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Posts posted by AdelaideCate007

  1. Mini spoiler......Kim gets worse and her exit in season 5 was pretty ugly. Im glad you already hate her bc I was over her and her lying in season 1.

    I LOVED Nene and Lisa. Its a shame Lisa left the show bc she brought good energy especailly in season 2 where she got more involved with the women.

    I swear Im the only one that ever liked DeShawn. I thought she balanced things out from all the fighting and negativity.

    I hated Sheree in season 1. She made for a good love to hate type of villian though as I loved the feud Nene had with her.

    I could tell Kim was going to get worse. She's so fake and transparent. She's definitely only out for herself. Plus, she has an ugly wig. She looks older than 29.

    I like Deshawn, but I guess she didn't bring enough drama. She's just kind of there.

    I was already prepared to love Nene, and I'm so glad she lived up to her hype. Love her.

    Aw, I didn't realise Lisa leaves. I really like her.

    I can't tell why Sheree even puts up with Kim. Maybe it's just because they're both fake and don't care.

  2. I'm still on season 1 of RHOA, but I already hate Kim. What a backstabbing fake !@#$%^&*]. Her friendship with Nene sure went downhill fast. I was laughing so hard at the song Nene made up about Kim in the limo while she was drunk. I can't believe Sheree was talking about what a "beautiful" voice Kim has.

    That benefit Deshawn threw was one of the lamest things I've ever seen like. She thought she was going to raise a million dollars from that pitiful thing?

    So far, I love Lisa and Nene, hate Kim, and don't really care about Sheree. Deshawn is boring.

  3. So what are people's takes on immigration reform since it's been thrust to the spotlight again.

    While they're working on the illegal immigration issue, they need to also work on the legal immigration issue. Trying to stay in the US as a legal immigrant is an extremely tedious process and getting a green card and then trying to become a citizen is an even worse issue.

  4. Oh wow.... here we go. Crazy is all over the place now.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtyKofFih8YHe thinks people without guns are defenseless? Hasn't he ever heard of a molotov cocktail?

    That's absolutely insane. I mean just WTF. There are just no words.

    Why are people so paranoid about them taking the guns (I'm asking honestly)? I'm under the impression- correct me if I'm wrong- that they were just trying to get rid of the assault weapons but I see people acting like they're going to take all of them. I see absolutely no reason for anyone to own some of the guns I hear are legal in America.

    America's obsession with guns just baffles me.

  5. On the telly the other night, there was a story about a guy who'd gotten a tattoo in tribute to Home and Away across his chest, so yeah, people do insane stuff like that dry.png .

    With a screenname like mine, what do you think? wink.png

    Kidding. My favorite soap, but I don't do tattoos. Not even of Max & Gabrielle laugh.png .

    Ian Buchanan once told the story of meeting two female fans who had tattoos of Duke & Anna on their arms, though, so it DOES happen. wacko.png

    I don't do tattoos either. Even if I did, I don't think I could bring myself to get one about a soap couple (I did however write out Max and Luna & Lucy and Kevin Forever on the whiteboard with a permanent marker one time in primary school when I was in detention ph34r.png ....My father had to buy the school a new whiteboard).

  6. Scotty could be hot at times. At other times. He looked like a mountain man had a baby with Bruce Willis.

    Lmao. So true.

    He was definitely hot during the Scott and Lucy days. Not so much later on.

  7. I just started watching Home & Away from the beginning, and just finished the first month.

    I'd forgotten what Alf looked like with hair, and I didn't realise him and Ailsa weren't married at the beginning. I always thought they were for some reason. Roo was so nasty about Ailsa.

    I also had forgotten Marilyn wasn't there in the beginning. I know she shows up soon enough though.

  8. Obamacare isn't even socialized medicine. All Obamacare says is "our health insurance system sucks and is incredibly expensive, therefore we are making it a law everyone must have health insurance and we are making no effort to socialize medicine to get around the health insurance problem". It makes no sense.

    How much do you pay for healthcare? Here a family of four with top of the line all-access, gold standard health insurance will pay thousands per month.

    If all you have is Medicare (the universal healthcare), you pay the Medicare levy which is 1.5 to 2.5% of your salary and that's it. Medicare covers all hospitals cost and 75% of primary care. If you want that other 25% paid, you have to take out a private policy. That's pretty much the basis of it.

    The Birthers sound ridiculous. Do they even have anything to back this up? I mean the whole thing just sounds so absurd. I didn't realise that the President had to be born in America (I thought you just had to be a citizen).

  9. I have two ignorant questions (sorry if this stupid), but what's the deal with all the people questioning whether or not Barack Obama is American and wanting to see his birth certificate? And who or what are Birthers?

    Also, why are the conservatives so afraid of socialized medicine (I guess that is what Obamacare is...correct me if I'm wrong)?

  10. All of these people who are moving to Australia to "escape" Obama are going to be shocked when they get here and find out we have free health care, no guns, our Prime Minister is a woman and an atheist, no one cares if you have an abortion, and that gay couples have the same rights as any other couple.

    What is taking Romney so long???

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