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Posts posted by AdelaideCate007

  1. Thanks. I have been noticing a shift like you pointed out and I'm glad that it seems he's definitely not going to be elected. They've really been on top of the Alicia Machado and tax stuff here as well. I think they really tried for far too long to make him seems "normal" and like any other politician when he's really obviously a charlatan, crook, and racist/misogynist/sexist loser.  I'm sad to still see women on twitter supporting him and claiming that he's just like Bill Clinton :mellow:.


    They've really been hammering away here that American expats still have time to vote and bringing up things like Democrats Abroad and absentee balloting. I had not idea these things even existed. I even saw an ad about voting at the train station aimed at American expats.


    Also, who the !@#$%^&*] is Billy Bush? This is now the second time I've seen him in the international news and I'd literally never heard of him before that Ryan Lochte debacle. Is he a major person? And is he related to the other Bushes?


    I just really want to beg America on behalf of the rest of the world to not vote for this piece of rubbish. To be blunt, a lot of people already hate America and this whole Trump debacle has made everyone think it's just a shitshow.


    Hey, Australia hasn't exactly covered itself in glory in recent years. ;) That being said, we are going to reject Trump in a landslide. 


    Oh you know it lol- Im still embarrassed by Tony Abbott and Pauline Hanson . Frankly, Im surprised neither of them has gotten on the telly to champion Trump but they both seem to have come to their senses for once and are ignoring him. I still can't believe he dragged Nigel Farage of all people over to try and woo voters.

  3. Most of our media is very, very anti-Trump (except for that clown Greg Sheridan at The Australian who's still mad about the Clintons "snubbing" him back in 1996 so if anyone brings him up as evidence of the rest of the world supporting Trump, ignore him, he doesn't speak for us) and have jumped on this and the Central Park Five thing and are saying that it's basically all over for Trump. I'd like to think that's true. What do you guys think? From my perspective, it certainly looks that way to me.

  4. This is pretty much how I feel and sums up my repulsion to this man. I just really want to beg America on behalf of the rest of the world to not vote for this piece of rubbish. To be blunt, a lot of people already hate America and this whole Trump debacle has made everyone think it's just a shitshow. I can't imagine how bad it'll be if he's actually elected. 

  5. At this point, Julian Assange is nothing but an opportunist who makes empty promises and threats in an effort to get on the telly and I wish people would just ignore him, but I suppose thats easier said than done. The Turkey debacle should have been enough to make everyone quit paying attention to anything he says, yet here we are again with him. I'm embarrassed that he and his shenanigans with Putin and Trump represent Australia to the rest of the world. 

  6. They're showing the highlights here on our news stations and holy !@#$%^&*], this is a train wreck on Trump's part. Like Vee said, the sweating, snarling, and fidgeting are horrendous while Hillary looks calm and collected beside him. The split screen is killer. No way can anyone say he won this.


    How much longer till the actual election? I have to imagine (or maybe Im being naive since I dont really understand the American election cycle) that this has basically locked up her victory no?

  7. I've asked before but I think I've blocked out there answer so Im going to ask again- what exactly is the birther thing all about? Why does it matter where Barack Obama was born? Is the whole thing based around the Republican side being racist?


    If it makes anyone feel better, Trump has been getting slammed here in Australia by our media for weeks now and I'm sure it'll ramp up after this debate.


    It's about a conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Kenya and that any claims otherwise are a lifetime forgery. This tends to go along with talk about his father and his father's side being dangerous or out of control and implying he is as well. 

    Got it. I figured it was all based around him being "African and foreign" and thus all based around race.


    However, if you have to be born in America to be president, why were John McCain and Ted Cruz allowed to run since it looks like neither of them were born in America?

  8. I've asked before but I think I've blocked out there answer so Im going to ask again- what exactly is the birther thing all about? Why does it matter where Barack Obama was born? Is the whole thing based around the Republican side being racist?


    If it makes anyone feel better, Trump has been getting slammed here in Australia by our media for weeks now and I'm sure it'll ramp up after this debate.

  9. Is this extreme jingoistic display of ending speeches with "God bless the USA" while people are chanting and screaming USA common there? It would be considered inappropriate and in extremely poor taste here (unless you're basically a right wing fascist) so seeing thousands of people doing this is a little unsettling.

  10. I'm going to need some reassurance from some of you in America that Donald Trump isn't actually going to be elected as the President of the US. Our news here is obsessively covering your election and has basically gone into "the sky is falling" mode and tells us everyday that this could possibly happen.

    I do think it could happen. I'm a little worried that Bernie Sanders will run a 3rd party campaign. I used to think he would never screw the country over like that, but now I wonder. Isn't HRC's lead in the polls in the single digits at this point? I truly don't get it. Who are these woman who want to vote for him. Ugh!



    I'm a little confused about that as well. Just knowing him from television and tabloid stuff, I can't see how any woman would vote for him. Ever.


    From my outside perspective, it seems like he preys on lower income, poorly educated voters and that seems really sad to me because I can't imagine he has any plans to really help them in the long run.


    Whats the deal with Sanders? He doesn't he covered here that much so I have to get all my info from other places but it seems it's now impossible for him to be nominee right? If that's the case why is he still running?

  11. I'm going to need some reassurance from some of you in America that Donald Trump isn't actually going to be elected as the President of the US. Our news here is obsessively covering your election and has basically gone into "the sky is falling" mode and tells us everyday that this could possibly happen.

  12. It must be something you had to grow up watching or be a cultural American thing because I watched the next two episodes and I can't watch anymore. It's just way too cheesy and cutesy and the acting is not good. And plus, I don't want to be mean about kids, but those kids are some of the worst child actors I've ever seen and that middle son is obnoxious. 

  13. For completely dumb reasons, Full House was banned in my home growing up so I've only seen like two episodes of the original ever, but I had to watch the first episode of this and I just don't even know what to say. Was the original this cheesy and schmaltzy? 

  14. From an outsider's point of view, what I don't get is how someone like Donald Trump got this far in the presidential race in the first place? Is it that just anyone off the street can decide they want to run as long as they have support? It's just baffling to me that it seems to just be a free for all. My only reference for Donald Trump before this (and it's probably the same for most Australians of a certain age) is as a buffoon that gets made of fun on Saturday Night Live and him hosting The Apprentice. That this ignorant, racist, and seemingly extremely unqualified man is even close to being president of the US is rather shocking and scary to me.


    American politics gets a lot of attention here and everyone is basically terrified of the thought of any of the conservatives/Republicans running the US and what it could mean of the rest of us since, like it or not, the US basically sets the standards for the rest of the world. People are practically begging any American expats that they know to go back to the US during the election to try and make sure it doesn't happen.


    Also, can someone explain to me how Ronald Reagan become the hero of the conservative/Republican movement in the US? He is basically universally reviled and detested in Australia and growing up here and South Africa, we were pretty much taught in school that he was a horrible person and president and as a big reason the rest of the world started to hate the United States. Seeing him held up as the hero/deity/saviour of the conservatives in the US is I think pretty frightening to a lot of other countries.

  15. New York City (specifically, Brooklyn)--It's been since Clinton was nominated in 1992 (albeit at Madison Square Garden) that the Dems have been here, although the GOP held theirs here in 2004. I'd be okay with this. And again, it puts the party in another region: the Northeast (the last time? Boston in 2004).

    Its a long story why, but I went to the DNC in Boston in 2004! It was super fun. If you get to go to a convention, you'll have a great time.

  16. Can someone explain to me exactly what the tea party is? Are they a group separate from the Republicans or are they another branch? Our news here tends to lump them all together as Republicans but then I see other places making it seem like they're two separate groups.

  17. Local council election results in the UK tonight. UKIP, a right wing party in the UK, made strong gains. This will likely cause heartburn for Labour most of all, as it will potentially thwart their comeback. And some Tories are already suggesting they team up with UKIP.


    I read a frightening article a few days ago (I can't remember where) about fringe parties in various European locales and their love of Putin.

    What is the difference between UKIP and BNP? I was trying to remember.

    UKIP doesn't mind free market trade with the rest of the world while BNP wants to keep the economy in Britain and keep everyone else out. UKIP will also accept anyone as long as they identify as British while BNP only basically wants white, Protestant, British born people.

    UKIP is pretty much accepted as a legitimate but fringe group while BNP is seen as a neo nazi hate group. BNP, if not already, will certainly line up with Putin. UKIP I don't think will.

    UKIP is full of hate and loud mouths but they probably won't be able to do much harm. They'll be more a headache than anything else. BNP is the one to really worry about.

    The far Right Wing gains in Europe are frightening. Here in Australia, we have our most ring wing government yet led by laughingstock and all around buffoon Tony Abbott who is absolutely incompetent. Other than Fred Nile and his gang of crazies managing to keep getting a few seats on the state level, we've pretty much kept the extreme far right wingers and fringers out. Tony Abbott and the Liberals managed to rise up and win the election basically because the Labor party got overtaken with fighting between Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd and then they blew the election.

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