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Posts posted by AdelaideCate007

  1. 10 hours ago, KMan101 said:

    I'm so happy Kristina Wagner and Felicia are included. She HAD to be but she hasn't been on the show in over a year so ... what's going on with that? Did she just ... leave? Or wasn't able to travel due to COVID? 


    Looking forward to seeing Reilly's daughter play his on-screen daughter. Too bad it seems to just be a guest spot.


    I'm assuming the 'secret' is Kimberly McCullough as Robin but she already spoiled it herself so ... although I keep waiting to see Geary's decrepit ass pop up in the tribute.


    She didn't want to work without a vaccine apparently.


    Anyway, basically all the vets are involved in this except for like two. No idea why they didn't list everybody in the article. I think it'll be a nice tribute.

  2. The issue has always been that he never should have been Franco in the first place. I don't care what kind of chemistry he had with people. It was absurd from day one, and it got even worse when they tried to hand wave away everything he had done. I'll admit he was great with Becky chemistry wise but they never should have gone there. There were literally 7 or 8 different characters they could have had Roger play, but they insisted on him playing. Even all these years later, they did the right thing by finally getting rid of him. Roger should have just been Tom Hardy or some new Quartermaine from the jump.


    As for Todd, Vee is right. It's impossible to have a character like that on the show right now and as a leading man. It was problematic back then too. However, at the end of the day, Todd raped Marty (and was going to rape her again), assaulted Luna, punched Tea, tormented and stalked Nora, and did all kinds of heinous stuff to Blair. It's all on YouTube. You just can't have someone with that kind of history as a leading mean now. It would never fly.


    And no, no one is pleased with the parade of Michael Easton characters either.

  3. 16 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    From what I've seen over the last few years I feel like William and Kate aren't anywhere near where they were early on (due in part to criticism of being workshy, various rumors about his infidelity, etc.), which is partly why they have suddenly gone on forced PR tours, but I guess compared to the others in the family other than the Queen they would be most popular. It doesn't seem like anyone in the family outside of the Queen gets much praise, compared to where things were 4-5-6 years ago where you could say there was a new generation in place.


    Perhaps in the US, but I just on the telly that William and Kate have a 75% approval rating. Even among my friends who dislike the royals (both in Australia and South Africa), William and Kate are liked. This is definitely a case where the internet gives off a different impression than real life tbh. 


    40 minutes ago, Vee said:

    That's about what I expected. I think the lasting impact back in the UK will be in the younger generations, at least anecdotally from English friends. I do think it kills the British press and the royals that they can't wholly control the response here, as they often couldn't with Diana. Meghan is more divisive than Diana was, but they will continue to get attention and sympathy.


    Yes, this. In the UK, this will really only have an impact on younger generations. Everyone else already made their mind up a long time ago on how they felt.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Skin said:

    That is another thing I find interesting. They take it as a slight against the Queen personally more than anything else. Everything else is kind of ignored, they just see it as this young entitled couple being mean to Grandma. 


    Yes, one of the main takeaways I'm seeing here in Australia is that heaps and heaps of people think the whole interview is rude. I'm not taking a side, but its definitely playing one way in the US and differently in other parts of the world. I have a lot of friends who don’t normally care about the royals but are saying they think Meghan and Harry are being "impolite".


    11 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I'm not surprised by this. The damage is going to be more in the long-term, especially since the likes of Charles, Camilla, William and Kate are not a very good, or compelling, face for a monarchy. 


    I think it's also a black American woman. If this was another Diana, some would have a different view. 


    Nobody cares about Charles or Camilla really, but William and Kate are still very popular.


    There is definitely some anti-American feelings seeping into this as well. 

  5. 4 hours ago, kalbir said:

    Maybe it's me but I've always gotten the impression that British society on the whole is very class-based, which is rather sad in this day and age.


    It is in a lot of ways.


    As I guess one of the few (maybe the only one?) posting here who technically lives under the monarchy, all I'm going to add to this conversation is that a lot people here and in our press seem to be on the royals' side this time. I'm surprised tbh with the support I'm seeing, not so much from the more traditional side, but also from people who normally don’t care for the monarchy. I'd say its about half and half and that surprises me. 


    I think this will ultimately only end up being damaging in the US. I think a lot people in the rest of the world will see it as being rude or impolite, especially towards the Queen and the family (and that's even people that maybe are on Meghan and Harry's side).

  6. On 2/14/2021 at 7:39 PM, titan1978 said:



    On GH both Lucy and Tiffany could go over the top and had characterizations that were larger than life.  But I always felt they managed to reign it in.  Tony Geary used to be able too as well, until he became miserable shouty Luke during the latter JFP era.


    These were the first two I thought of when it came to being overdramatic lol. I feel like both the actresses and the show knew when to tone down the theatrics however and it was played for laughs. Lucy got completely overdramatic in the vampire years of Port Charles though.





    Like what are either of them going for here lol. Awful. Between him turning into the vampire and the loud af breathing and her rubbing his head while yelling/comforting him, it's too [!@#$%^&*] much. 


    I can't find the scene now, but when Marty shoved Natalie off the roof on OLTL. Completely absurd and OTT. 


    That Brenda clip....whew LOL.

  7. So sad. I loved him and Tiffany on GH as a kid.


    On 1/12/2021 at 2:28 PM, KMan101 said:


    I appreciate they are. But they also paid tribute to Susan Brown and Peter Hansen and I was less than impressed but who knows?


    Neither of these were great, but sadly, a lot of that was probably due to the fact that everyone that really knew Lee and Gail are marginilised or gone from the show. There just wasn't a lot to work with (that doesn't excuse how half arsed it was though with flashbacks and story beats). At least this time, they have Anna, Monica, Robert, Laura, and Mac as fairly active characters. Felicia and Bobbie are around. There's also Tracy, Lucy, Scott, and Kevin. There's actually enough people around to shore up a decent tribute episode or two if they want to.

  8. AMC- Trevor, Natalie, Edmund. Trevor in the freezer is still especially egregious to me. What was the purpose of that?


    AW- Frankie, Ryan. Both go without saying


    However GH totally owns this topic. AJ, Alan, Georgie, Emily, Tony, and I'd even throw people like Stefan and Rick in there too. Emily and Georgie were shortsighted. AJ was just a waste both times. Alan was completely cruel and unnecessary. I get why they killed Tony but it's sad it ever came to that point. Killing off Stefan and Rick both were ridiculous stories that I could have done without, especially since both characters could have been used over the years..

  9. It wasn't from ABC, at least for me. It was because some episode had three Chris Isaak songs playing in the background and I got it with a music copyright thing. I never had an issue with episodes.


    I'm just going to start another channel and I'll look into the archive.org thing but it might be US only.

  10. I'm sure I'm probably more to the left of most of the people here (just by virtue of my location and whatever), so I'm not trying to sound ignorant when I ask this, but what's the deal with the AOC hate from the liberal side of things? I'll admit I've only see her on twitter and CNN and she seems aggressive but relatively harmless. However, I see so much dislike here and from in the news and that also seems really valid, so I'm just left confused. I get the issue with Bernie, but she seems innocuous to me so I feel like I'm clearly missing something. I get the Democrats are the left wing party, but not super far to the left, so is that the issue? Is it her personally? The idea of not wanting to push the party too far to the left? 

  11. The clip @Vee posted a few pages back of the Trump supporters waving flags and dancing to Rage Against the Machine without a shred of awareness or hint of irony has ruined me. Why don't these people ever listen to the lyrics of these songs lol.


    Scott Morrison was just on the news talking about how excited he is to started working with Biden, so clearly the rest of the world leaders got tired of waiting for it to be called and has just called it themselves. The Prime Minister of Fiji did the same thing.

  12. 12 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Let me guess - they are still undecided, or they support Trump.


    Here we are with the media trying to help Trump with ideas (again).



    This will likely help Republicans in the House and Senate (I've been wary of Democrats picking up the Senate anyway), but Trump doesn't give a damn about this type of stuff.


    All of the undecideds on CNN broke for Biden except for I think one who basically said it was a wash.


    I'm not seeing anyone care about the oil thing on twitter outside of people who were already voting for Trump.


    In other news, I think the Hunter Biden thing finally died with this debate. Even the WSJ basically said it's nothing.

  13. Oh I know the tweet was. I meant Giuliani, Trump, and whoever else is involved in the original story.


    I'm actually in Australia and we sadly have out fair share of crazies in the government. Hoping the New Zealand wave moves over here and our right wingers get voted out asap.

  14. Says a lot that they think that this story somehow reflects badly on Joe Biden.


    In political news from my part of the world, the Nats (New Zealand's right wing party) are going down in flames in the election. Labour might win by a big enough margin to win the majority outright and avoid a cooperation government with the Greens.

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