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Posts posted by AdelaideCate007

  1. 7 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    @Vee, can I just say that you are a saint?


    If you weren't here reassuring us all that it'll be fine, I'd be at the bottom of a bottle now in deep depression & anxiety. 


    I'm on the other side of the world and I'm close to panicking. If this racist blob pulls this off, I give up all faith I had in America.

  2. That I Will Remember You video is amazing, especially the Giuliani part. I was only familiar with him and Newt Gingrich before this [!@#$%^&*] show began, but good lord that whole group of surrogates is just the worst.


    I'm also quite fond of this video. The woman with Brooke Baldwin that makes an appearance towards the end is just wow:



  3. Well that's good. I'm hoping it goes as smooth as possible and that these people just go back into whatever hole they come from.


    That seems like a good start for Hillary right? I'm not sure were NH falls in the state of things.


    Also, can anyone explain to me where these people that get on CNN and MSNBC and defend Trump come from? Like Jeffrey Lord and that Kayleigh girl. Are these people he pays and what exactly qualifies them to be on the telly everyday preaching about him? (again- sorry for all the questions, I'm just really finding this whole thing frightening yet fascinating at the same time)


    I just LOLed at this. The anger is so real. I've seen that woman that brings up the Red Lobster line on CNN harping on the same set of lyrics lol.


    6 minutes ago, Vee said:

    You'll likely know in a little less than 24 hours.


    It is easily the most dangerous and important election of my life, and I survived the Bush years. But no, I do not think it will be close and I am not very worried. I haven't been much all along, really. But we know the world is watching, and I think most of us are very ready to put this behind us.


    Thanks! I'm not really worried about the results themselves either so much as I'm worried about how his supporters are going to take it. Judging by most of their Twitter presences, they're not the most sane people and seem to honest to god believe that he's winning and that the election is being rigged against them.

  5. So we should know the results of this in about 24 hours right? For a non-American, I'm so nervous; I can't even imagine how you guys feel.


    I've never been so invested in anything involving American politics ever but this feels so much bigger than just America. I feel like the whole world is watching with bated breath to make sure that orange blob doesn't become leader of the free world.

  6. Thanks for all the replies about Georgia and North Carolina. I always forget about the rural areas in places like that and that they're way more heavily populated than our rural areas.


    Sorry for all the questions, but can someone explain to me what has happened with Rudy Giuliani? Has he gone crazy or senile? Does he have some sort of personal vendetta against the Clintons? i just imagine why someone who was suppose to respected, for lack of a better word, would be so willing to go down with a man like Trump.

  7. 3 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Nathan Deal is out here calling folks 'colored.' :rolleyes:




    Colored People? 1f612.png😒 


    Bitch, it is 2016 not 1964. Also, the last time I checked, white was in a box of Crayola too, so it is a color. 


    I HATE ignorant ass people who do it intentionally. Old ass fart. I hope his prostate falls out.




    I have to admit I'm really surprised that Georgia is apparently considered a conservative state and is run by Republicans. Granted my whole experience with Georgia is entirely based on a two week holiday in Atlanta, Savannah, and some place called St. Simon's and then driving through Mason (Macon? whatever it's called- that city near Atlanta), but I assumed it was really diverse and probably more of a liberal state thanks to the UN building in Atlanta, CNN, and all the stuff in Savannah. Where is all this conservative support coming from? I'm also curious about North Carolina because that's another place  that I assumed was more on the liberal side but apparently isn't?

  8. What exactly are "murder gangs"?


    56 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    LMAO Hillary like Hitler, they had to be smoking something wacky that's for sure. Most people who support Trump are racist, sad to say.

    I don't think the Canadian's would want their racist asses either lol. They have offered jobs and whatnot to people if Trump wins though lol


    I hate to generalise people but yes, I've sort of come to that realisation. I know heaps claim to not be racist but by openly voting for and endorsing him, you're at the very least saying you're okay with his racist views (not to mention that he's also a sexist, xenophobe, homophobe, misogynist, and idiot).


    No, Canda won't want Trump and his kind. No one outside of the Putin loyalists in Russia and the Le Pen loyalists in France will want them. 

  9. I met my first Trump supporters out in the wild this morning. An older American tourist couple on the train were basically shouting about how great is he and that he's going to turn America around (this was when they weren't complaining about why they couldn't find a Starbucks and their dismay at there being a lot of African and Asian immigrants in Sydney since they thought Australia was "all white"). The husband then started going off about how Hillary is  like Hitler and that they're moving to Canada if she wins (everyone who can hear them snickers). 


    The whole thing just left me sad. The world already has such a negative view of America and Americans in a lot of ways and this business with Trump really isn't helping. I'm not proud of some of the comments I heard from some of fellow Australians when the Americans got finally off the train but I have to assume that's the way a lot of people around the world are feeling while watching the clusterfuck. I know I personally feel embarrassed and just kind of dumbfounded.

  10. 5 hours ago, quartermainefan said:


    They have been hunting witches with her for 25 years, they practically admit it every week.   They already are saying they have 2 years worth of investigative committees all ready to go.   The thing you can say about the Clintons is no matter how tricky their enemies get they are trickier.    I think that's why the republicans hate them so.   It's a shame she has no sense of self awareness about secrets and stuff and doesn't make it so easy for people to come after her.    The whole email mess was of her own making.


    But places like BBC, Sky News, Seven Network, and the rest of the Australian/British/International press always bring up whenever this email issue is drug back up that Colin Powell also used a private server and email address (and that his staff used AOL) and that the Bush administration deleted/lost something like 20 million emails. The Bush administration also had 13 embassy attacks with 60 something deaths as compared to the one Benghazi attack. They're obviously not lying about those things happening (a simple online search shows that they all happened) so why are they all not drug through the mud like Hillary? Why is she the only one who has to deal with this while Powell and Bush aren't held accountable? That's why at this point at just looks like a witch hunt.

  11. I'm not going to pretend to understand all the ins and outs of this email thing but to me, and how it's presented in the Australian news, it just seems like she made a mistake and that at this point it's just one big witch hunt.


    What the !@#$%^&*] is this kind of stuff? And this person is apparently an elected official?


    Ugh, I just hope you guys manage to make through the election and the few months after that without any violence or riots.

  13. Is there a reason the Republican party in America is so against what Im assuming is basically a version of socialised medicine? It works literally everywhere else so why not there?


    I'm still trying to figure out what the problem with socialized medicine is.

    Same. I've lived under socialised medicine my entire life and never once had an issue or long waits or been denied coverage or any of the other problems they try and claim happen under socialised medicine.

  14. Our Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten (he's a member of the Labor party- the left/progressive party here) has again come out against Trump: 

    Heaps of other Labor MP members- as well as some of the Australian Greens MPs and a few Liberal Party MPs (the conservatives here)- have come out against him but Shorten has been the highest ranking and most steadfast in his condemnation and has been actively trying to make sure American expats are aware of how and when to vote and for rallying support for Democrats Abroad. Our PM Turnbull says he isn't going to support Trump but doesn't want to criticise him either but a lot of people on the chat shows are saying that that might change after this weekend and how tonight and the next few days go.


    Spoke too soon- Malcolm Turnbull is on the telly condemning Trump and saying him and his comments are loathsome, vile, and dangerous. Even Barnaby Joyce (Deputy PM and member of National Party of Australia- another conservative party) having a go at him and saying America deserves better and dragging him.


    Don't know if you guys can see this in America, but Derryn Hinch and our own version of Trump, Pauling Hansen, get in a row over Trump-


  15. So Assange released more empty trash about Hillary right after Trump's tape broke. I guess this will soon be the "big" story, even though nothing is in it beyond more of Clinton obviously changing her positions in the last year or two (and she mentions open borders, but people who are focused on that aren't voting for her anyway). It's laughable that he claimed a few days ago he wasn't against Hillary. He really is a stooge.



    No one but Trump supporters, the alt right, and the like give a f*ck about Julian Assange and whatever rubbish he's trying to spread now. This isn't going to get any traction.

  16. Most of our media is very, very anti-Trump (except for that clown Greg Sheridan at The Australian who's still mad about the Clintons "snubbing" him back in 1996 so if anyone brings him up as evidence of the rest of the world supporting Trump, ignore him, he doesn't speak for us) and have jumped on this and the Central Park Five thing and are saying that it's basically all over for Trump. I'd like to think that's true. What do you guys think? From my perspective, it certainly looks that way to me.

    Smart you all are ;) I hate that Trump has made a mockery of the US and the office of President. Do you guys see him as a dictator too? That's how he comes across

    Yes, he comes across as a potential dictator to me. Not trying to be dramatic, but I feel like, if he could, then yes he'd be a dictator and probably start World War III in the process.


    Watching CNN international right now and they just aired a segment with Dana Bush speaking to a Trump supporter who admitted he can't see how any woman votes for him now. Unfortunately I still see a lot doing so and trying to counter with Bill Clinton but I do feel like this sunk him with the majority of rational female voters.

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