates might do to try and be funny but I think even they would know better.

  13. And now the Aussie news anchors are panicking and saying that might Trump is going to lead us (Australia) into war and that he might pick a war just to prove a point. They're also saying that it's triggered worldwide financial market turmoil and that it's going to be a worldwide depression. This is just so depressing.

  14. 7 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I am Black and a Woman. I cannot hide my skin color nor my gender. I have felt the sting of discrimination even in the best of economic times. I have had ignorant comments told to me as if they were compliments. I have been harassed and called names, men whispering nasty things in my ear and yelling them in the street. I've even been grabbed by at least one rando.


    Just two houses down, there is a man who had a Trump/Pence sign on his lawn.


    I have a friend who, over the weekend said she was afraid to leave her house on Election Day. Also a Black Woman.


    Show of hands, how many people have felt/do feel what I'm going through?


    Im so sorry. As a white woman in another country, I can't even be able to understand the pain and frightening feeling you all are having. I'm Jewish so I can come from a place of someone who has faced anti-semitism and it's a horrible, heartbreaking feeling. I remember hearing the stories from my grandparents about having to flee Europe during WWII to escape what was happening there. I can't help but feeling that America is now heading towards that ugliness again. I'm just so sorry for all of you.

  15. I worry for the rest of the World, but mostly I worry about the USA. The half of you that didn't vote for him don't deserve this.  This has gone past embarrassing and into shameful and terrifying. Hugs to all of you.


    Is it too early to start saying this might be the start of WW3?

  16. Just now, DramatistDreamer said:


    Not to mention Aboriginals. It's a brutal history.


    Trust me, I know. This history with the refugees and the Aborigines is abhorrent. I just meant that I'm seeing a lot of sympathy for America here right now.

  17. 5 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I doubt Australia would want us :ph34r: I promise we aren't all like Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. 


    Anyone who has the money to leave the US if the results hold up as they are now, I wish them the best. I wish I could too.


    We'll take anyone who isn't a Trump fan/white supremacist.


    7 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Yay lol! I hope you like cats.... ;)

    She's got Broward County, I hope that closes the gap

     I have three lol so you're good!

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